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Brand and Marketing Procedure

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Procedure supports the University’s Brand and Marketing Policy by outlining the process and procedures for the University’s staff to access centralised marketing services for all Brand, Brand Assets, marketing and promotional activities.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) This Procedure has the same scope as the Brand and Marketing Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedure

Access to Branded elements

(3) The University’s staff have access to a suite of approved Brand and Brand Assets through the staff portal Marketing page. This suite includes email signature guidelines, Word and PowerPoint templates and approved rankings language. These items can be downloaded for use according to the University’s Brand Guidelines and in accordance with the Brand and Marketing Policy.

(4) Staff can seek approval and access to the University logo and other Brand elements via the staff portal for limited digital uses, and access for any other use. Again, these items must be used in accordance to the University’s Brand Guidelines and the Brand and Marketing Policy. Use of the logo is determined on the basis of:

  1. the nature of the relationship with the University;
  2. alignment with University’s image and teaching, research and community purpose;
  3. the purpose of the use of the logo;
  4. the proposed placement, channels and format of the use of the logo; and
  5. the date(s) or periods when the logo will be used.

Access to Marketing services

(5) Marketing maintains and delivers the University’s Brand presence, student and staff recruitment campaigns, domestic and international marketing plans and initiatives across all owned, earned and bought channels.

(6) Online requests for marketing services, including strategy, campaigns, graphic design, advertising, promotions and social media, can be made via the Marketing page on the UC Staff Portal.

(7) Requests are divided into four categories:

Graphic design requests
  • Brochures, flyers, posters and cards
  • Publications, booklets and guides
  • Signage and display banners
  • Digital: screens, banners and tiles
  • Stock Photography, images and graphics
Marketing requests
  • Campaign strategy and management
  • Advertising
  • Direct marketing (email, SMS, etc)
  • Copywriting and editing
  • Video production
Web and digital
  • Web and digital strategy, advice and management
  • Product / Platform advice and support
  • Web author helpdesk support
  • Existing web content and design review
  • New UC branded web and digital projects
  • Website data and analytics
  • Mobile app advice

Process and costs

(8) Marketing will review and scope the brief and respond within a reasonable period (3–5 business days) to acknowledge the request and discuss expected turn-around times. 

(9) Most requests are completed in-house, to schedule and incur no cost for the use of Marketing's internal resources. However, if Marketing are at capacity due to a large volume of University work or competing strategic priorities, the request may be:

  1. negotiated towards a different deadline; or
  2. outsourced in part or in full to a partnering agency at cost to the client area (this would be actioned with through consultation and approval by client area).

(10) Projects that involve elements that are not part of internal Marketing resources or expertise, such as production (including printing, photography, video or specialist digital development) will be outsourced to a partnering agency at cost to the client area.

(11) In all instances, external costs are competitively quoted and discussed with the client area prior to proceeding. Marketing will manage the external agency relationship, meaning that marketing will engage with a contracted agency on behalf of the relevant business area, to ensure that the deliverables meet Marketing brand requirements.

(12) Costs that are incurred for the placement of advertising across all bought channels will be charged at cost to the client area. The advertising placement cost will be quoted and discussed with the client area prior to proceeding. Marketing will manage the external advertising placement.


(13) In the case of inappropriate or unauthorised use of the University-owned logos, the Director, Student Recruitment, Marketing & Media or their nominee will contact any person or group using the logo inappropriately or without authorisation to resolve non-compliance issues. If non-compliance is not resolved within a reasonable timeframe, the matter will be referred to the University’s Legal team. Where reasonable, costs associated with the breach will be forwarded to the person or group to settle.

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Section 4 - Roles and Responsibilities

Director, Student Recruitment, Marketing & Media
  • Brand protection and Policy implementation.
  • Ensuring the Procedure is accurate and that the University’s process and procedures comply with the University’s legislation and relevant Policies, as well as the University’s strategic marketing plans, policies and strategies. 
  • Reporting on Brand use and effectiveness of the Policy and Procedure.
  • Deputy Director, Marketing
  • Associate Director, Digital
  • Design Lead
  • Marketing Manager
  • Each of these roles is responsible for ensuring that brand assets are applied according to the Brand Guidelines, with a focus on consistency and protection of the University's visual identity. They may also act as an assigned delegate on behalf of the Director, Student Recruitment, Marketing & Media.
  • Ensuring the Procedure is followed and all communications with internal clients are clear, consistent and timely.
  • Collecting feedback on Brand use and effectiveness.
All Marketing team members
To streamline operations and maintain brand oversight, minor approvals may be delegated to designated staff within Marketing, such as social media or communications. These delegated team members are authorised to approve low-risk brand applications, such as day-to-day social media posts or minor updates to print materials, within a defined scope outlined by the Director, Student Recruitment, Marketing & Media. This delegation is intended to improve workflow efficiency while upholding brand integrity across all communications.
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Section 5 - Implementation and Reporting

(14) This Procedure will be implemented by Marketing.

(15) Awareness of this Procedure will be communicated by Marketing through owned channels and presentations with training provided to University areas using Marketing services.

(16) Implementation of the Procedure will be monitored by Marketing through Brand compliance.

(17) Outcomes, including Policy effectiveness, will be reported as needed to Council, the Vice-Chancellor and the University’s Executive.

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Section 6 -  Policies

(18) Refer to the Brand and Marketing Policy.

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Section 7 - Definitions

Terms Definitions
Brand In the context of this Procedure, Brand only refers to the graphic mark or designs intended to differentiate the University from its competitors.
Brand assets Elements of the University’s Brand identity including the logo, photographs, font, stationery, colour pallet, language etc.
Co-brand Considered part of the University’s family Brand, a co-brand links the University’s logo with one or more third-party logos to jointly promote a common function, activity or venture
Media Refers to all owned, earned and bought media channels including print, radio, television, digital, social etc.
Brand Guidelines A definitive guide on how the University’s Brand assets can be used by University staff which can be downloaded from the templates section of the Marketing page located on the Staff Portal.
Sub-brand Considered part of the University’s family Brand, sub-brands are those logos or brand identifies of controlled or related entities of the University. Such entities currently include UCX, UC Sport and UC Stars. These entities have been endorsed to carry their own logo and brand identity, which draws on and is linked to the University’s family Brand via the University’s Brand architecture.
A trademark is a right that is granted for a letter, number, word, phrase, sound, smell, shape, logo, picture and/or aspect of packaging. A registered trademark is legally enforceable and provides exclusive rights to commercial use.