(1) This Policy lists the skills and attributes the University of Canberra (University) expects its graduates to develop during their course of study. (2) Graduate attributes 1 to 3 apply to coursework courses approved by Academic Board prior to 3 June 2020. (3) Graduate attributes 1 to 4 apply to new or revised coursework courses approved by Academic Board with effect from 3 June 2020. (4) Graduate attributes 1 to 4 apply to all coursework courses with effect from 5 June 2023. (5) Students in University courses acquire a body of professional and disciplinary knowledge, technical and information literacy skills, and a set of appropriate professional attitudes. At the heart of these learning outcomes are the generic attributes we have identified as essential for our graduates. (6) Effective professional practice requires the ability to integrate course-specific skills and knowledge, and generic skills and knowledge. (7) Development of the graduate attributes takes place in all courses in ways that reflect the qualification level and type, and the character of the particular discipline and professional field. (8) Students' develop graduate attributes through curriculum design, including assessment design. (9) The University provides a high-quality, innovative educational experience. Our courses are designed to equip our graduates to be leaders of their profession, to be outward-looking global citizens and to value lifelong learning. (10) The following table lists the University’s graduate attributes:Graduate Attributes Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Principles
Graduate Attributes
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University graduates are professional
University graduates can:
University graduates are global citizens
University graduates can:
University graduates are lifelong learners
University graduates can:
University graduates are able to demonstrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of knowing, being and doing
University graduates can: