(1) The Australian Government requires diplomats and their dependants who live in Australia to pay international student tuition fees when enrolling at a university. (2) The University of Canberra (University) recognises the benefit of having members of the diplomatic community as its students. The University also recognises some members of the diplomatic community cannot afford the cost of full international student tuition fees. The University will consider providing a tuition fee concession in such cases. (3) This Policy sets out the eligibility criteria and conditions for a tuition fee concession for diplomats and their dependants. (4) This Policy applies to all diplomats and their dependants who are eligible for a tuition fee concession at the University or at the University of Canberra College (UCC) or University of Canberra English Language Institute (UCELI). (5) To be eligible for a tuition fee concession, a student must: (6) The following conditions apply to the award of a tuition fee concession: (7) Applicants for a tuition fee concession are required to provide: (8) Diplomats or their dependants applying for entry to the University must lodge an application, with all required supporting documentation. (9) Undergraduate students eligible for a tuition fee concession will pay the minimum indicative course fee (with capital component) for on-campus fee-paying international students set by the Australian Government and published in the Higher Education Provider Guidelines 2023. This amount is considerably lower than the University’s standard fee, while complying with the requirements of the Higher Education Support Act 2003. Course fees are subject to indexation and are reviewed annually. (10) Postgraduate and Higher Degree by Research students eligible for a tuition fee concession will pay a fee equal to the fees levied on domestic students undertaking the same course. (11) The Director, Student Connect will determine whether a tuition fee concession will be granted. (12) Nil.Tuition Fee Concession for Diplomats and Their Dependants Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Principles
Fee Level
Section 4 - Responsibilities
Section 5 - Procedures
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