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Position Classification and Broadbanding Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Policy provides the principles related to the determination of position classifications for Professional employee positions, in accordance with the provisions of the University of Canberra’s (University) Enterprise Agreement and Job Evaluation System approved by the University.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) This Policy applies to professional employee’s governed by the Enterprise Agreement and should be read in conjunction with the Position Classification Standards and Individual Broadbanding procedure as outlined in the Enterprise Agreement.

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Section 3 - Principles

(3) The University is committed to recognising the value of work required to be performed by our employees and the contribution they make to achieving the University’s strategic goals.

(4) Position classification standards and the job evaluations conducted under the Job Evaluation System provide equity and consistency of outcomes across the University.

(5) Classification of positions are based on the following principles:

  1. Position classifications are based on the review of a position description, requirement of, and evaluation of work to be performed.
  2. Position classification reviews are an assessment of the work value of the position. The Remuneration and Benefits Policy and the Performance Expectations Policy are the mechanisms for reward or salary increase for an individual’s performance.
  3. Position Classification Standards and position evaluations will be conducted using the Job Evaluation System and are recognised as the underlying elements to determine a position classification.
  4. An increase in classification can be justified only after an assessment has determined a significant net addition to the value of the work required to be performed and is unquestionably at a higher classification level.
  5. A change in work or increase in work volume does not determine a change in the value of the work being undertaken.
  6. The University recognises that in some circumstances, broadbanding of positions can provide the University and employee with flexibility to deliver work value at a higher classification. The University will consider broadbanding requests on an individual basis in accordance with Enterprise Agreement provisions and related procedures, where work at a higher level is genuinely required.
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Section 4 - Responsibilities

Who Responsibilities
People & Culture Management of the Job Evaluation System.
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Section 5 - Procedure

(6) Nil. 

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Section 6 - Definitions

Terms Definitions
Broadbanding Refers to the merging of two or more of the general position classification levels provided for in the Enterprise Agreement to form an extended classification.