(1) To ensure that the freedom of lawful speech of staff and students of the University of Canberra (University) and visitors to the University is treated as a paramount value and therefore is not restricted nor its exercise unnecessarily burdened by restrictions or burdens other than those imposed by law and set out in the Principles of this Policy. (2) To ensure that academic freedom is treated as a defining value by the University and therefore not restricted, nor its exercise unnecessarily burdened by restrictions or burdens other than those imposed by law and set out in the Principles of this Policy. (3) To affirm the importance of the University’s institutional autonomy under law in the regulation of its affairs, including in the protection of freedom of speech and academic freedom. (4) This Policy applies to the governing body of the University, its officers, employees and its decision-making organs, including those involved in academic governance. (5) It also applies to student representative bodies to the extent that their policies and rules are capable of being applied to restrict or burden the freedom of speech or academic freedom of anyone. (6) The University is committed to the promotion and protection of academic freedom; academic staff and students at the University are free to engage in critical enquiry, scholarly endeavour, creative endeavour and public discourse in relation to their subjects of study and research and to enjoy academic freedom subject only to prohibitions, restrictions or conditions: (7) The exercise of academic freedom by a member of the academic staff or by a student, subject to the above limitations, shall not constitute misconduct nor attract any penalty or other adverse action. (8) The University is committed to the rights of all staff and students at the University to enjoy freedom of speech exercised on University land or in connection with the University. Freedom of speech is subject only to restraints or burdens imposed by: (9) Subject to reasonable and proportionate regulation of the kind referred to above, a person’s lawful speech on the University’s land or in connection with a University activity shall not constitute misconduct nor attract any penalty or other adverse action by reference only to its content; nor shall the freedom of academic staff to make lawful public comment on any issue in their personal capacities be subject to constraint imposed by reason of their employment by the University. Where multiple conflicting views exist in the lawful exercise of freedom of speech, the University’s duty to foster the wellbeing of students and staff will be used as a guiding principle in deciding on an organisational response. (10) In entering into affiliations, collaborative or contractual arrangements with third parties and in accepting donations from third parties subject to conditions, the University shall take all reasonable steps to minimise the restrictions or burdens imposed by such arrangements or conditions on the freedom of speech or academic freedom of any member of the academic staff or students carrying on research or study under such arrangements or subject to such conditions. (11) The University has the right and responsibility to determine the terms and conditions upon which it shall permit external visitors and invited visitors to speak on University land and use University facilities and in so doing may: (12) Subject to the preceding Principles, the University shall not refuse permission for the use of its land or facilities by an external visitor or invited visitor nor attach conditions to its permission, solely on the basis of the content of the proposed speech by the visitor. (13) Consistent with this Policy, the University may take reasonable and proportionate steps to ensure that all prospective students in any of its courses have an opportunity to be fully informed of the content of those courses. Academic staff must comply with any policies and rules supportive of the University’s duty to foster the wellbeing of staff and students. They are not precluded from including content solely on the ground that it may offend or shock any student or class of students. (14) The University shall have regard to the Principles of this Policy in the drafting, review or amendment of any non-statutory policies or rules and in the drafting, review or amendment of delegated legislation pursuant to any delegated law-making powers. (15) Non-statutory policies and rules of the University shall be interpreted and applied, so far as is reasonably practicable, in accordance with the Principles of this Policy. (16) Any power or discretion under a non-statutory policy or rule of the University shall be exercised in accordance with the Principles in this Policy. (17) This Policy prevails, to the extent of any inconsistency, over any non-statutory policy or rules of the University. (18) Any power or discretion conferred on the University by a law made by the University in the exercise of its delegated law-making powers shall be exercised, so far as that law allows, in accordance with the Principles of this Policy. (19) Any power or discretion conferred on the University under any contract or workplace agreement shall be exercised, so far as it is consistent with the terms of that contact or workplace agreement, in accordance with the Principles of this Policy. (20) The University will review associated documents in accordance with published review schedules for compliance with the Principles of this Policy. (21) Nil.Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Principles
Associated documents
Section 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Definitions
Academic freedom
Academic staff
all those who are employed by the University to teach and/or carry out research, including those who provide, whether on an honorary basis or otherwise, teaching services and/or conduct research at the University.
Duty to foster the wellbeing of staff and students
External visiting speaker
any person who is not an invited visiting speaker and for whom permission is sought to speak on the University’s land or facilities.
Imposed by law
in relation to restrictions or burdens or conditions on a freedom include restrictions or burdens or conditions imposed by statute law, the common law (including the law of defamation), duties of confidentiality, restrictions deriving from intellectual property law and restrictions imposed by contract.
Invited visiting speaker
any person who has been invited by the university to speak on the university’s land or facilities. For the purposes of this definition, “the University” includes its decision-making organs and officers; its student representative bodies, under-graduate and post- graduate students; societies and associations recognised by its decision-making organs or student representative bodies; and any entities controlled by the University.
Non-statutory policies and rules
any non-statutory policies, rules, guidelines, principles, codes or charters or similar instruments.
includes all forms of expressive conduct including oral speech and written, artistic, musical and performing works, peaceful protest and activity and communication using social media.
for the purposes of this Policy, ‘staff’ includes all employees of the University whether fulltime or part-time, and whether or not academic staff.
The University
The University as an entity, including its decision-making organs and officers, its student representative bodies—undergraduate and postgraduate—and any entities controlled by the University.
In contravention of a prohibition or restriction or condition imposed by law.
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