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International Student Fee Policy

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This policy sets out the University of Canberra’s requirements for charging, collecting and refunding international student fees.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) This policy applies to all international students undertaking a University of Canberra program of study in Australia. This includes students enrolled in a University of Canberra program through the University of Canberra College. An international student is a student who:

  1. is not an Australian citizen
  2. does not hold a permanent resident visa
  3. does not hold a permanent Australian humanitarian visa
  4. is not a New Zealand citizen.
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Section 3 - Principles

International student fees overview

(3) International student fees comprise:

  1. tuition fees
  2. Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for sponsored students only
  3. Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)
  4. incidental fees for payment plans and late payment charges (where applicable)
  5. other fees not related to tuition that may be collected by the University.

Tuition fees

(4) Tuition fees cover the cost of providing lectures, tutorials, tutoring sessions, training, excursions, fieldwork, laboratories, or practical experience, that:

  1. form part of a course to be provided to the student (whether or not they are a mandatory part of the course); or
  2. are intended to assist the student to progress in such a course including Library, computer laboratories, orientation and other campus facilities and services; or
  3. are matters ancillary to the activities mentioned in this clause.

(5) The tuition fee for each course is set according to both the level of study (undergraduate, postgraduate coursework or research) and the broad field of study or research. The following applies:

  1. Fees are reviewed annually and published against each course on the Find your Course site. The International Students tab shows the indicative tuition fee for the selected course of study.
  2. The length of time for course completion is registered for each course on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).
  3. Should a student decide to change their course, they will receive a new offer with the indicative fee for the course.
  4. The tuition fee charged each teaching period may vary depending on the number and weighting of study units in which a student is enrolled in that teaching period.
  5. The tuition fee charged each year will increase in line with annual fee increases determined by Council.

Visa requirement

(6) The Australian Government requires international students on a student visa to complete their course within the expected duration as specified on the student’s Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE). Refer to Completion within the Expected Duration of Study for International Students Procedure for further information. Full-time study in University of Canberra award courses equates to 24 credit points per year. Tuition fees are calculated on the basis of a full-time load.

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Section 4 - Responsibilities

Director, Student Connect
  • Reviewing and approving requests for special or alternative payment arrangements.
  • Reviewing and actioning applications for refunds of tuition fees.
  • Providing explanations for refusing tuition fee refund requests.
Student Connect
  • Charging late enrolment fees.
  • Charging reinstatement fees.
  • Issuing the Notice of Intention to Report (NOIR).
  • Processing fee refunds.
  • Cancelling enrolment following non-payment of fees.
Student Life (Student Wellbeing & International Support Team)
  • Canceling Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) following non-payment of fees.
  • Issuing release letters for students to transfer to another education provider.
  • Reissuing CoEs following course reinstatement.
  • Reporting student to the Commonwealth Government Department responsible for Immigration for non-compliance (non-payment of fees).
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Section 5 - Procedure

(7) This Policy is supported by the International Student Fee Procedure. 

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Section 6 - Definition

Census Date The last day before a student can withdraw from a unit and not incur a financial or academic penalty in respect of that unit.
Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) A document, provided electronically, which is issued by the University to intending international students and which must accompany their application for a student visa. The document must be produced using the Commonwealth Government’s Provider Registration and International Student Management System (PRISMS). It confirms the international student’s eligibility to enrol in the particular course at the University or University of Canberra College.
Matters Ancillary Anything required to support the primary activity of providing training and assessment.

For example, if a student must have a particular workbook which contains course specific instruction, or tests and assessable tasks, and having this text is necessary to progress through the course, then the fee for this item is a tuition fee.

Other optional resources such as useful text-books or equipment may be useful items but are not a strict requirement to undertake and progress in the course are not included.
Register of Courses A list of courses and associated awards approved for offering by Academic Board (Digital Handbook).
Student A person undertaking a course work or higher degree by research course as defined in the University’s Register of Courses.
Student Services Amenities Fee (SSAF) As per the Higher Education Legislation Amendment (Student Services and Amenities) Act 2011. Helps to pay for campus services and amenities of a non-academic nature. Some of the services funded by SSAF include sporting and financial activities, financial advice, child care and food services.
Teaching Period A semester, term or other period undertaken by research and/or coursework students that corresponds to the way a unit or course is offered, and includes final feedback (including the final grade of the unit). A teaching period may also include a final assessment period.