(1) This policy states the objectives and standards of the University of Canberra (the University) for: (2) This policy applies to: (3) The following procedures support this Policy: (4) Design and delivery of HDR courses offered by the University will meet the following external standards and comply with the following regulatory requirements: (5) HDR courses will enable candidates to: (6) Admission to a HDR course is determined following an assessment by an Admissions Officer of an application against the admission requirements for research students set out in Rule 9(2) of the University of Canberra (Admission) Rules 2022. (7) The admission requirements consider academic merit, research potential and the research supervision and facilities available to support the applicants research. The Academic Board determines the specific admission requirements applicable to each HDR course that a student must meet to satisfy Rule 9(2)(c) and 9(2)(k) of the University of Canberra (Admission) Rules 2022. (8) For admission to a HDR course, international applicants must satisfy any additional requirements determined by the Australian Government, including in relation to immigration. (9) When assessing a prospective candidate's application against the Admission Requirements in Rule 9(2) of the University of Canberra (Admission) Rules 2022, the University may consider the following in determining whether a student satisfies the Admission Requirements: (10) Admission is at the discretion of the University. Following an assessment against the admission requirements, an Admissions Officer may make one of the following admission decisions: (11) The Admissions Officer must make an offer in writing and provide all necessary information as set out in Rule 14(3) of the University of Canberra (Admission) Rules 2022. (12) Applicants who have received an offer may request to defer their offer for up to 12 months. Not all offers can be deferred and not all deferrals will be approved. (13) The university can rescind an offer of admission if: (14) The Dean, Graduate Research School in consultation with Faculties, has responsibility for determining equivalencies between research admission requirements and specific qualifications or tests. (15) For applicants to HDR courses, Admissions Officers may approve an application for admission on the basis that the student has been granted a qualifying award or otherwise has sufficient academic or professional experience in an area of research suitable for the purposes of admission. (16) The University will endeavor to ensure that each candidate: (17) Where a candidate has a disability or health condition, or who has primary caring responsibilities for a person with disability, they may apply to the University for adjustments or support in alignment with the Disability Standards for Education 2005. A candidate’s reasonable adjustment and/or necessary supports will be recorded in a Reasonable Adjustment Plan and/or HDR support letter. (18) Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarships will be allocated and managed in accordance with the Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2017. (19) The University is committed to supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to undertake higher degrees by research and ensuring that the research is supervised with sensitivity to the candidate’s culture. (20) Candidates’ research projects will be well supervised throughout candidature by an appropriately qualified supervisory panel: (21) Each candidate will have a supervisory panel comprising: (22) Before a candidate begins their research, they will successfully complete training on responsible conduct of research (as described in the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2018). (23) Candidates are expected, in their research practice and research outputs, to adhere to the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2018. A candidate’s breach of that code may constitute misconduct as defined by the University of Canberra (Student Conduct) Rules 2023 and may warrant penalties in accordance with those Rules. (24) Candidates may not enroll into units unless an offer of a place in an appropriate HDR course has been made and accepted by the student. (25) HDR courses may consist of coursework and thesis units. (26) Candidates are responsible for ensuring they are correctly enrolled in units by the self-enrolment cut-off date advertised for the relevant teaching period. (27) Candidates are responsible for ensuring that they are correctly enrolled in the units which will contribute to the completion of the course in which candidates are enrolled. (28) The units a candidate enrols in must form part of the course in which the candidate is enrolled – unless a variation to course requirements has been approved. (29) Candidates are expected to ‘self-enrol’ in the appropriate units electronically via their MyUC account. (30) To retain their enrolment at the University all HDR candidates must be enrolled in at least one unit each semester, unless the candidate submitted their thesis, or has approved leave or an intermission. (31) A candidate who is not enrolled in a unit by the census date of each semester will be discontinued. (32) Candidates discontinued for non-enrolment cease to be students of the University and must reapply for admission if they wish to resume their studies. (33) Candidates may be required to have completed specific coursework units prior to confirmation of their candidature. (34) Details of the coursework units that are required for each course are published on the University website under ‘Course Requirements’ section of the university website. (35) Where a candidate’s proposed research is assessed as unsatisfactory for candidature, their candidature may be terminated. (36) Where a doctoral candidate’s proposed research is assessed as insufficient for doctoral candidature, but sufficient for master by research candidature, they may be offered transfer to a master by research course. (37) Candidates’ progress in their coursework units and research project will be monitored regularly via: (38) Where a candidate’s progress is unsatisfactory, the candidate: (39) Where a candidate is placed on academic probation and does not meet the conditions of their probation, their candidature may be discontinued. (40) When a candidate submits their thesis for examination, it will be examined by at least two appropriately qualified examiners external to the University who have no significant perceived, potential, or actual conflict of interest in examining the work.Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Scope
Top of PageSection 3 - Procedure
Top of PageSection 4 - Principles
Admission principles and standards
Admission decisions and outcomes
Responsible conduct of research
Milestones and progress
Unsatisfactory progress
Thesis examination
Section 5 - Responsibilities
Top of Page
University Research Committee (URC)
Graduate Research Committee (GRC)
Faculty HDR Officers
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Dean, Graduate Research School
Section 6 - Definitions
Academic Probation
As defined in the University of Canberra (Academic Progress) Rules 2022.
As defined in the Admission (Coursework) Policy.
A student enrolled in a course leading to an HDR award.
The period of a candidate’s enrolment in their HDR course.
As defined in the University of Canberra Courses and Awards (Courses of Study) Rules 2023.
Of a unit, that the unit requires the student to undertake specific learning activities and assessment tasks, rather than being the record of enrolment for a candidate’s research project.
Faculty HDR Officer
A staff member nominated to make recommendations on HDR matters for a faculty.
Graduate Research
Where this phrase is not part of the name of a committee or a position title, means the Graduate Research School.
Higher Degree by Research (HDR)
A master by research degree or doctoral degree (a Doctor of Philosophy, higher doctorate or professional doctorate).
Of a faculty, in relation to an HDR candidate, the faculty in which the candidate is enrolled and which manages aspects of the candidature.
As defined in the Enrolment Policy.
Master by Research
A master degree awarded for successful completion of a course in which at least 67 per cent of the volume of learning required to complete the course is a research project.
In relation to HDR candidature, someone who guides and advises a candidate in undertaking their research project, and who monitors their progress in their candidature.
In relation to an HDR candidate, discontinue their enrolment in their course.
The body of work that an HDR candidate submits for examination and to communicate the outcomes and findings of their research project. The Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Procedure defines what work may be considered a thesis.
As defined in the University of Canberra Courses and Awards (Courses of Study) Rules 2023.
View Current
This document is not in force yet. It will take effect from 30/04/2025.