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Scholarships and Prizes Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Procedure supports the Scholarships, Prizes, Medals and Excellence Awards Policy (SPMA Policy) by stating the requirements and processes for scholarships and prizes of the University of Canberra (University).

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) This Procedure applies to:

  1. any unit in the Register of Courses that is an academic requirement of a course equivalent to Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Level 5 to 10.

(3) This Procedure applies to:

  1. a student enrolled in a course of the University equivalent to AQF Level 5 to 10, and
  2. staff and affiliates.
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Section 3 - Policy

(4) Refer to the Scholarships, Prizes, Medals and Excellence Awards Policy.

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Section 4 - Procedure


(5) A scholarship:

  1. may be based on academic merit, equity, or academic merit and equity;
  2. may apply to a commencing or continuing student;
  3. is considered a gift;
  4. may have conditions that are linked to it such as academic performance or specific eligibility criteria; and
  5. will typically be valued at $2,500 or more.

(6) A full or partial fee exemption is a type of scholarship, and is:

  1. typically for international students;
  2. based on academic merit;
  3. has conditions that are specific to the course, the location, or the course and location; and
  4. applies to a teaching period, academic year, or the duration of the course.


(7) A prize:

  1. is based on academic merit;
  2. must be offered for at least three years;
  3. may be awarded to a student or a group of students;
  4. is applied to a unit, a course, or a year of a course;
  5. is considered a gift; and
  6. does not have any conditions attached to it, and may be valued at $500 or more.

(8) When a prize is awarded to a group of students it will be distributed equally, with a minimum value of $100 per student.

(9) For a prize to be awarded to a student or a group of students, a student or a group of students must achieve the minimum level of academic merit as set out in the terms and conditions of the prize agreement.

Establishing a Scholarship and Prize

(10) A scholarship and prize is established through funding by the University, faculty, an external sponsor, an external donor or a combination of these funding sources.

(11) Where two faculties share a prize, the Executive Deans of faculty may determine which faculty will be designated as the owner of the prize.

(12) Each scholarship and prize must have its own agreement. The agreement:

  1. must include the terms and conditions associated with the scholarship or prize, and
  2. specify a period for the agreement, which will be three years unless otherwise specified in the agreement.

(13) When an agreement includes selection of a recipient by a selection panel that includes a member not employed by the University, the terms and conditions must include a process for declaring a conflict of interest, either real or perceived, and details for protecting students’ privacy.

(14) When an agreement includes selection by academic merit, the terms and conditions must include the minimum academic level of achievement, and that the scholarship or prize will not be awarded if the minimum level of academic merit is not achieved.

Developing the Proposal

(15) Advancement, the relevant faculty, or Future Students will, individually or in collaboration, develop a scholarship or prize proposal.

(16) In developing the scholarship or prize proposal, Advancement, the relevant faculty or Future Students must consult with all stakeholders who have an interest in the development of the proposal, including:

  1. the sponsor;
  2. the donor; and
  3. the relevant internal University stakeholders.

(17) Following the finalisation of the scholarship or prize proposal, Advancement and Future Students will undertake due diligence in accordance with clause 18 of this Procedure and in consultation with internal stakeholders, including:

  1. the relevant faculty;
  2. Legal; and
  3. any other internal stakeholders having an interest in the proposal. 

Due Diligence

(18) Due diligence will include at a minimum:

  1. a sponsor assessment; or
  2. a donor assessment; and
  3. review of the terms and conditions and alignment with University strategy and values, and University legislation and policy, and
  4. confirmation of funding availability as determined through the sponsor or donor assessment.

Scholarship Agreement

(19) Once the due diligence process is complete, Future Students will develop a scholarship agreement in consultation with Legal that is based on the scholarship proposal.

(20) Once the scholarship agreement is finalised, the Director, Future Students may endorse the scholarship agreement.

(21) When a scholarship agreement involves a sponsor or donor, the sponsor or donor must sign the scholarship agreement.

(22) Upon receiving endorsement from the Director, Future Students, the scholarship agreement must be provided to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor who may approve the scholarship agreement.

(23) Once the scholarship agreement is finalised and signed by all parties, the Director, Future Students must provide a copy of the scholarship agreement to all stakeholders.

(24) Any scholarship agreement must only be terminated in accordance with terms and conditions of the scholarship agreement.

Prize Agreement

(25) Once the due diligence process set out in clause 18 of this Procedure is complete, Future Students will consult with Legal to develop a prize agreement that is based on the prize proposal.

(26) The Director, Future Students may endorse a prize agreement, in consultation with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor where required.

(27) When a prize agreement involves a sponsor or donor the sponsor or donor must sign the prize agreement.

(28) Upon receiving endorsement from the Director, Future Students, the prize agreement must be provided to:

  1. the Executive Dean of faculty who may approve a faculty level prize agreement, or
  2. Academic Board who may approve a University level prize agreement.

(29) Once the prize agreement is finalised and signed by all necessary parties Future Students will provide a copy of the prize agreement to all stakeholders.

(30) Any prize agreement must only be terminated in accordance with terms and conditions of the agreement.

Publication of a Scholarship

(31) The selection criteria, application process, and relevant terms and conditions of the following scholarships must be published on the University website:

  1. a scholarship funded by the University, and
  2. a scholarship agreement between the University and the Australian Government.

(32) The selection and eligibility criteria, application process, relevant conditions and any restrictions of a scholarship that is not funded by the University may be published on the University website.

(33) The Director, Future Students may approve the publication of a scholarship that is not funded by the University on the University website, following consideration of:

  1. the standing and reputation of the external scholarship awarding body; 
  2. whether the scholarship awarding body is a public entity, not-for-profit, private entity for profit, or a private entity not-for-profit;
  3. the alignment of the scholarship with University strategy and values, University legislation and policy; and;
  4. any reputational risks.

Quality Assurance

(34) Future Students will undertake a review of an agreement:

  1. every three years, or otherwise in accordance with the relevant agreement, or earlier if requested by one of the agreement stakeholders; and
  2. in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement.

(35) Advancement and Future Students will undertake due diligence in accordance with clause 18.  

Agreement Review

Scholarship Agreement Review

(36) The Director, Future Students will consult with the relevant stakeholders and Legal in relation to the amendment of a scholarship agreement and may endorse any amendment proposed to a scholarship agreement.

(37) If the proposed amendments to a scholarship agreement are such that they require the development of a new scholarship agreement, the Director, Future Students will consult with Legal to develop a new scholarship agreement. 

(38) When an amended or new scholarship agreement involves a sponsor or donor they must sign the amended or new scholarship agreement.

(39) Upon receiving endorsement from the Director, Future Students, the amended or new scholarship agreement must be provided to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor who may approve an amended or new scholarship agreement.

(40) Once the amended or new scholarship agreement is finalised and signed by all necessary parties, the Director, Future Students will provide a copy of the amended or new scholarship agreement to all stakeholders.

(41) Any amended or new scholarship agreement must only be terminated in accordance with terms and conditions of the agreement.

Prize Agreement Review

(42) The Director, Future Students will consult with the relevant stakeholders and Legal in relation to the amendment of a prize agreement and may endorse any amendment proposed to a prize agreement, in consultation with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor where required.

(43) If the proposed amendments to a prize agreement are such that they require the development of a new prize agreement, the Director, Future Students will consult with Legal to develop a new prize agreement. 

(44) When an amended or new prize agreement involves a sponsor or donor the sponsor or donor must sign the amended or new prize agreement.

(45) Upon receiving endorsement from the Director, Future Students, the amended or new prize agreement must be provided to:

  1. the Executive Dean of faculty who may approve a faculty level amended or new prize agreement, or
  2. Academic Board who may approve a University level amended or new prize agreement.

(46) Once the amended or new prize agreement is finalised and signed by all necessary parties Future Students will provide a copy of the amended or new prize agreement to all stakeholders.

(47) Any amended or new prize agreement must only be terminated in accordance with terms and conditions of the agreement.

Selection of a Scholarship and Prize Recipient

Selection Based Only On Academic Merit

(48) Future Students will coordinate the process for determining the recipient of a scholarship or prize that is based only on academic merit.

(49) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor may approve the recipient of a scholarship based only on academic merit.

(50) The Executive Dean of faculty may approve the recipient of a faculty level prize based only on academic merit, following endorsement by the Associate Dean, Education, or equivalent, who will consult with unit convener or program director, or equivalent, where it is relevant to the faculty level prize.

(51) A Band 3 delegate may approve the recipient of a University level prize based only on academic merit.

(52) Academic Board must be advised of the recipients of University level prizes.

(53) The recipient of a prize that is based only on academic merit is determined following the approval and release of grades of the teaching period by the relevant Faculty Assessment Board.

Selection Based on Alternate Criteria

(54) There will be a selection panel that will be responsible for the selection of recipients of scholarships or prizes that are awarded based on a combination of academic merit and other criteria or based solely on other criteria (the selection panel).

(55) The selection panel will be determined by the Director, Future Students as follows:

  1. A selection panel must include at least three members of University staff, and include a balance of representation, knowledge and gender.
  2. The selection panel may include members external to the University when an agreement stipulates this in its terms and conditions.
  3. The Director, Future Students may approve the selection panel. 

Conflicts of interest

(56) When a staff member or affiliate of the University is a member of the selection panel, they must formally declare a conflict of interest, either real or perceived, to their manager or supervisor who will liaise with the Director, Future Students. 

(57) When an external person is a member of the selection panel, the Director, Future Students will ensure any declarations of a conflict of interest, ether real or perceived, and details for protecting students’ privacy are undertaken in accordance with the agreement.

(58) The Director, Future Students will determine the most appropriate way to manage a conflict of interest considering any applicable agreement, relevant risks, implications and University policy. 

(59) Any declared conflict of interest, steps taken to address the conflict and the outcome must be included as part of the official records of the selection panel.

Selecting a Recipient

(60) Each member of the selection panel must be provided with a scoring rubric.

(61) Each member of the selection panel ranks the nominees using the scoring rubric that is to be completed by each member independently.

(62) Once each member of the selection panel has completed their scoring rubric, a recipient of the scholarship or prize is selected based on the scoring rubric.

(63) Selection of a scholarship or prize recipient by the selection panel must include an interview with a nominee when there are two or more nominees with the same score.

(64) Once the selection panel has provisionally selected a recipient, the provisional selection must be provided to:

  1. the Deputy Vice-Chancellor who may approve the recipient of a scholarship based on academic merit and other criteria;
  2. The Executive Dean of faculty who may approve the awarding of a faculty level prize based on academic merit and other criteria; and
  3. Academic Board who may approve the recipient of a University level Prize awarded based on a combination of academic and other criteria, or based solely on other criteria.

Notifying a Recipient of a Scholarship or Prize

(65) Future Students will coordinate the written communication to:

  1. a scholarship, including a continuing scholarship, or prize recipient notifying them of the scholarship or prize, which will include any relevant terms and conditions as set out in the scholarship or prize agreement;
  2. a sponsor or donor as relevant notifying them of the recipient of the scholarship or prize;
  3. nominees who were not successful; and
  4. nominees who no longer meet the terms and conditions of the scholarship as set out in the agreement.

Scholarships and Prize Payments and Reimbursements

(66) Where an external sponsor or donor funds a prize agreement, as stipulated in the prize agreement, the funds will be managed by the sponsor or donor, or be provided to the University to be held in a trust account in accordance with University procedure.

(67) Where the funds of a prize agreement are held by the University, Advancement will organise the donation statements.

(68) Where the prize agreement stipulates payment of the money associated with scholarship or prize by invoice, Future Students will organise the provision of the invoice.

(69) The Manager, Global Learning and Scholarships, a Fees Officer or the Director, Advancement can approve a notification to Finance to request disbursement of payment to the approved recipient of a scholarship or prize.

(70) In instances where the actions of a scholarship recipient have resulted in an overpayment (e.g., a student alters their enrolment after the payment of scholarship funds, the recipient may be required to return the funds to the University.

(71) All instances of incorrect payment or overpayment must be referred to the Director, Future Students.

(72) All financial payments or reimbursements are administered by Finance.

(73) A full or partial fee exemption may be approved by a Fees Officer in accordance with Rule 10 of the University of Canberra Fees Rules 2022, following endorsement by the Executive Dean of faculty.

(74) A full or partial fee exemption is reflected in the student’s admission offer letter, which also outlines any terms and conditions associated with the full or partial fee exemption.

(75) The full or partial fee exemption is administered by Student Connect at the time of enrolment.

Quality Assurance of Continuing Scholarships

(76) Future Students will undertake regular reviews of a student in receipt of a continuing scholarship to ensure the student continues to meet the relevant scholarship terms and conditions as detailed in the scholarship agreement.

(77) A student identified as not meeting the scholarship terms and conditions as detailed in the scholarship agreement or other eligibility criteria will be advised in writing.

(78) A scholarship may be withdrawn by the University where a student is found to not be meeting the scholarship terms and conditions as detailed in the scholarship agreement.

Scholarship and Prize Recognition

(79) Student Connect will ensure that a scholarship and prize based on academic merit, excluding a full or partial fee exemption, will be acknowledged on the student’s academic transcript and on the Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) issued on graduation.

(80) Details of academic merit-based scholarships and prizes may be cited in the graduation ceremony booklet.


(81) The Director, Future Students in consultation with the Director, Advancement, will submit an annual performance report to the Academic Quality and Standards Committee covering key outcomes, including:

  1. the types of benefits provided in the year being reported on;
  2. how scholarships and full or partial fee exemptions funded by the University align with strategic objectives and key performance indicators such as student recruitment, student success and retention, and diversity targets;
  3. the return on investment of funds and resources used to manage the respective programs;
  4. feedback taken from internal and external stakeholders; and
  5. actions, planned or completed, in response to stakeholder feedback.
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Section 5 - Roles and Responsibilities

Academic Board May approve:
  • a University level prize agreement
  • an amended or new University level prize agreement
  • the recipient of a prize based on academic merit and academic merit and other criteria.
  • Develop a prize proposal in consultation with relevant stakeholders (e.g., faculty, sponsor, donor).
  • Undertake due diligence of the scholarship or prize proposal in consultation with relevant stakeholders (e.g., faculty).
  • Organise donation statements.
  • Liaise with, and provide relevant information to the Director, Future Students to include in the annual performance report to the Academic Quality and Standards Committee.
Band 3 delegate May approve the recipient of a University level prize based only on academic merit.
Director, Future Students
  • May endorse:
    • a scholarship agreement.
    • an amended or new scholarship agreement.
    • an amended or new prize agreement, in consultation with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, where required.
  • May approve the selection panel for scholarships and prizes, where stipulated in the relevant agreement.
  • Determine outcome of instances of incorrect payment or overpayment of scholarships.
  • Ensure external members of a selection panel declarations of a conflict of interest, ether real or perceived, and details for protecting Students’ privacy are undertaken in accordance with the Agreement.
  • Determine the most appropriate way to manage a conflict of interest related to selection panels.
  • May approve the publication of a non-University funded scholarship on the University website.
  • Prepare an annual performance report to the Academic Quality and Standards Committee in consultation with the Director, Advancement.
Executive Dean of faculty
  • Advise the Fees Officer regarding requests for a full or partial fee exemption.
  • May approve:
    • a faculty level prize agreement
    • a new or amended faculty level prize agreement
    • the recipient of a faculty level prize based only on academic merit, and
    • the recipient of a faculty level prize determined by a selection panel.
  • Develop a prize proposal in consultation with Advancement, where appropriate, and a sponsor or donor where relevant.
  • Support Advancement and Future Students to undertake due diligence of a scholarship or prize proposal.
  • Determine ownership of a prize which is shared by two faculties.
Faculty Assessment Board As set out in the Faculty Board Charter.
Fees Officer As set out in Rule 10 of the University of Canberra Fees Rules 2022.
Finance Administrative arrangements for scholarship and prize funds and financial payments or reimbursements.
Future Students
  • Undertake due diligence of scholarship or prize proposals, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.
  • Develop a scholarship or prize agreement based on the scholarship or prize proposal, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.
  • Provide a copy of the approved scholarship or prize agreement to relevant stakeholders.
  • Undertake reviews of scholarship and prize agreements, including due diligence and develop a new or amend a current scholarship and prize agreement, where required.
  • Provide a copy of the approved amended or new scholarship or prize agreement to relevant stakeholders.
  • Coordinate the process for determining the recipient of a scholarship or prize that is based only on academic merit.
  • Determine the selection panel to select the recipient of a scholarship or prize that is based on academic merit and other criteria, or only other criteria.
  • Coordinate the communication to recipients of scholarships or prizes.
  • Process a payment to a student for a scholarship or prize.
  • Organise invoices in accordance with an agreement.
  • Undertake regular reviews of student grades who are awarded a continuing scholarship to ensure they meet the relevant scholarship terms and conditions.
  • Communicate to a student where they are determined to not be meeting the terms and conditions of a continuing scholarship.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
  • May approve:
    • a scholarship agreement on establishment.
    • an amended or new scholarship agreement on review.
    • the recipient of a scholarship based only on academic merit.
    • the recipient of a scholarship based on academic merit and other criteria.
  • Provide advice to the Director, Future Students on prize agreements.
Selection panel
  • Members must:
    • declare a conflict of interest, either real or perceived
    • complete the scoring rubric independently
    • interview nominees where there are nominees with the same score, and
    • endorse the recipients of relevant scholarships and prizes.
  • Meet the requisite terms and conditions of SPMA as detailed in written communications.
  • Accept the terms and conditions of a scholarship, including a full or partial fee exemption or continuing scholarship.
  • Advise Future Students of any incorrect payments.
  • Reimburse the University for any inadvertent overpayments.
Student Connect
  • Administer a full or partial fee exemption on enrollment of an eligible student.
  • Ensure recipients of relevant scholarships and prizes are acknowledged in academic transcripts, testamurs and the Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement as required. 
  • Determine the citations included in the graduation ceremony booklet.
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Section 6 - Definitions

Term  Definition 
Academic requirement Has the same meaning as the University of Canberra (Courses and Awards (Courses of Study)) Rules 2023.
Academic transcript  A text that details a student’s entire enrolment record at the University.
Agreement A document that includes terms and conditions that are legally binding.
Affiliate  Includes educational partner teaching staff, clinical title holders, adjunct, and honorary appointees, consultants and contractors to the University holders of offices in University entities, members of boards of University foundations, members of University committees, and any other persons appointed or engaged by the University to perform duties or functions on its behalf.
Assessment [in relation to due diligence] A review of certain credentials of a person, including:
  • identity checks
  • reputational checks
  • criminal history checks
  • review of government regulatory resources
  • review of annual reports where the Sponsor is an organisation
  • legal database searches
  • financial viability checks
  • other philanthropic activities
  • alignment with University values
  • expectations, and alignment with community expectations.
Award  A degree, diploma or certificate that may be awarded by the University under the University of Canberra (Courses and Awards (Courses of Study)) Rules 2023
Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS)  A text that provides information on a student’s higher education qualification, and their academic achievements. 
Enrolled Where a student has accepted an offer and has been admitted to a course, including any period of intermission, until such time as they receive a testamur or they withdraw or are otherwise discontinued by the University, in accordance with the University of Canberra (Student Conduct) Rules 2023
Excellence award  An award that is based on academic merit that is bestowed on a student enrolled in a course of the University. 
Bachelor honours degree   An undergraduate degree that is equivalent to Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Level 8.  
Conferring ceremony  A ceremony for the conferring of awards and includes a ceremony for the conferring of awards held at a meeting of the Council. 
Course  A course of study and instruction, leading to an Award.
Coursework course Is one the following Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) 2013 qualification types, that has been approved by the University’s Academic Board: 
  • diploma 
  • advanced diploma 
  • associate degree 
  • undergraduate certificate 
  • bachelor degree 
  • bachelor honour’s degree
  • graduate certificate
  • graduate diploma
  • masters degree (coursework), and
  • masters degree (extended).
Continuing scholarship  A scholarship that includes payment in instalments over more than one teaching period. 
Gift  A voluntary transfer of money or property to the University by way of benefaction by a donor where no material benefit is received by the donor from the University in return.
Grade point average  An indicator of academic achievement of a course that is calculated using grades awarded to a student on the completion of a unit of study, and expressed as a number between 0 and 7.
Higher degree by research  A master by research degree or doctoral degree (a Doctor of Philosophy, higher doctorate or professional doctorate).
Doctoral degree Refer to Higher Degree by Research.
Donor  A person, group or organisation who makes a donation to the University.
Donation   Refer to gift. 
Donation statement A document that sets out the agreed donation amount and the payment details.
External scholarship  The entirety of the scholarship process, including application, selection, and payment, is conducted externally to the University. 
Fee exemption, full or partial  A type of scholarship, as approved by the Vice-Chancellor or a Fees Officer in accordance with Rule 10 of the University of Canberra Fees Rules 2022
Medal  An acknowledgement of academic merit or academic merit and other criteria bestowed on a graduating student.
Prize  An acknowledgement of academic merit or academic merit and other criteria that may be in the form of money or other benefit (e.g., subscription, gift voucher, goods) as stipulated by the relevant prize agreement:  
  • A prize may be specific to a faculty or faculties (faculty level prize), or the University (University level prize).  
A faculty level prize is awarded on the basis of academic merit only, and a University level prize is a prize that is awarded based on academic merit and/or other criteria.  
Scholarship  A benefit, usually financial, provided to a student for support while undertaking a course at the University.  
Sponsor  A person, group or organisation who enters a sponsorship arrangement with the University.  
Sponsorship  A transfer of money or property to the University, which the University deems to be of benefit to its core functions, activities, or strategy in a transaction where the sponsor receives certain specified material benefits in return. 
Student  A person undertaking a coursework course or a higher degree by research course as defined in the University Register of Courses.
Testamur  An official certification document that confirms that a qualification has been awarded to an individual (Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) 2013, p101). 
Undergraduate course Is one the following Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) 2013 qualification types, that has been approved by the University’s Academic Board: 
  • diploma 
  • advanced diploma 
  • associate degree 
  • undergraduate certificate 
  • bachelor degree, and 
  • bachelor honour’s degree.
Unit A unit of study entered in the University Register of Courses.
University  The University of Canberra ABN 81 633 873 422 
Weighted average mark  A number between 0 and 100 that is calculated using marks assigned to summative assessment, which gives an indicator of academic achievement across a course.