(1) This procedure outlines the University of Canberra (University) requirements for granting credit including formal, informal and non-formal learning. (2) This Procedure has the same scope as the Credit Policy. (3) This Procedure supports the Credit Policy. (4) An application for credit based on formal learning must: (5) By submitting a credit application, a student authorises the University to independently verify any documentation, evidence, or claims made. (6) An application for credit based on recognition of prior learning (RPL) including informal or non-formal learning must include appropriate certified documentation. Documentation may include evidence of a mix of formal, informal and non-formal learning but must include: (7) The following documents may also be provided: (8) All supporting documentation must be in English or be accompanied by an approved translation. (9) Applications for credit are required to be lodged at least six weeks before self-enrolment closes in the teaching period where the outcome of the application affects the student’s study program. This timeframe ensures that credit is assessed and the student notified of the outcome in time to amend their enrolment for that teaching period if required. (10) If a credit application is submitted less than six weeks before self-enrolment closes in a teaching period, and the outcome affects the student’s study program, the outcome of that application cannot be used as a basis for reviewing or appealing the student’s enrolment in that teaching period. (11) If an application for credit is approved the results achieved for prior formal learning are not included on the University’s academic transcript and are not included in the calculation of a grade point average (GPA) or weighted average mark (WAM). (12) Approved credit is recorded on a student’s academic transcript and Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS). (13) The assessment of an application for credit requires: (14) The Associate Dean, Education (ADE) or equivalent has delegated authority to approve credit for an individual student where no precedent exists following a recommendation from the Course Convener/Program Director (or equivalent). (15) If identified as a precedent the decision is recorded in the University’s credit precedent database and applied to subsequent credit applications based on the same prior studies. (16) An application for formal credentialed learning for specified credit may be recommended by the Unit Convener to the delegated approval authority (Course Convener, Program Director or equivalent) where appropriate. (17) Higher degree by research student applications for credit will be assessed and approved by the Dean, Graduate Research School upon the recommendation of the applicant’s primary supervisor and the relevant faculty Associate Dean, Research (ADR). (18) Recognition of prior candidature time will be processed as per the Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Policy and the Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Procedure. (19) Articulation arrangements establish pre-defined credit for related courses of study applicable to eligible cohorts of students. (20) Articulation arrangements may apply to: (21) An articulation arrangement usually comprises a sequential pathway. For example the granting of a lower-level award at another institution results in credit towards an award at the University. Credit is only awarded based on completed units as agreed under the articulation arrangement. (22) The development of articulation arrangements is based on the mapping of equivalences in course content, competencies and learning outcomes. (23) The maintenance of the academic rigour and coherence of the University course or program is to be considered when establishing an articulation arrangement. (24) An articulation arrangement can be based on a discipline-specific linkage between the University and another institution (which does not require a contract) or a contractual agreement between institutions such as an Articulation Agreement. (25) The criteria for establishing a contractual agreement are: (26) For an articulation arrangement, the minimum qualification level recognised by the University for the purposes of credit is AQF level 4 or equivalent. (27) Credit granted under an articulation arrangement may be specified, unspecified or block credit. (28) University articulation arrangements are publicly available on the University website. The typical study pattern for remaining studies is given for each articulation arrangement based on the credit to be granted. (29) As part of the University’s course quality assurance cycle, any articulation arrangements related to a course will be reassessed whenever a course revision is undertaken by the University or the partner institution. Where articulation arrangements require amendment the Agreement Manager will: (30) Articulations may be withdrawn or revised at any time due to curriculum changes. If the units completed do not align with the learning outcomes assessed at the time of the initial arrangement, the articulation will not be honoured. (31) Applications for credit based on complete or non-complete formal learning is approved by the Course Convener or Program Director (or equivalent). (32) If a credit application is identified as a precedent, the faculty will inform Education Partnerships of the decision. Education Partnerships will record the precedent in the appropriate database ensuring it can be applied to future credit applications based on the same prior studies. (33) Faculties provide current student credit applicants with information about approved credit precedents. (34) The Future Student Services advises future student credit applicants about approved credit precedents. (35) As part of the University’s course quality assurance cycle, any credit precedent related to a course will be reassessed whenever a course revision is undertaken by the University or the partner institution. Where credit precedents require amendment the Agreement Manager will: (36) Education Partnerships must be informed when credit precedents are amended by partner institutions to ensure the appropriate database is updated. (37) Precedents may be withdrawn or revised at any time due to curriculum changes. If the units do not align with the learning outcomes assessed at the time of the initial precedent, the precedent will not be honoured. (38) Credit for uncredentialed learning is assessed on the basis that: (39) Students should discuss their eligibility with the relevant faculty who will advise the student of the evidence required to make an assessment, prior to applying. Responsibility lies with the student to provide evidence that demonstrates relevant skills, knowledge, and understanding. (40) The information and advice provided by the relevant Unit Convener is conditional pending application and approval. (41) Requests for credit based on uncredentialed learning must include a portfolio which satisfies the requirements of Clause 5. (42) The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) approval process involves the following steps: (43) Credentialed learning is learning based on completed or incomplete formal learning leading to an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) award or its overseas equivalent as assessed in accordance with the Department of Education advice on overseas qualifications recognition. (44) The minimum qualification recognised for credit toward a bachelor’s degree is typically an AQF Level 4 or equivalent. (45) Credit for credentialed learning may be specified or unspecified credit and can be granted in research skills units, postgraduate and undergraduate units , and approved articulation arrangements. (46) In cases of block credit (such as Volume of Learning credit in articulation arrangements) faculties must specify the remaining units needed to meet course learning outcomes. (47) An Admissions Officer has delegated authority to approve a credit application as part of the application process based on credentialed learning. This includes credit for formal learning undertaken at the University or through approved articulation arrangements and credit precedents. (48) Specified credit may be granted for a unit approved as non-award study that is deemed equivalent to a unit of an award course. (49) Credit may also be awarded for non-award studies offered by an organisation other than the University, provided the University determines that the learning outcomes are equivalent to those of the unit(s) for which specified credit is sought. (50) Formal arrangements allow students who have successfully completed the required non-award studies to receive credit toward the relevant unit(s) in University award courses specified in the arrangement. (51) The University acknowledges that completing certain Australian VET Nationally Recognised Training packages can contribute to the learning outcomes of award courses of the University. In such cases, credit may be granted towards the award course in related disciplines as part of approved Volume of Learning (VoL) credit arrangements. (52) Academic Board is responsible for approving VoL credit arrangements. This approval is based on the nominated training package and extends to any VET provider accredited to deliver that package. (53) If the amounts of credit are not suitable for a particular award, VoL credit arrangements will not apply. In these cases, other credit arrangements may be used. (54) Faculties must ensure that students awarded credit under VoL credit arrangements still meet the course learning outcomes for their study program. Faculties are required to provide study plans for the remaining units in these courses. (55) To have cross-institutional or exchange program units counted as specified or unspecified credit, students must obtain pre-approval from the faculty before enrolling in units at another institution. (56) The amount of credit granted based on the prior learning at other institutions depends on the level of prior study and the level of the University award course, provided it does not prevent the student from fulfilling the minimum credit point requirements as outlined in the Course Procedure - Courses and Course Components. (57) The maximum amount of credit which may be awarded (and therefore the minimum requirement for study to be completed at the University as identified in the Course Procedure - Courses and Course Components) may be exceeded: (58) A student may be granted credit for a University unit not identified in the academic requirements under the Variation of Course Requirements Policy and Variation of Course Requirements Procedure. (59) Where a lower-level course is nested in a higher-level course, successful completion of the lower-level course will be fully credited to the higher-level course. (60) Credit is not awarded for units or courses where a conceded pass (or equivalent result) has been awarded. (61) Credit cannot be granted towards another award based on units from a completed award. (62) Credit awarded may be reduced if the volume of learning is assessed to be less than the standard duration of study on which the credit application is based. (63) The assessment and provisional granting of credit to an international student on a student visa is normally done as part of the admission process. Where credit is granted post admission, Student Connect will advise the Student Wellbeing & International Support (SWIS) to arrange an assessment of the remaining course duration for that student and issue a new Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE), where appropriate. (64) When credit is granted to international students holding student visas, students are provided with advice and credit details which are retained in all relevant systems. (65) A student dissatisfied by an action or decision taken regarding their credit application may submit a formal grievance in accordance with the Student Grievance Resolution Policy.Credit Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Policy
Section 4 - Procedure
Application for credit
Timelines for review and assessment of applications for credit
Assessment of an application
Higher Degree by Research applications
Articulation arrangements
Credit precedents
Types of credit
Uncredentialed learning
Credentialed learning
Credit for non-award study
Volume of learning arrangements
Cross-institutional study and exchange programs
Credit limits
International students on student visas
Complaints about decisions made in relation to credit
Section 5 - Roles and Responsibilities
Top of Page
Section 6 - Definitions
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Academic Board
Admissions Officer
Agreement Manager
Associate Dean, Education (ADE)
Associate Dean, Research (ADR)
Course Convener/Program Director (or equivalent)
individual students, considering the relevance of the application to the course as a whole;
units not listed as part of the standard course requirements, where a Variation of Course Requirements (VCR) has been approved in accordance with the Variation of Course Requirements Policy and Variation of Course Requirements Procedure; and
approves requests for credit if a precedent exists.
Dean, Graduate Research School
Education Partnerships
Faculty Board
Faculty Dean
Future Student Services
Primary Supervisor (HDR student)
Student Connect
arranging for Academic Board, or the delegated authority, to approve exceptions to the University of Canberra Courses and Awards (Courses of Study) Rules 2023
recording details of approved credit in the student management system;
notifying students of the outcome of their application; and
ensuring the granting of credit complies with University legislative, policy and procedural requirements; and ensuring all recommendations and approvals are processed.
there is a pre-approved articulation arrangement through a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with a third-party provider or partner; and
an approved precedent exists for granting credit, where the precedent is credit previously awarded on the same basis towards the same unit and course, unless an exception was previously granted.
Student Wellbeing & International Support (SWIS)
Unit Convener
Academic Transcript
An academic transcript will detail a student's entire enrolment record at the University. It may be issued at any time during progress towards a qualification and will also be issued on graduation.
Agreement Manager
A faculty or Future Students Office representative who collaborates with partners when there are changes to credit precedents or articulation arrangements.
Approved translation
A translation that has been verified for accuracy and authenticity. In Australia, this typically requires NAATI certification or a comparable international equivalent unless the translation is authorised by the originating institution, such as a university which certifies the English-language version of its own content. This is generally acceptable unless the institution is considered unreliable.
The national policy for regulated qualifications in Australian education and training.
AQF levels
Provides an indication of the relative complexity and/or depth of achievement and the autonomy required to demonstrate that achievement. As identified in the Australian Qualifications Framework, AQF level 1 has the lowest complexity and AQF level 10 has the highest complexity.
Articulation arrangement
Recognition of completion of specific stages or components of a program of learning at an institution which qualifies all students who have undertaken the stages or components for specified credit. Articulation arrangements enable students to progress from a one qualification to another with credit in a defined qualification pathway, and may or may not be part of a formal articulation agreement. (See also Volume of Learning credit.)
Block credit
Has the same meaning as described in the Credit Policy.
Credentialed learning
Has the same meaning as described in the Credit Policy.
Has the same meaning as described in the Credit Policy.
Credit precedent
The use of a credit decision which is established as a rule for assessing future credit applications in the same course.
Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE)
A document, provided electronically, which is issued by the registered provider to intending international students and which must accompany their application for a student visa. It confirms the international student’s eligibility to enrol in the particular course of the registered provider.
Digital Handbook
Has the same meaning as “Register of Courses” as described in the University of Canberra Courses and Awards (Courses of Study) Rules 2023.
Formal learning
Has the same meaning as described in the Credit Policy.
Grade Point Average (GPA)
Has the same meaning as described in the Credit Policy.
Informal learning
Has the same meaning as described in the Credit Policy.
Internal credit
Credit granted based on completed units undertaken at the University.
International student
Has the same meaning as overseas student in Section 5 of the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000. That is, a person (whether within or outside Australia) who holds a student visa, but does not include students of a kind prescribed in the Education Services for Overseas Students Regulations 2019.
Nested courses
A set of courses of study that are offered sequentially and can lead to qualifications at different AQF levels. For further detail, see TEQSA Guidance Note: Nested Courses of Study.
Non-award course
A course of study that does not lead to an award of the University such as a short course.
Non-formal learning
Has the same meaning as described in the Credit Policy.
The documentation and information provided to the University by a student for assessment of credit.
Recognition of prior learning (RPL)
Has the same meaning as described in the Credit Policy.
Specified credit
Has the same meaning as described in the Credit Policy.
Student visa
Student (Temporary) (Class TU) as prescribed in Section 1222 of the Migration Regulations 1994 as updated from time to time.
Uncredentialed learning
Has the same meaning as described in the Credit Policy.
Unspecified credit
Has the same meaning as described in the Credit Policy.
Volume of learning (VoL) credit
Credit granted in recognition of completion of approved Australian VET nationally recognised training that is recognised as contributing to the completion of learning outcomes of UC courses.
Weighted Average Mark (WAM)
Has the same meaning as described in the Credit Policy.