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Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Policy

This document is not in force yet. It will take effect from 01/01/2026. To view the current version, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Policy outlines how Work Integrated Learning (WIL) is delivered at the University of Canberra (University) and how WIL supports the University’s Employability Framework.

(2) This Policy supports Standards 1.4, 2, 3.1, 3.2, 5, and 7.3.3 of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021.

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Section 2 - Scope

(3) This Policy applies to:

  1. all University courses determined under the University of Canberra Courses and Awards (Courses of Study) Rules 2023;
  2. all WIL activities in curriculum in undergraduate, postgraduate and higher degree by research (HDR) courses, which includes Placements, Internships, Industry Projects and Experiential WIL;
  3. all WIL activities undertaken in a unit by a student of the University, regardless of the student’s location or the unit’s mode of delivery; and
  4. all staff of the University and staff of third-party providers contracted by the University who are involved in the design, delivery, supervision, assessment and quality assurance of WIL activities.

(4) This Policy does not apply to extra-curricular non-academic activities undertaken by students that are outside of WIL activities in curriculum.

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Section 3 - Principles

(5) All students enrolled in a University of Canberra course will be provided with opportunities to engage in WIL activities and apply their theoretical learning and understanding to practical work-based or experiential WIL experiences.

(6) WIL activities will:

  1. be integrated into the curriculum and scaffolded across a course;
  2. be designed appropriately for the unit’s mode of delivery and the relevant discipline and profession;
  3. support the student’s achievement of the University’s Graduate Attributes Policy; and
  4. support the achievement of the Employability Framework to prepare students to be job ready, career ready and lifelong learners.

(7) The University will:

  1. establish strong reciprocal partnerships and collaborations with industry, employers, professions and community organisations to ensure the University’s suite of WIL activities maintains their authenticity and relevance;
  2. communicate the benefits, relevance and positive experiences of WIL activities to its students;
  3. design ongoing, sustainable and inclusive WIL activities that enable accessibility and equity for all students ;
  4. design and implement WIL activities that are authentic and relevant to the discipline;
  5. ensure WIL activities are linked to the curriculum and will be innovative in its approach to WIL activities to respond to new work and professional practices, new and emerging technologies, and evolving employer expectations;
  6. encourage development of student skills, both theoretical and practical;
  7. ensure WIL activities align with the University’s strategic goals;
  8. apply robust quality assurance processes to all WIL activities through the University’s course quality assurance and monitoring, review and improvement process;
  9. ensure WIL activities are safe by undertaking due diligence assessment and applying robust safety and risk assessment processes prior to and during a student’s engagement directly with an employer or participation in a work-based WIL activity (in person, online or mixed mode); and
  10. provide a regulatory and quality assurance process for the management of WIL activities as relevant to their type, and which ensures compliance with the relevant legislation, standards, and the University’s policies and procedures.

(8) The University’s approaches to WIL meet the needs of its diverse student cohort, evolving workplace practices, and the flexibility needed to support students undertaking units and courses with different modes of delivery, of different types and levels, and in different locations domestically and internationally.

WIL approaches

(9) The University takes two approaches to WIL activities:

Work-Based WIL WIL educational activities undertaken in a workplace, either in person, online or in mixed mode. In work-based WIL, the student engages in work experiences directly within an employer’s organisation, for example, Placements and Internships. Refer to WIL Procedure for more information.
Experiential WIL Educational activities designed to replicate work-related tasks, problems and scenarios that are an example of real-world industry, employer and professional practices. These may be designed with input from industry partners or be designed by academic experts based on actual cases or their professional experience, to ensure the WIL activity accurately simulates real-world employment expectations. These are completed in the mode relevant to the mode of delivery of the course, unit and activity. Refer to Course Procedure: Courses and Course Components for more information.
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Section 4 - Responsibilities

(10) The following table lists broad responsibilities for WIL. More detailed responsibilities are provided in the WIL Procedure.

  • Adhering to all legislation and University policies and procedures regarding the design and implementation of WIL activities and third-party partnerships.
  • Representing the University in a responsible way in line with relevant University policies and procedures.
  • Adhering to the policies and procedures of third parties engaged in WIL activities.
University of Canberra
  • Providing and designing WIL opportunities to enable students to apply their theoretical learning and understanding in a work environment.
  • Aligning WIL to the University’s strategic frameworks.
  • Ensuring compliance with applicable legislation.
WIL industry partner/Host Organisation and providers
  • Facilitating and supporting a safe and educational WIL experience for students.
  • Adhering to the policies and procedures of their organisation as well as those of the University of Canberra.
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Section 5 - Procedure

(11) Refer Work Integrated Learning Procedure.

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Section 6 - Definitions

Experiential Work Integrated Learning
Educational activities designed to replicate work-related tasks, problems, and scenarios that are an example of real-world industry, employer, and professional practices.
Host organisation/industry partner
An industry partner that is hosting a student on a work integrated learning activity.
Industry projects
Refers to the projects provided by approved University industry partners as part of a unit. Industry projects may be a requirement of external accreditation for professional practice and involve limited or no engagement onsite at the industry partner.
Work experience under the supervision of the faculty and the workplace supervisor. Refers to work experience where a student is enrolled in an identified University unit which includes a professional work-based experience.
Work experience under the supervision of the faculty and the workplace supervisor. Refers to a learning experience where a health or education student is enrolled in an identified University unit that is designed to meet the requirements of external accreditation for professional practice.
This includes:
  • faculty staff, such as the Head of School and academics and relevant Faculty Professional staff.
  • professional staff, such as Careers UC staff and other relevant internal stakeholders
  • external stakeholders, such as industry partners and third-party providers
Third-party provider
A separate legal entity to the University (though the entity may be a controlled or related entity of the University) that the University enters into a provider agreement with for the purposes of delivering University accredited units and courses to students. In the context of WIL it may also be an unaffiliated person/ education providers that supports the University’s WIL activities domestically and internationally.
Work-based WIL
WIL educational activities undertaken in a workplace, either in person, online, or in mixed mode. In work-based WIL the student engages in work experiences directly within an employer’s organisation, for example, placements and internships.
Work Integrated Learning (WIL)
A form of learning where theoretical knowledge and disciplinary skills are integrated with authentic work experiences and practices within relevant professional contexts.