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Honorary Appointments Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This policy sets out the principles for informing, and criteria applying to, the granting of Honorary degree and Honorary titles by the University of Canberra (the University).

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) This policy applies to the Honorary appointments specified under Clause 10 below, and to staff and Council members engaged in the administration and approval of Honorary appointments of the University community.

(3) This policy does not cover:

  1. Distinguished Professor appointments – refer to the Distinguished Professors Policy; or
  2. visiting fellows.

(4) This Policy is supported by the Honorary Appointments Procedure, which outlines the administrative requirements for the nomination, selection, appointment and recission of the honorary appointments outlined in this Policy.

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Section 3 - Principles

(5) The University will from time to time admit to an Honorary degree or confer an Honorary title upon individuals who meet the criteria established by Council for those awards and titles.

(6) Awards and titles admitted will recognise and reward:

  1. significant and eminent contributions to scholarship, professional practice or service to the University and the community;
  2. exceptional achievements by staff; and
  3. regular and significant contributions to the teaching and research activities of the University.

(7) Recipients of Honorary degrees or Honorary titles are expected to:

  1. reflect and represent the University's ethos and values in an exemplary manner;
  2. advance the University’s reputation and standing in the community; and
  3. provide inspiration to students and graduates of the University.

(8) No person may nominate themselves for an Honorary degree or Honorary title.

Honorary degree and honorary title

(9) The admission of an Honorary Degree and Honorary title is approved by Council, on the recommendation of the University’s Nominations and Senior Appointments Committee (NSAC).

(10) The University Council has determined that the following Honorary Degree and Honorary title may be admitted:

  1. ‘Honorary Doctorate’
    An Honorary Doctorate is conferred to honour the recipient’s contribution to their field, or to the community of Canberra and the region on the grounds of:
    1. Distinguished achievement as a scholar or a member of a profession; and/or
    2. Outstanding service to the University or the community.
  2. ‘Emeritus/Emerita Professor’
    The Title Emeritus/Emerita Professor may, in recognition of distinguished service to the academic life of the University of Canberra, be conferred on anyone who holds or has held the rank of Professor in the University normally for at least 5 years and is about to retire, resign, or has retired or resigned.

(11) The criteria established by Council for each Honorary appointment is listed below:

Critieria for Conferral
Honorary Doctorate (HonD)
This award will recognise an individual’s eminence in education, research or service to the University or the wider Canberra community.
Recipients will meet one or more of the following criteria:
  • Distinguished achievement as a scholar or a member of a profession; and/or
  • Outstanding service to the University or the wider Canberra community.
The title will not be awarded to a current staff member of the University.
The Recipient of this award is entitled to use the postnominal (HonD) and is entitled to preface their name with the title ‘Dr’, only when the postnominal is also used.
Emeritus/Emerita Professor
This title will recognise, upon retirement or resignation, Professors of the University who have given distinguished service to the academic life of the University.
Recipients will meet the following criteria:
  • The title may be conferred on anyone who holds or has held the rank of Professor at the University normally for at least 5 years and is about to retire, resign, or has retired or resigned.
  • The title may be conferred on a person who has held the rank of Professor at the University for less than 5 years if they have also held that rank at another recognised university and the total period of service as a professor is at least 5 years.
  • The title may be conferred on an individual who has served on the University Council for a period of 5 or more years and has held the rank of Professor at the University or elsewhere.
The title will not normally be conferred upon an academic staff member who resigns from the University to take up a post at another University, except in special circumstances such as appointment as Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor or Pro Vice-Chancellor at another university.