(1) This procedure supports the Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Policy by stating requirements of the University of Canberra (the University) for: (2) The University’s management of RTP-funded scholarships, and the conditions of award of those scholarships, will be consistent with the requirements of the Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2017. (3) The Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Procedure states requirements in relation to all other aspects of HDR candidature. (4) This procedure has the same scope as the HDR Policy. The types of scholarships to which it applies are: (5) This Procedure supports the HDR Policy. (6) An HDR scholarship may provide one or more of the following types of financial support to a candidate: (7) Each scholarship, including the co-funded ones, will state the conditions on which it will be awarded (the conditions of award). For the conditions of award of RTP scholarships, see the documents published on the University website: (8) The conditions of award of a proposed new scholarship will be submitted for approval to the Dean, Graduate Research School, by the Executive Dean of the proposing faculty or head of the proposing research institute, centre or business unit. (9) The conditions of award for a scholarship will state: (10) Proposal of a new scholarship should only be done after funding for the scholarship has been confirmed with the funder. (11) A faculty, division, research centre or institute, or an external person or organisation may propose the establishment of a new faculty-specific scholarship. (12) Where a faculty, division, research centre or institute proposes a faculty-specific scholarship: (13) Wherever possible, leave entitlements of all stipend scholarships should be consistent with the leave entitlements of RTP-funded stipend scholarships. (14) The Dean, Graduate Research School may approve a scholarship with more restricted leave entitlements where they are satisfied that this is a condition of external funding of the scholarship which cannot be changed. (15) In considering whether to approve the establishment of a scholarship, the Dean, Graduate Research School will consider whether: (16) If the Dean, Graduate Research School considers that the title, value or conditions of award of a scholarship is no longer suitable, they or a Graduate Research School staff member may consult the person and/or donor who proposed the scholarship to discuss changing the scholarship. (17) If the concerns of the Dean, Graduate Research School cannot be met as an outcome of this discussion, the Dean may cancel the scholarship. (18) To be considered for a scholarship, a scholarship applicant must meet the eligibility criteria stated in the conditions of award of that scholarship and be either: (19) Where an applicant for admission to an HDR course is made a conditional offer of admission, on condition that they provide results that are not yet available, they may also be considered for a conditional offer of an HDR scholarship (for which they meet the eligibility criteria), on the same condition. (20) To be considered for an HDR scholarship, a person must apply for it by the process required by the Dean, Graduate Research School. (21) Scholarship applications and their outcomes will be kept in confidence by staff who manage and assess them, other than that the Graduate Research School may publish the names of candidates who are awarded a scholarship. (22) The Graduate Research School staff assess scholarship applications and, if they are complete and demonstrate that the scholarship applicant meets the eligibility criteria, forward them for assessment by the relevant Faculty. (23) An HDR candidate who has applied for a scholarship but was not awarded it may apply for the same scholarship again in a later scholarships award round, by the same application process. See also the section on ‘Grievance and appeals’. (24) Each domestic HDR candidate will be awarded an RTP fees offset scholarship, on admission to their HDR course. (25) International HDR candidates who are awarded an RTP Stipend Scholarship through a competitive process may also be offered an RTP Fee Offset Scholarship. (26) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor will each year decide which categories of candidates will have priority for allocation of RTP stipend scholarships, and these groups will be published on the University’s website. (27) A scholarship will not be awarded in a given year if there is no applicant of sufficient merit. (28) For each calendar year, the Graduate Research School manages a single main award process for RTP stipend scholarships and other stipend scholarships that are open to candidates university wide. (29) The Dean, Graduate Research School may decide to offer a second, mid-year scholarship award process. (30) Faculties assess scholarship applications from: (31) The faculty will use the scholarship applicant ranking form provided by the Dean, Graduate Research School to rank, in order of merit, its applicants for RTP stipend scholarships and any other stipend scholarships that are open to candidates university wide. (32) The scholarship ranking form requires the faculty to consider, in ranking each applicant, their qualifications, research experience and research outputs, and their research proposal and its alignment with the University’s strategic priorities. (33) The faculty will provide to the Graduate Research School, by the deadline specified, its ranked lists of applicants and the completed scholarship ranking form for each applicant. (34) The Dean, Graduate Research School will convene the University Research Scholarship Ranking Committee (URSRC), which will: (35) The membership of the HDR scholarships ranking panel will be: (36) The panel will recommend the ranking list it has developed to the Dean, Graduate Research School as the basis for offering scholarships to applicants. (37) Where an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander candidate has the same ranking for award of a scholarship as another candidate, the scholarship will be awarded to the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander candidate. (38) The award of each faculty-specific scholarship is decided by the Dean, Graduate Research School on the recommendation of the Executive Dean of the faculty. (39) Once the Dean, Graduate Research School has approved the scholarship ranking lists, the Graduate Research School will offer the available scholarships to the applicants ranked highest on the relevant lists. (40) The receive a scholarship, a candidate who is offered a scholarship must: (41) If a candidate does not accept their offer and, if the offer is conditional, meet any conditions, by the offer acceptance deadline, they will be considered to have declined the offer, and the scholarship will be offered to the next ranked applicant who has not yet been offered the scholarship. (42) An applicant who has been offered admission to an HDR course, and a stipend scholarship, may apply to the Dean, Graduate Research School for permission to defer their start of candidature and the start of the stipend until later in the year for in which the scholarship is offered to begin. (43) A person who transfers their HDR candidature from another educational institution to the University of Canberra may, when applying for admission, apply to transfer their RTP stipend scholarship. To be eligible to be considered for a continued RTP stipend scholarship as a candidate at the University of Canberra, the person: (44) Where a candidate transferring their HDR candidature from another tertiary institution applies for a continued RTP stipend scholarship, and meets the criteria stated in the previous clause and its subclauses, the Dean, Graduate Research School may allocate an RTP stipend scholarship to them if: (45) Where a recipient of an RTP-funded scholarship began their HDR candidature at another tertiary education institution and has transferred their candidature to the University of Canberra, the period for which they will receive an RTP stipend scholarship and/or RTP fee offset scholarship will be reduced by the period during which they received these scholarships at the other institution. (46) The HDR Procedure states the University’s requirements: (47) Where a scholarship’s conditions of award include requirements in relation to the candidate’s progress in their candidature, the annual progress report process will identify whether the candidate continues to meet these requirements. (48) The provisions of this section apply to RTP stipend scholarships. For the leave entitlements of other stipend scholarships, see the conditions of award of those scholarships. (49) The HDR Procedure states candidates’ entitlements to leave from candidature. This section explains which types of leave result in an increase in the duration of a candidate’s RTP stipend payments. All other types of leave do not. (50) Candidates’ stipend scholarship payments continue during the standard leave entitlements, per full-time equivalent year of candidature, of: (51) The duration of a candidate’s stipend payments will be increased by the following types of leave, if the Dean, Graduate Research School has approved the leave: (52) Payment of a stipend scholarship may be suspended for any leave beyond the period of leave allowance specified in the scholarship CoA, provided that the Dean, Graduate Research School has approved the candidate’s request to take the leave. (53) Where the Dean, Graduate Research School allows a recipient of a stipend scholarship to go on intermission: (54) An applicant for an HDR scholarship who is dissatisfied with the decision not to award them the scholarship can raise a grievance in relation to the decision, or appeal against it, in accordance with the Student Grievance Resolution Policy. (55) The University considers the decision of the HDR scholarships ranking panel to be an academic decision, and so the grounds for appeal against such a decision are restricted as specified in the Student Grievance Resolution Policy. (56) A recipient of an HDR scholarship who is dissatisfied with an aspect of the management of the scholarship or a decision in relation to it, can raise a grievance about this or appeal against the decision, in accordance with the Student Grievance Resolution Policy.Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Scholarships (Including RTP-Funded Scholarships) Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Scope
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy
Section 4 - Procedure
Conditions of award
Proposing a scholarship
Changing or cancelling a scholarship
Eligibility for scholarships
Applying for a scholarship
Awarding scholarships
Offering and accepting scholarships
Effect of transfer from another institution on RTP scholarships
Support and supervision of scholarship recipients
Continued eligibility for scholarships
Effects of leave and intermission on RTP stipend scholarships
Grievances and appeals
Section 5 - Definitions
Of a panel member, someone who may attend in place of a member when that member is unable to attend.
Calendar Days
Every day of the year.
Calendar Days FTE
Calendar days full time equivalent. For part-time (50%) candidates, one calendar day FTE is 2 calendar days.
Candidature Days
Cays that count towards a candidates maximum duration of candidature. For part time (50 per cent) HDR candidates, one candidature day equals 2 calendar days.
Conditions of Award
Conditions on which scholarships, including co-funded scholarships, are awarded.
Of a unit, that the unit requires the student to undertake specific learning activities and assessment tasks, rather than being the record of enrolment for a candidate’s research project.
Faculty-Specific Scholarship
A scholarship for which eligibility is limited to candidates enrolled in a faculty, research institute in a faculty, or discipline within a faculty.
Part-Time Equivalent
In relation to a period of full-time enrolment, the longer period that a candidate enrolled part-time would take to complete the same amount of study and research. For example, for a candidate enrolled half-time, their equivalent of one year of full-time enrolment would be 2 years.
Research Training Program (RTP)
The program of the Commonwealth Government that funds HDR tuition, supervision and candidature.
A living allowance.
Top-Up Scholarship
An additional living allowance to supplement a stipend scholarship.
View Current
This document is not in force yet. It will take effect from 30/04/2025.