(1) As an employer of choice, the University of Canberra (University) remains committed to providing a range of flexible working options aimed at assisting employees to meet family and personal obligations and support a healthy work-life balance. (2) This Policy explains the University's flexible work benefits and how employees can access them, and covers: (3) This Policy applies to all University employees. (4) All employees can apply for a formal flexible work arrangement, which is an ongoing agreement between an employee and the University for a change in their working arrangements. Employees can also apply to access the University's flexible working benefits, including flextime and purchased leave. (5) In addition to our formal flexible work arrangements and benefits, the University encourages employees and their Managers to adopt informal flexible work practices within their team, balancing busy periods with quiet periods and remaining flexible while ensuring the University's operational needs are met. (6) The following are examples of flexible working options that employees can request from their Manager. This does not represent an exhaustive list, and all requests for flexible working will be considered in line with legislative requirements and within the scope of this Policy: (7) Employees requesting flexibility arrangements must submit a written request to their Manager. The request should clearly outline the change sought and reasons for the change. It should also address issues such as the potential effect on workplace operation, potential effect on colleagues, and how their productivity will be maintained or increased as a result of the change. (8) Where possible, within 14 days of receiving the request, the employee and their Manager will meet to discuss the request. Managers will give consideration to the request or consider suitable alternatives agreeable to the employee and the organisation. (9) The Manager will respond to the employee’s flexible work request within 21 days of receipt, either granting or refusing the request. Requests for flexible work will be considered in accordance with governing legislation and the Enterprise Agreement, as well as in the context of employee needs, the provision of customer service and operational requirements. (10) Requests for flexible working will only be refused on reasonable business grounds which are compatible with statutory guidelines. Should the request be refused, the University will outline the operational reasons for the decision in writing. (11) Where the employee and their Manager agree to flexible working arrangements, an agreement will be signed, and a copy will be placed on their personnel file. The agreement will normally contain a 12 monthly review to ensure that the arrangements remain consistent with the employee’s requirements, and/or the operational requirements of the University. People and Diversity will assist the Manager and employee to determine whether the arrangements require a written understanding, or an Individual Flexibility Agreement (IFA) (see definition below). (12) Part of the University’s suite of flexible work benefits includes flextime and the option for staff to purchase additional recreational leave. (13) Professional employees from UC Level 1 to UC Level 7 may access flextime in accordance with clause 54 of the Enterprise Agreement and the Flextime, Overtime and Time Off In Lieu Guidelines associated with this Policy. (14) Employees need to apply and be approved by their Manager before they can accrue flex. (15) Employees may purchase additional leave if they have used all of their available recreational and long service leave entitlements. The Leave Guidelines provide detail on the application and process to purchase leave. (16) Nil.Flexible Work Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
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Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Principles
Flexible Work Arrangements
Other Flexible Work Benefits
Purchased Leave
Section 4 - Responsibilities
Top of Page
People and Diversity
Section 5 - Procedures
Section 6 - Definitions
Reasonable business grounds
Reasonable business grounds for refusing a request for flexible working arrangements include but are not limited to:
Individual Flexibility Arrangement (IFA)
An Individual Flexibility Arrangement (IFA) can be used to vary certain terms of an Enterprise Agreement as it applies to that particular employee covered by the IFA. For more information, please see your HR Business Partner.
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