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Honorary Appointments Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This document sets out details of the procedures applying to the Honorary Appointments Policy and the awards and titles referenced in that policy by the University of Canberra (the University).

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) This procedure applies to all University staff and Council members engaged in the administration of Honorary appointments. 

(3) The nomination process for Honorary and Emeriti appointments is overseen by the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor.

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Section 3 - Procedure

Honorary Doctorate (HonD) appointments

(4) Periodically, the Nominations and Senior Appointments Committee (NSAC) may invite nominations for Honorary Doctorates from senior staff, Council and Committees of Council.

(5) Nominations for an Honorary Doctorate (HonD) must be submitted using the appropriate nomination form and must meet the requirements set out in Rule 9(1)–(7) of the University of Canberra (Honorary Degree) Rules 2019.

(6) The Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor receives the nomination and requests the Office of Advancement to undertake due diligence and provide a compendium on the nominee in support of the nomination. The Office of Advancement may seek information from the nominator to assist with this process.

(7) The Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor submits the nomination and compendium to NSAC for consideration.

(8) Council may only accept a proposal for admission to an Honorary Degree if the proposal receives unanimous support at a meeting of the NSAC.

(9) If the proposal is accepted, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor will prepare a recommendation to Council.

(10) No contact, direct or indirect, is to be made with a person who is under consideration, until Council has accepted the recommendation from NSAC to admit the person concerned to the degree.

(11) The identity of the nominator and person who is under consideration for the award, and any information or consultations in connection with the proposal must remain confidential even after the degree has been awarded.

(12) The appointment will only be made if it receives majority support from Council. Majority support is defined as two-thirds of Council members.

(13) A record of the appointment shall be made in the Minutes of the Council meeting at which the appointment was made.

(14) On acceptance of the recommendation by Council, the Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor must ascertain the proposed recipient’s willingness to be admitted to the degree and agree a citation with the proposed recipient. Contact with the proposed recipient regarding this matter will be managed by the Office of the Vice-Chancellor.

(15) No announcement of the Council's decision is to be made until the proposed recipient has indicated their willingness to be admitted to the degree.

Conferral of Honorary Degrees

(16) Honorary Degrees will be conferred in accordance with Rule 10 of the University of Canberra (Honorary Degree) Rules 2019.

(17) The Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor will contact the nominee to coordinate their conferral.

(18) The conferring is to be at such time as is convenient to both the University and the recipient.

(19) An Honorary Degree may not be conferred in the recipient’s absence.

(20) The University will cover the costs of travel and accommodation associated with the nominee attending.

(21) Despite Rules 10(1) and 10(2) of the University of Canberra (Honorary Degree) Rules 2019, an Honorary Degree may be conferred posthumously if the proposed recipient had agreed to be admitted to it under Rule 9 or where other exceptional circumstances apply.

Emeritus/Emerita Professor appointments

(22) Nominations for Emeritus/Emerita Professor must be submitted by the Faculty Executive Dean and endorsed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor.

(23) Nominations must be submitted on the appropriate nomination form and detail the nominee’s suitability against the criteria outlined in the Policy. The nomination form is available here.

(24) The Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor receives the nomination and submits to NSAC for consideration.

(25) Following consideration, NSAC will prepare a recommendation to Council.

(26) The appointment will be made, in each case, by resolution of the Council on the recommendation of NSAC.

(27) The University Secretary will notify the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the Council Resolution to ensure University records are updated and appointments are publicised accordingly.

Conferral of Emeritus/Emerita Professor

(28) Following Council approval, conferral of the title Emeritus/Emerita Professor will be by a letter and certificate signed by the Vice-Chancellor, and the title Emeritus/Emerita Professor may be used by the recipient. The letter will be drafted by the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor.

(29) The Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor will advise the Office of Advancement, who are responsible for maintaining a Roll of Emeritus/Emerita Professors of the University. The roll of names shall be published on the University’s website, with a link provided to the roll in the Annual Report.

(30) The Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor will advise the host faculty, who will be responsible for establishing and maintaining appropriate access and/or accommodation for the Emeritus/Emerita Professor, detailed below.


(31) Emeritus/Emerita Professors may use the University Library and other University facilities appropriate to the nature of their involvement with the University, which may include office accommodation and access to the University’s IT Network and telephone system.

(32) Emeritus/Emerita Professors who are actively contributing to the work of the University will be attached to a relevant Faculty, who will be responsible for providing accommodation.

(33) Emeritus/Emerita Professors may be eligible for funds to cover cost associated with approved activities which are directly in the University’s interest.

(34) Emeritus/Emerita Professors are entitled to a University business card.

(35) Entitlements must be negotiated between the Professor Emeriti and their host faculty.


(36) Honorary Doctorates (HonD) may be rescinded in accordance with Rule 11 of the University of Canberra (Honorary Degree) Rules 2019.

(37) Emeritus/Emerita Professor appointments are subject to rescission in extraordinary circumstances. If such circumstances arise, the Chancellor will refer the matter to NSAC for consideration and a recommendation to Council.

(38) A decision to rescind an Honorary Degree or an Emeritus/Emerita Professor appointment may only be made by Council.