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Variation of Course Requirements Policy

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This document outlines the conditions for granting approval for an individual student to complete an alternative unit (units) in lieu of a unit (units) of study required as part of a course or course component.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) This document includes the principles for variation of course requirements and applies to all University courses.

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Section 3 - Principles

(3) Variations of course requirements (VCRs) will be approved only when the alternative unit aligns with the objectives and learning outcomes of the student’s course.

(4) VCRs may be approved where a student wishes to either:

  1. substitute a unit listed in the requirements of a course with an alternative specified unit for which credit is received;
  2. be exempted from a required unit within a Course because they have completed an equivalent unit without being eligible for credit (an alternative unit is necessary to achieve the required credit points for the course);
  3. in exceptional circumstances and with strong justification, apply for an alternative unit within the University, or a cross-institutional unit in place of a designated unit; or
  4. request an extension beyond the maximum period for successful course completion as specified in the Register of Courses.

(5) A variation of course requirements must not put at risk any professional standing of a course.

(6) The alternative unit should either:

  1. substantially deliver the expected skills and knowledge obtained from the unit being replaced; or
  2. contribute towards the extension of the student’s knowledge and skills in the core discipline, where a student has already obtained the relevant knowledge and skills of the unit being replaced through previous study.

(7) Affected majors and minors will only be considered complete if they comply with the ‘Course Components and Requirements’ outlined in the Course Procedure - Courses and Course Components.

(8) Requests for variations of course requirements that are not consistent with University policies must be approved by the Academic Board or another delegated authority as approved by the Academic Board.

(9) Faculties must monitor VCRs to ensure that the policy principles are applied consistently and transparently across all student cohorts.

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Section 4 - Responsibilities

Who Responsibilities
Academic Board
  • Authorising variation of course requirements which breach the minimum amount of University study as specified in the Course Procedure - Courses and Course Components.
  • Noting yearly variation of course requirements where exceptions to University policy is authorised.
Appropriate Dean and Associate Dean
  • Approving variation to course requirements, following consultation with the Course Convener.
  • Approving variation of course requirements, provided that such variation of course requirements do not breach the minimum amount of University study requirements specified in the Course Procedure - Courses and Course Components.
Faculty Board
  • Approving variation of course requirements for a student where the request is to extend the maximum period of time to complete the academic requirements of the course.
  • Deciding and monitoring quality assurance measures for the authorisation of variation of course requirements within their Faculty.
Student Connect
  • Monitoring applications for compliance with University policy.
  • Recording in detail all authorised variations of course requirements on the Student Management System.
  • Communicating decisions to students regarding their applications for variation of course requirements.
  • Arranging for Academic Board to note annually any variation of course requirements which authorise an exception to University policy.
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Section 5 - Definition

Terms Definitions
Course  A Major, Minor, or other set of units that are a requirement within a Course.
Appropriate Dean  As defined in the University of Canberra (Courses and Awards (Courses of Study)) Rules 2023.
Learning Outcomes  The expression of the set of knowledge, skills and the application of the knowledge and skills a student has acquired and is able to demonstrate as a result of learning.
Resiger of Courses (Digital Handbook) A list of courses and associated awards approved for offering by Academic Board.