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Bimbimbie House Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The purpose of this document is to set out the procedures for the management of Bimbimbie House at the University of Canberra’s Bruce Campus.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) This document describes the activities and responsibilities of the University and the Vice-Chancellor (Primary Occupant) in relation to Bimbimbie House, which is a University-owned asset and includes the building and its gardens. Bimbimbie House is identified as the Private Residence of the Vice-Chancellor.

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Section 3 - Policy

(3) This Procedure is supported by the Bimbimbie House Policy.

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Section 4 - Procedure

Condition assessment

On arrival

(4) The University will undertake a Condition Assessment of Bimbimbie House for review and agreement by the Primary Occupant. The Condition Assessment evaluates the physical state of Bimbimbie House to:

  1. ensure the property is fit for habitation, reasonably clean, in a reasonable state of repair and reasonably secure; and
  2. ensure that on return, the premises is substantially in the same cleanliness and condition as when the Occupants moved in, allowing for fair wear and tear.

On departure

(5) The University will undertake a review of the Condition Assessment agreed at the commencement of the Accommodation Term by the Primary Occupant and the University and updated from time-to-time during the Accommodation Term as determined by the University. At the end of the term, the property should be left in substantially the same condition as it was at the beginning of the term, allowing for fair wear and tear.

Repairs and maintenance

General (routine and preventative)

(6) General repairs and maintenance will be managed by and at the cost of the University and includes any non-urgent repair or maintenance that falls outside the definition of Emergency Repairs and Maintenance.

(7) An annual budget should be established by the relevant business areas for the operating costs of Bimbimbie. Any variations to this budget require the approval of the Chief Operating Officer and Vice-President Operations (COO).

Emergency repairs and maintenance

(8) For emergency repairs and maintenance, please contact Campus Estate.

(9) Emergency repair and maintenance work includes but is not limited to:

  1. a burst water service;
  2. a blocked or broken lavatory system;
  3. a serious roof leak;
  4. a gas leak;
  5. a dangerous electrical fault;
  6. flooding or serious flood damage;
  7. serious storm or fire damage;
  8. a failure of gas, electricity or water supply to the property;
  9. the failure of a refrigerator supplied with the property, a failure or breakdown of any service on the property essential for hot water, cooking, heating or laundering;
  10. a fault or damage that causes the property to be unsafe or insecure;
  11. a serious fault in any door, staircase or other common area which inhibits or unduly inconveniences the Occupants in gaining access to and the use of the property; and
  12. a fault or damage likely to cause injury to person or property.


(10) Where the University has supplied appliances (for example, fridge, washing machine) to Bimbimbie House, cost of repair or replacement resulting from general asset life will be met by the University. Where damage occurs in line with the definition of ‘Property Damage’ below, repair or replacement will be managed accordingly.

Property damage

(11) The Occupants shall take reasonable care of the Property. During the Accommodation Term, the Primary Occupant is required to make good any unintentional or negligent damage at their own cost, with exception where an insurance claim is approved. This includes damage resulting from Occupants, Private Visitors and/or pets. Damage that occurs resulting from University Sanctioned Events, including by guests of the event will be met at the cost of the University.

Property expenses


(12) There are three categories of Cleaning for Bimbimbie House. These are identified as University Sanctioned Events, Scheduled and Domestic cleaning as follows:

  1. University Sanctioned Events Cleaning: For University Sanctioned Events, cleaning services will be provided at the cost of the University and includes general cleaning of the event spaces, including Entry 1, Lobby, Great Room, Entry 3, Guest WC and Kitchen.
  2. Scheduled Cleaning: The University will provide annual or biennial scheduled cleaning at the cost of the University to maintain the condition of Bimbimbie House.
Window Cleaning Internal
Window Cleaning External
Carpet Shampoo
Annually of Great Hall – biennially for other spaces.
Hard floors scrubbing
Deck scrubbing
  1. Domestic Cleaning: Domestic cleaning is all other cleaning that is not identified as University Sanctioned Events Cleaning or Scheduled Cleaning. Domestic cleaning is the responsibility of the Primary Occupant.

Grounds management

(13) The University provides contracted grounds maintenance services to Bimbimbie House given the the role the property plays as an events space and cultural significance.This includes the main garden at the rear of the house, facing the Dining Hall/Living area and the front of house facing College Street. Whilst the University allows for approximately three hours of weekly maintenance, grounds maintenance is adjusted seasonally, pending the requirements and considerations at the time which may include seasonal temperature changes, water restrictions and prolonged wet or dry weather. This means some weeks will have more time dedicated to grounds maintenance, and other weeks less time. The grounds are maintained to be in a presentable condition for external stakeholders and Occupants of Bimbimbie House.

Campus character and plantings for Bimbimbie House

(14) The Campus Master Plan develops a broad design approach for the University campus, including the types of plants that can be used in campus gardens. At Bimbimbie House, the garden is a mix of natives, mostly indigenous to the Canberra region. Any requests from the Occupants to plant alternative flora species at Bimbimbie House will be considered.

(15) Raised gardens have also been provided to Bimbimbie House for private use and this area is not limited by the character identified within the Campus Master Plan. These gardens may be used to grow vegetables, herbs or alternative flora, non-tree species.

(16) The grounds maintenance contractors will undertake annual refresh of the raised beds.

Areas of significance

(17) There are two significant trees at Bimbimbie House. These two trees, both native white cedars, are planted in honour of Don and Beverley Aitkin, previous residents of Bimbimbie House, Don Aitkin being Vice-Chancellor & President from 1991 to 2002. Following Don Aitkin’s passing in 2022, his ashes were scattered and a memorial plaque was installed near the trees. See Bimbimbie House Procedure Image 1 and Bimbimbie House Procedure Image 2 in this Procedure’s associated information.

Alterations to Bimbimbie House

Cultural significance

(18) Bimbimbie House was built in 1995, designed by renowned architect, Romaldo Giurgola of Mitchell/Giurgola & Thorp Architects. Giurgola is most well known in Australia for having designed new Parliament House. Bimbimbie House is of cultural significance, meaning consideration for any proposed design or alterations should be made with the original Architect under the Copyright Amendment (Moral Rights) Act 2000 to maintain integrity of the original design. The University must act carefully in its approach to culturally significant buildings as this could have a negative reputational impact.

Capital works

(19) It is generally accepted that the University will not invest into significant alterations to Bimbimbie House, unless there is a failure of the existing building materials (for example, significant roof leaks require replacement of roof sheeting).

(20) Any alterations that Occupants consider should be discussed with relevant business areas within the Operations Portfolio. Alterations to Bimbimbie House will require prior consent from the University. This consent is received when written approval is provided from each of the following parties:

  1. Chancellor – in exercising power of authority;
  2. Chief Operating Officer and Vice-President Operations – in consideration of the University’s financial status and annual capital works budget; and
  3. Planning and Development Committee – in consideration where changes are proposed that may impact the cultural significance of Bimbimbie House.

(21) Following approval, the relevant business area will oversee the project management and delivery of the proposed works.

Minor works

(22) Minor works proposed that do not impact the architectural significance of Bimbimbie House, may be undertaken following written consent from each of the following parties:

  1. Chancellor – in exercising power of authority; and
  2. Chief Operating Officer and Vice-President Operations – in consideration of the University’s financial status and annual capital works budget.

(23) Following approval, the relevant business area will oversee the project management and delivery of the proposed works.


(24) The University will provide security monitoring services for Bimbimbie House including Back to Base Alarm Monitoring and response to the trigger of a duress alarm which is also provided at Bimbimbie House. One overnight and two daily vehicle patrols are conducted by the University Security team. All other general contracted services provided by the Security Contractor to University buildings, are inclusive of Bimbimbie House.


(25) Pets are welcome to Bimbimbie House – any damage or excess wear and tear caused will be met at the cost of the Primary Occupant, identified by the definition under ‘Property Damage’.

End of residence

(26) The University will carry out a final inspection of the premises with the Primary Occupant based on the Condition Report.

(27) Acceptable condition includes general wear and tear that can be expected during the occupation of a property. Following the final inspection, any Property Damage identified, that did not result from University activity, will be rectified at the cost of the Primary Occupant.

Access to Bimbimbie House

(28) The University and its Contractors will require access to Bimbimbie House to support ongoing maintenance and upkeep efforts. Access will be identified for the occupants, either via a schedule that is approved by the Primary Occupant, or for annual maintenance programs, such as carpet cleaning, on notice and agreement with the Primary Occupant.

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Section 5 - Definitions

Accommodation Term
The Term of the employment contract of the Vice-Chancellor, including any period prior to and post contract where the University agrees to provide accommodation for the Vice-Chancellor.
Occupying residents of Bimbimbie House, generally identified as the Vice-Chancellor and their family.
Primary Occupant
Private Residence
Service of Bimbimbie House for the private and quiet enjoyment of the Vice-Chancellor and their family.
University Sanctioned Event Events and activities where the Vice-Chancellor is formally appointed by the University to represent the University.