(1) The University of Canberra (University) is a reporting entity as defined in the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) and is required to comply with obligations pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2018, including the submission of the Modern Slavery Statement. (2) The purpose of this Policy is to codify the University’s commitment to deliver a strong response to Modern Slavery by seeking to ensure that the University itself, its Partners, Suppliers, Contractors, and others with whom the University does business, respects and shares the University’s commitment to minimising the risks of Modern Slavery. (3) This Policy applies to all: (4) Modern Slavery encompasses situations where coercion, threats or deception are used to exploit people and undermine or deprive them of their freedom. (5) In accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2018 and divisions 270 and 271 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth), Modern Slavery includes: (6) Modern Slavery breaches the most fundamental freedoms and human rights of individuals, and the University rejects all forms of Modern Slavery and recognises that Modern Slavery is never acceptable. (7) The University expects staff, students, Partners, Suppliers, Contractors, and all those who have, or seek to have, a relationship with the University, to familiarise themselves with this Policy and to act in a way that is consistent with its values. The University will seek to only do business with people and organisations who fully comply with this Policy, and those who are taking verifiable steps towards compliance. (8) As a higher education institution, the University recognises the important role the University, and the tertiary education sector, can play in making a significant contribution to the global effort to eliminate Modern Slavery. (9) The University is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all its functions and activities. This includes by taking appropriate action to identify and address issues within its direct control which have the potential to cause, contribute to, or directly link the University to Modern Slavery. (10) Where Modern Slavery risks arise outside the University’s direct control, the University will use its influence and leverage to engage with Partners, Suppliers, Contractors and others with whom the University does business, to effect change in their relevant practices. If an identified risk is unable to be eliminated or mitigated, the University may choose to cease the relationship with that Partner, Supplier, Contractor, or other party with whom the University is doing business with. (11) The University is committed to taking meaningful action by implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to remedy Modern Slavery risks in its operations, supply chains and investments. (12) The University will establish a Modern Slavery risk register and review it annually in line with this Policy and the annual Modern Slavery Statement, to determine which parts of its operations and supply chains are most at risk of Modern Slavery. (13) Where the University identifies an incident or event that may cause, contribute to, or be directly linked to, a form of Modern Slavery, its response will be informed by this Policy and the Modern Slavery Procedure. (14) This Policy and the Modern Slavery Procedure will be used to underpin and inform the University’s Modern Slavery Statements pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2018. (15) Refer Modern Slavery Procedure.Modern Slavery Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Scope
Top of PageSection 3 - Principles
Section 4 - Responsibilities
Top of Page
The Council is responsible for approving the University’s Modern Slavery Statements in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2018.
The Vice-Chancellor is responsible for the approval of this Policy and has overall responsibility for it, and in ensuring the University complies with all legal and ethical obligations.
Must report suspected and known cases of Modern Slavery in accordance with the Modern Slavery Procedure.
Section 5 - Procedures
Section 6 - Definitions
any other persons appointed or engaged by the University to perform duties or functions on its behalf.
Means the individual or organisation that the University has entered into a contract with to provide specified goods or services, and includes their officers, directors, subcontractors, agents, related entities and consultants.
Controlled Entity
Has the meaning given in the Controlled And Related Entities Policy. At the date of this Policy, this is:
a separate legal body which the University has the capacity to determine the outcome of decisions about the entity's business and financial arrangements.
Modern Slavery
As defined in clause 5 of this Policy.
Modern Slavery is also defined in the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) at section 4.
Modern Slavery Act
Means the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth), as amended from time to time.
Modern Slavery Statement
Means the annual statement the University is required to prepare and submit in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2018, regarding the risks of Modern Slavery in the University’s operations and supply chains.
Includes organisations and people who collaborate with the University or participate in a joint venture or research initiative with, or on behalf of, the University.
Means an organisation or person who supplies the University with goods or services, and includes their officers, directors, subcontractors, agents, related entities and consultants.
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