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Student Representative Council Policy

This is the current version of this document. You can provide feedback on this policy to the document author - refer to the Status and Details on the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The purpose of this Policy is to:

  1. establish the Student Representative Council (SRC);
  2. set out the terms of reference for the SRC, which acts as the elected student body;
  3. set out the operations and functions of the SRC.

(2) The purpose of the SRC is to facilitate and enable communication and engagement between the University of Canberra (University) and its student community so that the development and delivery of services and campus life, which are essential to the creation of a quality University experience for students, is informed by an engaged student community.

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Section 2 - Scope

(3) This Policy applies to:

  1. the elected members of the SRC; and
  2. the SRC as a body.
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Section 3 - Principles

General principles

(4) This is a Policy made by Council and known as the “Student Representative Council Policy”.

(5) The SRC:

  1. operates independently of the University; and
  2. may contact the University Secretary for assistance when required.

The Student Representative Council

(6) Any constituent documents developed for the SRC must refer to this Policy and comply with its provisions.

(7) The University may alter or amend this Policy from time to time following consultation with the SRC, with all amendments to be approved by Council.

(8) The role of the SRC is to:

  1. provide representation for the student community that is independent of the University and its leadership and act as a communication channel between the University and the student community to promote a positive student experience;
  2. contribute to University decision-making through active participation on University committees and within clubs;
  3. provide input into the development of policies and services that support students and advance the quality of learning and Higher Degree by Research student research activities at the University;
  4. engage with and consult the student community to encourage feedback and participation on student facing issues, and communicate initiatives taken by the University that have occurred due to student body engagement;
  5. inform the Vice-Chancellor and other University decision-makers about emerging issues for students following consultation with the student community;
  6. be reflective of the student community through the establishment of diverse and inclusive social and cultural representative officer roles;
  7. participate in the organisation and implementation of student educational, cultural, welfare and sporting initiatives, events, services and other campus life activities within the University;
  8. liaise and connect with SRC equivalent bodies of third party providers to engage in and understand the initiatives, activities and issues for students at those providers.

Terms of Reference

(9) The functions of the SRC include:

  1. engaging with the University’s governing bodies and committees, and the University student community on:
    1. the allocation of the Student Services Amenities Fee by the University;
    2. the education quality and standards of the University;
    3. the rules, policies and procedures of the University that impact or meaningfully affect student life and experience;
    4. the physical, cultural and technological learning environments of the University;
    5. student retention, progression and engagement.
  2. keeping proper accounts of property and of all moneys received and expended by the SRC and, upon request of the University, cause the accounts to be audited;
  3. preparing an annual budget proposal for the SRC;
  4. preparing annual accounts for the SRC;
  5. increasing the level of meaningful student engagement with campus events and in the local community including by participation in relevant University student clubs and organisations;
  6. facilitating information, advice and advocacy for students;
  7. publishing a student magazine.

Role of the University

(10) To facilitate the administrative operations of the SRC, the University will:

  1. administer the election of Student Leaders to the SRC in accordance with the Student Representative Council Election Procedure as amended from time to time;
  2. administer operational funding to the SRC and provide guidance on financial matters in accordance with University requirements;
  3. nominate and make available an SRC Governance Officer to provide ongoing administrative and financial assistance;
  4. compensate Student Leaders for their services to the student community;
  5. provide Student Leaders with induction and leadership development training prior to and throughout the Student Leaders’ tenure.

(11) To enable the SRC to undertake its role and perform its functions, the University will:

  1. invite Student Leaders to contribute to initiatives or actions of the University which impact the experience of students;
  2. include Student Leaders, as appropriate, in the functions of University decision-making bodies that consider matters related to the quality of teaching and learning or the student experience;
  3. include and assist Student Leaders in the planning and delivery of campus events and making connections with the local community;
  4. ensure, as required by legislation, the participation of Student Leaders in any committee or group which allocates the Student Services Amenities Fee.

Student Leader Eligibility Criteria

(12) Unless otherwise approved, to be eligible for nomination for membership on the SRC a student must satisfy the Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Be enrolled in a Course at the time of nomination.
  2. Maintain a Grade Point Average of at least 4.0.
  3. Be enrolled in a unit or units of study totalling at least 6 credit points during both Semester 1 and Semester 2.
  4. Remain enrolled within their Electorate Faculty throughout their term of appointment.
  5. Not be subject to academic probation at the time of nomination and throughout their term of appointment.
  6. Not be suspended or excluded under any Statute or Rule at the time of nomination and throughout their term of appointment.
  7. Not be found to have engaged in misconduct under the University of Canberra (Student Conduct) Rules 2023 at any time during their enrolment as a student at the University of Canberra.
  8. Not be ineligible to carry out the functions of their role due to the operation of any Statute or Rule.

(13) A student who no longer meets the Eligibility Criteria, notwithstanding being part way through their tenure on the SRC or resigns from the SRC will immediately lose all access and privileges associated with the role, unless approved by the SRC Executive.

(14) If a student is removed from the SRC by the SRC in accordance with clause 25(c), they will not be eligible for re-election in the election immediately following their removal.

Membership of the SRC

(15) The Student Community shall annually elect student representatives to the SRC in accordance with the Student Representative Council Election Procedure.

(16) Those students elected to the SRC will become the elected representatives of the student body and will be known as Student Leaders.

(17) SRC membership will be comprised as follows:

  1. one student from each Faculty;
  2. one student enrolled at University of Canberra College;
  3. one student who has formally indicated to the University that they identify as a member of an Indigenous Community;
  4. the two students elected to the University Council;
  5. the two students elected to the Academic Board;
  6. one International Student.

(18) Student Leaders may only hold office for an aggregate total of three years.

(19) The membership of the SRC will consist of executive officers and general officers.

Duties of Student Leaders

(20) Student Leaders must:

  1. exercise their powers, meet their obligations and discharge their duties with care and diligence;
  2. act in good faith in the best interests of the student community.
  3. not misuse their position as Student Leader;
  4. not misuse information they gain in their role as a Student Leader;
  5. disclose any perceived or actual conflict of interest on any issue at all meetings of the SRC and any other meeting they attend in their capacity as a Student Leader;
  6. ensure that the financial affairs of the SRC are managed responsibly;
  7. participate in the activities of the SRC in an active, cooperative and professional manner;
  8. at all times, act in accordance with the University’s Statutes, Rules, Policies, Procedures, the Student Charter and any applicable Code of Conduct;
  9. where amenities, services and facilities are to be provided by the SRC through funding allocated by the University, ensure that the funds are allocated and applied to the purposes for which the funds have been made available, and not for any other purpose or reason;
  10. attend all mandatory training sessions provided to them at the commencement of and throughout their tenure;
  11. attend all scheduled SRC meetings, unless apologies have been provided, or prior approval has been granted by the executive;
  12. attend all relevant meetings and participate in all committees and initiatives of the University or UCX Ltd relating to their specified office and assist those committees in the furtherance and attainment of their objectives, unless apologies have been provided or relevant prior approvals have been obtained;
  13. provide regular reports to the SRC summarising the meetings they have attended and specifying any action items for the SRC that arose from the meetings.

(21) Repeated failure to perform duties in accordance with this Policy may cause the Student Leader in question to be removed from the SRC in accordance with clause 25(c).

Failure to Carry Out Duties

(22) If a member of the student community wishes to make a complaint about the services provided by the SRC, or about a decision of the SRC, they may send the complaint to

(23) A Student Leader (the Complainant) may make a formal complaint in writing to the SRC Executive (a Complaint) if they believe that another Student Leader (the Respondent), including a member of the Executive, has breached this Policy by:

  1. failing to discharge their duties and meet their performance expectations as set out in clause 20, or
  2. failing to attend two consecutive meetings of the SRC without apology or prior approval of the majority of the Executive, or
  3. having otherwise breached this Policy or the Student Representative Council Procedure, the Complainant may make a formal complaint in writing to the SRC Executive (a Complaint).

(24) Complaints shall be dealt with in accordance with the principles of procedural fairness.

(25) The Student Leaders may resolve to take one or more of the following actions as appropriate in the circumstances:

  1. Take no further action; or
  2. warn the Student Leader; or
  3. provide a recommendation to the University Secretary that the Student Leader be removed as a member of the SRC setting out at a minimum:
    1. sufficient detail about the complaint;
    2. records of the process that has been adopted to consider the Complaint;
    3. sufficient information to satisfy the University Secretary that procedural fairness has been afforded to the Respondent; and
    4. an explanation of why the removal is recommended having regard to the relevant conduct.

Student Leader Resignations

(26) A Student Leader may resign from the SRC by providing notice in writing to the SRC Secretary.

(27) Any vacancy created shall be filled in accordance with the Student Representative Council Election Procedure.


(28) The University will compensate the Student Leaders for the services provided to the student community.

(29) The terms of the compensation, including the frequency and value of the compensation amount will be determined annually by the Vice-Chancellor or a Deputy Vice-Chancellor.


(30) There must be no fewer than six formal meetings of the SRC during any calendar year.

(31) The frequency, timing and procedures of meetings shall be determined by the SRC executive.

(32) Except for the operation of clause 33, the presence of more than 50% of Student Leaders eligible to vote on an issue at a meeting of the SRC shall constitute a quorum and enable business to be undertaken at the meeting.

(33) If the SRC meeting is to deal with the potential removal of a Student Leader from the SRC, the presence of more than 70% of Student Leaders eligible to vote on the issue shall constitute a quorum and enable the business to be undertaken at the meeting.

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Section 4 - Responsibilities

Who Responsibilities
Council Act as the approval source for this Policy.
Vice-Chancellor Annually set the frequency and value of compensation to be paid to Student Leaders for their service on the SRC.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Where directed by the Vice-Chancellor, set the frequency and value of compensation to be paid to Student Leaders for their service on the SRC.
University Secretary Act as the Policy Custodian for this Policy.
Student Leaders Carry out the role and functions of the SRC set out in clauses 8 and 9 respectively with due care and diligence, and meet their duties and responsibilities as Student Leaders in accordance with clause 20.
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Section 5 - Procedures

(34) Refer Student Representative Council Procedure and Student Representative Council Election Procedure.

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Section 6 - Definitions

Term Definition
Council means the Council of the University, established by Section 9 of the University of Canberra Act 1989.
Course means a course of study and instruction provided by the University.
Eligibility Criteria means the requirements for nomination to the SRC as set out in clause 12.
Policy means this Student Representative Council Policy.
SRC means the Student Representative Council established by this Policy.
Student Leader means the elected members of the SRC.