This is the current version of this document. You can provide feedback on this policy to the document author - refer to the Status and Details on the document's navigation bar.
Section 1 - Purpose
(1) This document sets out the University of Canberra's (University) procedures for all student assessments.
(2) Guidance is provided to staff and students in required assessment practices at the University.
Top of PageSection 2 - Scope
(3) This Procedure applies to all coursework units delivered by the University, at undergraduate and postgraduate level, unless an exemption is approved according to the principles in this document. Information included relates to assignments and examinations (including intra-semester/term exams), and deferred examinations.
(4) Policy and procedures for assessment in higher degree by research courses are found in the University Policy Library.
Top of PageSection 3 - Procedure
(5) Final examinations should be a maximum of three hours in duration, in multiples of half an hour, and should be restricted to one written examination.
(6) Where a pass in the final examination is required for a student to pass a unit, this must be stated in the unit outline.
(7) Students must register with InclusionUC if they require the adjustment of the conditions of their exams as a result of a disability or ongoing health condition. InclusionUC staff will work with students to determine reasonable adjustments where appropriate.
(8) Unit Conveners or their nominees are required to attend the examination room 10 minutes prior to an exam, must remain for the first 15 minutes of the exam and be easily contactable during the examination.
(9) Examination invigilators will scrutinise permitted materials at their discretion and will take appropriate action concerning items that do not match the permitted materials stated for each examination.
(10) Students require a current signed Student ID card to obtain admission to the examination room.
Examination Papers
(11) In disciplines where the language of exam questions is unavoidably complex, Unit Conveners are encouraged to include in their learning tools, guidance on reading and answering such questions. However, exam papers should be written in plain English and avoid the use of overly complex language.
(12) The time allowed for an exam should incorporate time for reading the exam paper. Students are permitted to write during the reading time.
(13) Unit Conveners must ensure examination papers are delivered to Student Connect for printing by the close of business on the first working day of week 10 in each semester and week five of winter term. If extenuating circumstances prevent Unit Conveners from delivering their examination papers within this timeframe, the Unit Convener must supply sufficient copies (including spares) of printed examination papers, which must be delivered no less than five working days before the commencement of the examination period to ensure the papers are received, checked and delivered to the correct venues.
Examination Paper Authorisation
(14) Student Connect will provide each Unit Convener with an Examination Paper Authorisation form to assist with the quality assurance process.
(15) The Head of Discipline must certify on the form that the exam paper has been checked for errors and is in accord with University requirements.
(16) Student Connect must retain the form for six weeks after the official results release date (refer clause 43).
Release of Examination Papers
(17) Exam question papers are collected from students at the end of the exam and held by the Timetabling and Examinations Office for collection by the relevant faculty examiner, along with the students’ script books, computer sheets, and A4 notes.
(18) The examiner who requested the exam will be deemed to be the relevant faculty examiner prior to the collection of examination material. The examiner must show their University ID card or other signed photographic ID and will need to sign the original request form to acknowledge that they have collected the materials. All exam materials including notes and script books must be collected.
(19) Unit Conveners will indicate on the Request for Final Examination form if exam question papers are to be released to the Library for publishing. Student Connect will release the papers to the Library as follows:
- For Semester 1: papers will be released at the beginning of September
- For the Winter Term: papers will be released at the beginning of November
- For Semester 2: papers will be released at the beginning of March.
Notification of Permitted Materials
(20) The Unit Convener will notify Student Connect of permitted materials for exams when requesting examination scheduling. Permitted materials will be specified in the unit outline, on the examination timetable, and on the cover of the exam paper.
(21) Examination invigilators will scrutinise permitted materials at their discretion. If materials allowed in an exam are specified as ‘any permitted materials’, these include items normally used for study such as textbooks and lecture notes.
(22) If a dictionary is permitted in an exam, all students may bring in a hardcopy only of an English language dictionary and/or a foreign language/bilingual dictionary.
(23) Thesauruses are not allowed unless specified as a permitted material. Dictionaries permitted in exams must not be annotated.
(24) Calculators are allowed in an exam only if specified as permitted materials in the unit outline.
(25) Students are to clear the memories of programmable calculators and remove them from calculator cases before taking them into the examination room.
(26) The Unit Convener or nominee will check the calculators before the exam commences. The Unit Convener will confiscate calculators that are not acceptable.
(27) Students should check with their Unit Convener prior to the day of the examination if they are unsure whether their calculator is the approved type.
Mobile phones and other electronic devices
(28) Electronic devices such as, but not limited to, mobile phones, laptops, MP3 players, iPods, hand-held computers, electronic dictionaries and smart watches, are not permitted in the examination room.
(29) Any student found with unauthorised electronic devices or other prohibited material will have their exam cancelled. Students will be subject to disciplinary action under the University of Canberra (Student Conduct) Rules 2023 and clause 32 below.
Personal Items
(30) Students are to be discouraged from bringing personal items into the examination room.
Submission of Results
(31) The deadline for the electronic submission of results is the Monday prior to the Faculty Assessment Board meeting following the examination period.
Misconduct in the Examination Room
(32) Any alleged breach of conduct during the examination will initially be reported to the Examinations Venue Manager. The student will be notified during the examination of any misconduct and will be issued with a breach of conduct card. The student will be informed at the conclusion of the exam of the procedures surrounding alleged breaches by the Examinations Venue Manager or their representative.
(33) A report on an alleged breach will be sent to the Associate Dean, Education (ADE), or other prescribed authority, who will determine whether to conduct a Summary Inquiry, or if no further action should be taken (refer to the University of Canberra (Student Conduct) Rules 2023).
(34) The Unit Convener of the unit in which the alleged breach took place will be provided with a copy of the report.
Use of Materials
(35) It is a student’s responsibility to ensure they are aware of the materials permitted for each of their examinations.
(36) Within the parameters of this Policy, staff are encouraged to schedule ample time for examinations and, where appropriate, to allow access to non-electronic English/foreign language dictionaries. This will help to ensure that assessment is fair to all students, including those students for whom English is a second language.
(37) The wearing of hats and other headwear is not allowed during exams except for cultural, religious or medical reasons, or unless permitted by the Director, Student Connect or appropriate delegate. Where a student is wearing such headwear they may be asked to remove the headwear, prior to the examination if it prevents proper identification of the student, in a manner that respects the student’s beliefs.
Absence from the Examination Room
(38) Students are not permitted to leave the examination room in the first 30 minutes or the last 15 minutes of an exam.
(39) Students are allowed temporary leave of absence from the examination room at the discretion of the invigilator for a visit to the toilet.
Special Consideration During the Examination Period
(40) Students who are unwell or disadvantaged by other unavoidable and compelling circumstances at the scheduled time of an exam are advised not to take the exam. Students should seek appropriate medical or other documentation outlining their circumstances, if they wish to apply for a deferred examination.
(41) If a student becomes unwell during an examination, they must inform an invigilator.
Exam Answer Sheets
(42) Students are entitled to supervised access to their own completed exam answer sheets within 12 months of the release to the faculties.
Approval and release of results
(43) Results will be released following approval by the Faculty Assessment Boards, within 15 working days or less; however, individual student results for units may be released sooner.
Scheduling of Final Examinations
Preliminary Timetable
(44) Information on the preliminary timetable is for Unit Convener checking only and must not be released to students.
Examination Requirements
(45) For semester one and two the Unit Conveners will supply Student Connect with details on exam requirements by the Friday of week three in the semester and by week one for the winter term.
Intra-semester and Intra-term Examinations
(46) Unit Conveners managing intra-semester and intra-term exams are responsible for exam printing, security and delivery of exam papers as well as providing instructions to examination invigilators.
(47) It is recommended that Unit Conveners provide assessment in the third week of the semester in accordance with the Academic Progress (Coursework Units) Procedure.
Examinations in the Final Two Weeks of Semester
(48) Academic Board has determined that examinations or tests that are not final examinations are permitted in the final two weeks of semester, provided that:
- the examination or test is conducted in the scheduled regular teaching time for the unit;
- there is no interference with the normal routine of any student (such as disruption to accommodation, times for attending lectures, tutorials, and clinical placement/professional experience);
- there is no request for the services of Student Connect to assist in the conduct of the examination; and
- the marks allocated for such examinations or tests are not more than 10% of the total marks for the unit (except with faculty Executive Dean authorisation).
Online Examinations
(49) If online examinations are conducted in a unit, the Unit Convener will address issues of security, verification of student identity and provision of technical support for students.
Assessment Tasks
(50) Assessment tasks should be designed in a way to allow students to demonstrate their knowledge of the subject, and meet the learning outcomes of the units.
(51) Assessment tasks should have a dedicated space in the Learning Management System (LMS).
(52) It is at the discretion of the academic to give feedback on draft submissions prior to the final deadline for assignment tasks.
(53) In instances when multiple uploads of assessments are received, only the last submission prior to the due date will be considered as the final submitted assessment, and the one which will be marked.
(54) Only one late submission (an assignment submitted after the due date) is permitted. If more than one late submission is uploaded, the first one will be the one which is marked. Late submissions may be subject to penalties, as detailed in the unit outline.
(55) When academics create assignments in the LMS they must enable the text matching software for each text-based student assessment item.
Social Media in Teaching and Assessment Activities
(56) Social media for the purposes of this document relates to websites and applications that allow students and staff to create and share material, or interact via social networking activities. This can take many forms including text, images, audio, video, gestures (such as ‘liking’, ‘favouriting’, ‘following’) and other multimedia communications.
(57) Personal use of social media, that in no way relates to teaching or assessment activities, is not within the scope of these Procedures.
(58) This information is applicable for all learning and assessment activities involving social media regardless of where and how they are hosted.
(59) The University acknowledges that social media creates an environment for limitless communication, collaboration, dialogue and information exchange and encourages staff to use social media systems for teaching purposes.
(60) Staff must be aware of the network effects of social media platforms and similar services, such as the ‘amplificatory’ effect of popular content, which can portray both positive and negative outputs.
(61) Staff must ensure that students are briefed on the use of social media and any implications related to their personal privacy and the ownership of content that they post or share in the course of their learning activities.
(62) The unit outline for a unit that uses social media for teaching purposes should address the following:
- Details of learning activities or assessment tasks within units using social media that place any obligations on students to be a member of, or join, a social media platform.
- In instances where membership of a social media system carries a cost, students will be informed and will not be obliged to join the platform.
- A disclaimer to note that social media is not at the control of the University and, therefore, changes may be made to learning or assessment materials at late notice as a consequence of changes to content or access to the social media platform.
- Information on the differential uses of social media for personal and professional use.
- Detail any use of social media within the unit and how student’s privacy will be protected within the bounds of the assessment or learning task.
- Warnings of possible disturbing content that can be viewed by students when using social media, that is outside the control of the University.
- Students who are concerned with the use of social media for privacy or other issues are advised to speak with their Unit Convener as soon as possible.
(63) Students and staff must not post or share any material (including comments) on social media that:
- could be construed as representing the University without express permission;
- breaches the Network Access and Use Responsibilities and Obligations;
- breaches the University of Canberra (Student Conduct) Rules 2023;
- breaches expected staff conduct, as per the Enterprise Agreement;
- does not comply with all applicable laws, including copyright, privacy, defamation, contempt of court, discrimination and harassment laws.
(64) Staff and students should apply the same standards of conduct online as they are expected to apply offline.
(65) Staff should make themselves aware of privacy settings of social media platforms and ensure that they are appropriate for the intended audience and learning objectives for their use.
(66) The use of social media in teaching or assessment activities must not be for the purpose of profit-making or commercial activity, without prior express written permission from the faculty Executive Dean, or appropriate delegate.
(67) Where material is owned wholly by the provider, Unit Conveners must ensure that this does not stop them from undertaking the learning or assessment activity before using said provider.
(68) Where possible, material created using social media tools for assessment tasks should be retained according to other assessment retention schedules and methods.
Supplementary Assessment
(69) Unit Conveners, where it is impractical or professionally inappropriate to offer supplementary assessment tasks (such as teaching practicums and internships), can apply to the ADE for an exemption from the requirement to offer supplementary assessment.
(70) Any unit granted an exemption from offering supplementary assessment must include an explanatory statement to that effect in the unit outline.
(71) Students who successfully complete supplementary assessment (including a supplementary examination) and become eligible for conferral may not be able to attend a conferring ceremony until after the end of the following teaching period. However, students may be conferred ‘in absentia’ at an appropriate ceremony or Council meeting.
(72) A student, who achieves a pass mark or better in a supplementary assessment, shall receive the minimum required mark required to receive a pass grade in that unit (e.g. 50/100).
Supplementary Assessment Other Than Supplementary Examinations
(73) The supplementary assessment task must be significantly different from the original task but comparable in terms of the learning outcomes being assessed.
(74) Where judged academically appropriate, a supplementary examination could be offered as a form of supplementary assessment in units which did not include a final examination. In such cases, the Unit Convener, in consultation with the ADE or Course Convener, will establish that an examination appropriately assesses the learning outcomes of the unit and its provision does not disadvantage other students enrolled in the unit.
(75) To be eligible for supplementary assessment, a student must:
- be enrolled in their final teaching period of study;
- have failed a single unit, with a final mark within 5% of the minimum pass mark (e.g. 45-49%) in the unit; and
- have passed all other units undertaken in that teaching period.
(76) The failed unit must be the final unit required to complete the academic requirements of their course.
(77) Supplementary assessment is not permitted in a unit where there was a proven case of academic misconduct against the student which resulted in a lower mark for the unit.
(78) Supplementary assessment tasks will be subject to the same academic oversight as standard assessment tasks. Supplementary assessment is not to be of a lesser quality.
(79) If a supplementary examination is not an appropriate form of supplementary assessment then an alternative piece of supplementary assessment will need to be developed. This could take the form, for example, of an oral examination, a ‘take-home’ examination, an additional written essay, a test, a seminar presentation or a laboratory report.
Deferring a Supplementary Examination
(80) In exceptional, unavoidable and verifiable circumstances a student can apply to defer the supplementary examination, subject to the approval of the ADE.
(81) The criteria for considering applications to defer a supplementary examination will be the same as the criteria for considering applications to defer a final examination.
(82) The student and the Unit Convener will still be subject to University timeframes for finalising any outstanding results, such as withheld results.
Special Consideration and Appeals
(83) If a student is not satisfied with the ADE's decision (to approve or not approve the application for a deferred supplementary examination) they may, in the first instance, seek a review of the decision by the Director, Student Connect (who may consult with the Unit Convener, Course Convener or other appropriate staff).
(84) Students who undertake supplementary assessment are subject to the same consideration under University regulations and policy with regard to special consideration, misconduct in examinations, and appeal processes as they are for regular assessment tasks.
(85) Students who undertake supplementary assessment and are unsuccessful should be subject to special consideration regarding any penalties imposed by the University for administrative deadlines.
(86) All decisions and subsequent actions related to supplementary assessment are subject to the oversight of Faculty Assessment Boards. Decisions and actions will be documented as required by this or other University policies in cases of appeals or reviews.
(87) A student may seek a review of any final result for a unit. For further information, see the Student Grievance Resolution Policy. A student also may seek feedback on any final result.
(88) All decisions and subsequent actions related to supplementary assessment are subject to the oversight of Faculty Assessment Boards.
Student Identification
(89) Generic information regarding the criteria for eligibility to undertake supplementary assessment will be included in advice sent to students who have indicated they expected to complete their course but have been considered ineligible for conferral.
(90) Such information will refer them to the Unit Convener of the failed unit who will conduct an initial assessment of the student’s eligibility to undertake supplementary assessment. This discussion will include appropriate feedback on the student’s previous performance.
(91) If the student appears to be eligible (and elects to take advantage of the opportunity) the Unit Convener will provide a supplementary assessment form to be completed by the student.
(92) The Unit Convener will then endorse the supplementary assessment form before submitting it to Student Connect. The Unit Convener will certify on the form that the student has failed the unit with a final mark within 5% of the minimum pass mark (e.g. 45-49%), and has failed only one unit in the semester, which was the unit required to complete their course.
(93) Student Connect will update the student management system to amend the student’s fail grade to the interim grade SX (supplementary assessment result).
Deferred examinations and extensions
(94) A student seeking a deferred examination or an extension to assessment must apply to the University in writing, setting out the reasons for the application and the form of the extenuating circumstance involved, as well as relevant evidence.
(95) A student may appeal against a University decision not to grant extensions to their assessment tasks or an additional deferred exam following an application, through the Student Grievance Resolution Policy or via the Director, Student Connect as detailed below.
Extenuating Circumstances
(96) When a student is unable to submit or undertake assessment (including an examination) or other course requirements due to extenuating circumstances, the student must notify the Unit Convener or Timetabling and Examinations Office as soon as possible after the event or before the event where circumstances allow.
(97) Students with ongoing, documented health problems that arise after the census date may wish to consider applying to Student Connect for a late withdrawal from the unit (Enrolment Amendment process).
(98) Applications for extenuating circumstances should detail which clause or subclause they are applying under and provide accompanying evidence as detailed in each category.
(99) Where an original certificate or other documentary evidence is not available, a statutory declaration can be submitted.
(100) The circumstances specified below are considered to be unanticipated, extenuating and exceptional circumstances.
- Illness or serious health problems:
- Where a student is unable to undertake assessment due to illness or other serious health problems, applications must be supported by an original or certified copy of a medical certificate that clearly states the impact of the condition, the expected duration of the condition, and when study and assessment can be recommenced.
- Medical certificates must be provided by a certified doctor who is not a relative, colleague, or close friend of the student, or has any other conflict of interest.
- Bereavement:
- Where a student is affected by a bereavement of an immediate family member or close friend/relative to the extent that the student is unable to undertake assessment(s) as required, students must provide a certified copy of the death certificate or appropriate evidence.
- Psychological well-being:
- Where a student has experienced an event that affects their psychological well-being to the extent that they are unable to unable to undertake the required assessment(s), they must provide an original or certified copy of a document from their counsellor or other relevant practitioner, indicating the impact of the event, and the expected timeframe until study and assessment can be recommenced.
- Other personal or professional exceptional circumstances:
- In instances when a student has unavoidable, unexpected and exceptional personal or professional circumstances which impacts on their ability to undertake and complete assessment/s, they should include documentary evidence to confirm the circumstance.
- Other misadventure (e.g. victim of crime, car accident):
- Where a student experiences a significant misadventure, such as a car accident or being the victim of crime, which impacts on their ability to undertake assessment as required, the student must include an original or certified copy of appropriate evidence.
- Natural disaster/major political upheaval:
- In instances where a natural disaster occurs in the student's home country, or major political upheavals/civil unrest, and may cause trauma to the student such that they are unable to focus on their studies, an application for extension may be applied.
Extenuating Circumstances (Prior Arrangements)
(101) The circumstances specified in clause 103 below relate to anticipated events or circumstances and those which have a defined time period. Students should apply for extensions detailing the category of extenuating circumstance and include evidence as detailed in each category. Students must submit the request for extenuating circumstances to the Unit Convener at the earliest possible opportunity, no later than 5 working days before the scheduled due date of the assessment.
(102) At the discretion of the Unit Convener, a request for extenuating circumstances may be accepted in circumstances where a student cannot notify the Unit Convener at least five working days before the scheduled due date of the assessment due to the nature of the prior arrangement.
(103) In the circumstances below, an application must be submitted as soon as possible after notification of the event that will affect a student’s studies.
- Sporting Commitments at the state or national level:
- On occasions when a student is selected to participate at state or national level in a sport, applications must include an original or certified copy of documentation from the authority detailing their selection and the timeframe they will be required for representative duties.
- Voluntary military or emergency service commitments:
- When a student has volunteered for military or emergency service, students must provide an original or certified copy of documentation from the relevant entity stating required dates of service.
- Representing the University in national/international events:
- In instances where a student has been asked to represent the University in sporting, business, academic or other events a supporting document from the relevant faculty or business unit must be included giving details of the representation and expected dates of absence.
- Jury duty/service:
- If a student has been notified of jury duty which conflicts with their assessment, the application must include an original or certified copy of the jury duty summons and dates of service.
- Birth or adoption of a child:
- A student or partner that gives birth to, or adopts, a child during a period that coincides with assessment item due date(s) must contact the Unit Convener to make alternate arrangements for submission, providing written evidence of the birth/adoption.
- Court mandated appearances:
- If a student is required by law to appear in court, they must include an original or certified copy of the papers requesting their attendance in court.
- Cultural or religious reasons:
- A student may cite cultural or religious reasons for seeking an extension for submission of assessment(s). In such circumstances, the student must submit a statement detailing the religious/cultural event and if suitable, a supporting letter from their religious/cultural leader.
Prior arrangements - Reasonable Adjustment Plans:
(104) Students registered with a disability or ongoing health condition through InclusionUC may have assignment extensions on their Reasonable Adjustment Plan (RAP). The RAP is made available to Unit Conveners at the beginning of the teaching period or as soon as the student registers with InclusionUC. Student's applying on this basis must apply for extensions no later than the due date for the relevant assessment item.
Documentary Evidence
(105) Students should follow the required documentary guidelines specified for each circumstance/category.
(106) In all cases, some form of original documentary evidence (a scanned copy or photocopy will also be considered) is required to support an application for a deferred examination or assessment extension. It should be noted that such documentation will be considered but will not guarantee that the application will be successful.
(107) Evidentiary documentation submitted should be original or a certified copy.
(108) In particular, original medical certificates are to be provided and must be signed by a registered medical, dental or health practitioner. It is not necessary for medical and counselling certificates to specify the nature of the medical condition but such certification should contain the following:
- the registered provider number;
- the date on which the student was to sit the examination or submit the assessment; and
- advice regarding the severity and duration of the complaint and that the circumstances would affect the student’s performance.
(109) If Student Connect, the Unit Convener or other relevant authority, is not satisfied with the authenticity of the documentation provided, they have the authority to verify the authenticity of the document. This may include liaising with the student to provide more information or consulting the source of the documentation.
(110) The following are generally considered unacceptable grounds and reasons for non-acceptance of applications:
- less than four consecutive examinations (for example, two on one day, and one the following morning);
- sitting the examination when the student is unwell;
- misreading the Examination Timetable (including arriving more than 30 minutes after the commencement of the examination);
- travel arrangements (including holidays) in Australia or overseas for purposes unrelated to study;
- social and leisure events, including sporting (and sports training) other than at state, national or international representative level;
- the application is being submitted at such a time that all other students in that unit have already received feedback for that particular assessment item(s);
- acceptable timeframes for application for extension have not been followed;
- the student is unable to provide evidence supporting their claim of extenuating circumstances.
- personal network/computer/technical problems.
Support Services
(111) Students with a short or long term disability and/or health condition may wish to seek support from Medical and Counselling.
(112) It is recommended that students with a disability and/or health condition that is likely to affect their studies for a month or more should approach InclusionUC to register. Relevant documentation from a health practitioner will be required for registration.
Deferred Exams
(113) Students who successfully complete a deferred examination and subsequently become eligible for graduation will have their conferral delayed.
(114) Deferred Examination Applications (together with any supporting evidence and a declaration by the student affirming that they have no knowledge of the content of the initial examination) must be lodged within three days of the scheduled examination with Student Connect.
(115) Students submitting a Deferred Examination Application must agree to the terms stated within this document.
(116) Deferred Examination Applications lodged after the due submission date may be considered only if circumstances made it impossible for the application to be lodged before, or immediately after, the original examination (for example, where an ongoing serious illness exists).
(117) Students are not usually permitted to defer a deferred final exam. Any student who does not undertake their deferred exam will receive a mark of zero for the exam.
(118) Where students are able to provide evidence of exceptional circumstances that led to them being unable to sit their deferred final exam they may apply for a late withdrawal from the unit using the Enrolment Amendment Form. This application will be considered on its merits.
(119) If a student seeks to appeal the decision not to grant a deferral of the deferred exam, the appeal must be directed to the Director, Student Connect.
(120) If the Director, Student Connect finds that the student experienced exceptional circumstances that warrant the granting of a final opportunity to sit the examination, the Director, Student Connect may grant such an opportunity to the student.
(121) Students may appeal the decision of the Director, Student Connect through the processes outlined in the Student Grievance Resolution Policy.
(122) Intra-semester examination deferrals are to be managed by the Faculty. Where a deferral is set, the date of the subsequent examination should be within a reasonable time period.
(123) Students must request approval from the Unit Convener to grant a deferred intra-semester examination. Grounds for acceptance should follow those detailed above.
(124) Students are not permitted to defer a deferred intra-semester exam. Any student unable to undertake the deferred intra-semester exam will be failed for the assessment task.
(125) Where a student provides evidence of extenuating circumstances which prevented them from undertaking a deferred intra-semester examination, the ADE may grant the student a further deferral.
(126) If a student seeks to appeal the decision of the ADE or appropriate nominee, they should follow the Student Grievance Resolution Policy.
Process and Responsibilities
(127) If a student is not able to attend their scheduled examination and the reason meets the criteria for acceptable grounds for extenuating circumstances the student should submit a Request for Deferred Examination Application form to Student Connect.
(128) Student Connect will assess the Deferred Examination Application form and original documentary evidence, to determine if the student is eligible for a deferred examination.
(129) Student Connect will maintain a register of deferred examination applications to monitor the frequency and number of applications students submit and will notify the relevant Unit Convener or Course Convener as appropriate.
(130) Final deferred examinations will only be scheduled and managed by Student Connect and must not be conducted by faculties without the approval of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Academic (DVCA).
(131) Intra-semester examinations are managed and approved in the faculty.
(132) A student will be given a fail grade (i.e. mark of 0%) for the examination if they fail to provide evidence of acceptable extenuating circumstances for not attending a requested deferred examination.
Approval Process
(133) When Student Connect, or the ADE has assessed that the student has met the acceptable grounds for approval, Student Connect will:
- request that a DX result be entered into the student management system; and
- notify the student and Unit Convener via email, or other appropriate means, of the application outcome.
Deferred Examination Paper
(134) The Unit Convener is required to submit a deferred examination that differs significantly from the original exam paper, to Student Connect with the end of semester examination paper.
Deferred Examination Period
(135) The deferred examination will be scheduled in the next deferred examination period for formal examinations. Intra-semester exams will be held within a reasonable timeframe of the original exam.
(136) The student will need to make themselves available to sit the scheduled deferred examination.
(137) Student Connect will schedule and manage the deferred examination period and advise the student and staff accordingly.
(138) A deferred examination will be held under the same conditions as those required in a standard end of semester examination, as outlined in paragraphs above.
(139) The Unit Convener should submit a result for the deferred examination using the same procedures as other examination periods. The results will be released five working days after the finish of an examination period.
(140) If the DX result has not been converted to a substantive result by week two of the following semester, the result will be changed to a NC result by Student Connect.
(141) If a student is granted a Deferred Examination and subsequently does not sit the examination, the DX result will be converted to a NC result by Student Connect.
Extensions and Late Submissions
(142) Unit Conveners may alter and inform students of an assessment task deadline change due to unexpected exceptional circumstances outside of their control. This includes extensions being permitted where there has been a system failure to an online University platform which means that the student is unable to submit an assessment item(s) by the due date.
(143) When a student does not submit an assessment task on or before the due date and time, their mark will be reduced by five percentage points per day from the total mark available (e.g. if an assessment was submitted three days late a mark of 70% would be reduced to 55%, or put another way, if a student was awarded 21 out of 30 and submitted three days late their mark would be reduced to 16.5 out of 30), up to a maximum of seven days at which time the submitted assignment will receive a mark of zero, unless there are approved extenuating circumstances. The minimum mark an assignment can be awarded is zero.
(144) Where there is variation to this and no late submissions are acceptable, it must be clearly stated in the unit outline. Exceptions to the rule must only be permitted where it is pedagogically defensible and relevant to the learning outcomes of the assessment/unit.
(145) Variations may be required for particular assessment methods, for example required attendance for a presentation, or in-class assessments.
(146) Exceptions will be approved through the usual unit outline approval processes.
(147) Late submissions may result in reduced feedback being provided to students.
Process and Responsibilities
(148) A student who has extenuating circumstances and is unable to meet the assessment deadline can apply for an extension to the deadline to the relevant Unit Convener.
(149) Students must apply for an extension within a reasonable time frame of the deadline and must include the relevant documentary evidence according to the category of extenuating circumstance under which they are applying.
(150) Notification must be within a reasonable time, and may be rejected if in the Unit Convener's judgement, an unreasonable amount of time has passed.
(151) The Unit Convener for the relevant unit will consider the application and advise the student within seven days whether an extension has been granted.
(152) In the consideration of an extension, Unit Conveners must take into account the extent of the extenuating circumstance, timescale of impact and proximity to the assessment deadline.
(153) Where an acceptable application is submitted, the Unit Convener will inform the student what the new deadline is and whether there is to be an alternate assessment.
(154) There may be different outcomes offered/available to the student which could also alter according to both the timescales of the assessment deadline within the teaching period, and the extent of time to which they will be unable to undertake assessment. Outomes inlcude extensions, late withdrawal or alternate assessment (see below).
(155) Extensions granted for short-term extenuating circumstances must not be beyond the teaching period in which the student is undertaking the unit to avoid delaying student progress.
(156) Extensions should be granted to a timescale that is commensurate with the extenuating circumstance.
(157) In instances where the extension deadline is within the same teaching period, grades must be entered within the same period so as to not disadvantage the student’s academic progress.
(158) When the extension deadline for the assessment falls in another teaching period, students will be given an interim withheld grade until the final grade has been resolved.
Late Withdrawal
(159) If a student is unable to submit/undertake an assessment as required due to exceptional circumstances that occurred after the census date, the student may apply for a late withdrawal from the unit, using the Enrolment Amendment Form, which will be granted at the discretion of Student Connect.
Alternate Assessment
(160) If extenuating circumstances are accepted for an extension the Unit Convener may also offer an alternate assessment such as an assignment, take-home examination or oral presentation as appropriate.
(161) The alternate assessment task must cover the same learning outcomes as the original piece and can be of the same format but to a different brief.
(162) There is no requirement that the Unit Convener will offer an alternate assessment and it is typically not offered for examinations or oral presentations.
Withheld Results
(163) The withheld result is an interim result intended to cover the delay in awarding a final result for a coursework unit. WH grades are given, for example:
- when a student has been given an extension for submitting an assignment as the result of extenuating circumstances;
- pending a student conduct investigation;
- pending mastery assessment;
- the student is on exchange or professional practice placement.
(164) The following types of withheld grades are available for use:
Interim Grade |
Letter Grade |
Application |
Withheld Result Standard |
WH |
Circumstances such as extensions to submission of assessment items. Also used in cases where results are not available in time for standard release of results. |
Withheld Result Extended |
Exceptional circumstances leading to an extension of a WH grade. Only one extension is permitted. |
Withheld Result WIL |
Withheld result due to internship/placement availability. |
Withheld Result Conduct |
Withheld due to Student Conduct investigation, including Summary Inquiries. |
Resolution of Withheld Results
(165) Unit Conveners are responsible for the timely resolution of withheld grades.
(166) Student Connect will send reminders to Unit Conveners to resolve withheld grades before the resolution deadline.
(167) Student Connect will also send reminders to students for WH, WHE and WHW grades to advise them if a withheld grade is due to expire.
(168) Unit Conveners will resolve any withheld grades by submitting an Amendment to Unit Results form to the associate dean (education).
(169) Standard Withheld (WH) grades can be given a single extension using the WHE grade. Extensions to other withheld grades, including extending a WHE, are not available.
(170) Students will apply in writing to the Unit Convener for an extension to a WH result, for signed approval by the ADE or delegated authority and notification to Student Connect using the Amendment to Unit Results process.
(171) Original documentary evidence must be provided to support an application for an extension to a withheld result such as a statutory declaration, or a medical or counselling certificate.
(172) Extensions to withheld results are typically only approved to accommodate exceptional and verifiable circumstances and where a unit is offered once a year. Examples of exceptional circumstances include:
- serious medical problems, accidents or other extenuating circumstances outside of the student’s control;
- the scheduling of professional placements or of international sporting commitments, where a more suitable time is not available.
(173) In all other cases, staff will advise students requesting extensions to withheld results to apply to the Director, Student Connect for withdrawal without penalty and remission of fees.
(174) Faculties will resolve withheld results by the following deadlines:
Withheld Type |
Withheld result resolution deadline |
Standard Withheld (WH) |
3 Months from End of Teaching Period. |
Extended Withheld (WHE) |
9 Months from end of Teaching Period. |
WIL Withheld (WHW) |
24 Months from End of Teaching Period. |
Conduct Withheld (WHC) |
No expiry date set. |
Unresolved WH Results
(175) Withheld results and extensions to withheld results not resolved by the due date are automatically converted to fail grades by Student Connect. If no grade at all is given by the due date, the final result will also be a fail grade.
(176) Moderation provides additional safeguards to ensure consistency when there are multiple markers involved in assessing a unit.
(177) When a piece of assessment of a student is awarded a mark or grade that changes a student’s grade to a fail grade in a unit, the piece of assessment must be reassessed as outlined by the moderation process.
Developing and Communicating Moderation and Academic Standards
(178) Faculties will ensure units have clearly established moderation procedures based upon appropriate application of the practices set out in this section. Moderation processes will be communicated to all stakeholders, including sessional staff, as well as clinical assessors, those involved in work-integrated learning and third party providers.
(179) The Unit Convener, through discussion and consensus with all who teach in the unit, will develop a description of the combination of moderation procedures that will suit that unit and the team that teaches within it, across all modes and delivery locations.
(180) The established unit moderation procedures should clearly indicate that the Unit Convener has authority to alter assessment item results after moderation activities and will convey any such changes to all markers involved in the assessment item(s). Any such alteration in results must be approved by the ADE or nominated representative.
(181) The Unit Convener should involve all staff with responsibility for assessment in a unit as far as practicable in discussions on marking criteria and reach agreement on standards of student performance in the range of assessment items used in that unit.
(182) Moderation procedures will be developed for all modes of assessment, for example, written assignments, presentations, fieldwork or clinical placements.
(183) Where appropriate, professional associations or industry bodies will assist in establishing and maintaining academic standards through moderating assessment in units subject to professional accreditation.
(184) Where a unit is delivered in a variety of modes, locations and/or by a third party provider, an appropriately qualified academic with subject matter expertise from the Bruce Campus of the University must re-assess at least 10% of the submitted assessment items, or five of each assessment item, whichever is greater. This reassessment must include at least one assessment item originally graded at each grade (Pass, Credit, Distinction, High Distinction).
Moderation Methods
(185) Selection of assessment items for moderation in a unit must include all failed assessment items. The moderation of passing assessment items may be based on a sample chosen randomly, on a percentage basis at different grade levels or the full range of submitted items to develop a common view about performance. Moderation on a percentage basis can be effectively achieved by moderating assessment items falling 2.5% each side of the grade limits (i.e. 50 – 52.5%, 62.5 – 67.5%, 72.5 – 77.5%, 82.5 – 87.5%, 97.5 – 100%).
(186) Moderation approaches may involve, but are not limited to:
- a second assessor reviewing marks awarded by a first marker;
- blind marking where the student name/ID and any assessor comments are removed; and/or
- group marking of sample scripts conducted face-to-face or online if all staff involved in assessment cannot be assembled.
(187) In transnational programs, Unit Conveners will ensure the application of moderation procedures, as listed above at 3.14.11.
(188) A faculty may designate a moderator to review unit grades before submission to the Faculty Assessment Board. Where a faculty moderator is used, responsibilities and expectations of the role will be set out in the moderation procedures.
(189) Moderation of assessment items should occur promptly and should not significantly delay the provision of results or feedback to students.
(190) Students will be awarded a mark for each assessment item unless the item or unit is assessed on a pass/fail basis only, or the assessment is formative and does not contribute to the final grade. See also clause 214 – 217 on competency-based assessment.
(191) Units with ungraded passes will be minimised at undergraduate level. Pass/fail grades may only apply to units or unit components where professional standards call for assessment without marks.
(192) Students who undertake supplementary assessment will only be assessed on a pass/fail basis in the supplementary assessment task and in the unit.
(193) All interim grades must be finalised within the timeframe for the management of such results.
(194) Marks will not be awarded for participation unless there is a specific assessment task or demonstration of a competency included in the session in which students are participating.
(195) In instances where participation leads to an assessable task, students will be informed beforehand and given information on the criteria for marking and grading in the session.
(196) Marking guides (defined in this document) must be available for each unit or assessment task to moderators as well as examiners, by Course Conveners (combined unit guides must only be completed if all assessment in the unit are of the same type).
(197) Marking guides must be made available to students on the unit LMS site.
(198) Marking guides should inform students how and where they can accrue marks for their assessment task and what standards are expected for marks to be awarded.
(199) As part of the moderation of a unit, or through the approval of the Unit Outline, marking guides must be peer-reviewed or approved by Faculty Board or through the ADE (as determined in the Unit Outline Procedures).
(200) Staff may also choose to use Marking rubrics (see Definitions), which should be available in the LMS unit site. This gives students a more specific set of guidelines in relation to how their work will be evaluated and marked.
Criteria for Awarding Grades
(201) The series of assessments in a unit leading to the final grade assess the students’ developing understanding and skills. The unit outline sets out the weighting of prior assessments towards the final grade.
(202) Criteria to achieve a pass in a unit are set out in the section on assessment in the unit outline. Students should generally be able to anticipate their final grade. However, examples of occasions where final grades may not meet the expectations of students include:
- the final examination comprises a large proportion of the assessment for a unit;
- a pass in the final examination is required for a student to pass the unit; or
- the weighting of assessment items over the teaching period results in the final grade not reflecting the grades given to individual assessment items.
(203) The unit outline must clearly indicate if a fail grade may be awarded despite an aggregate result from individual assessment items indicating a pass. In such a case, the student would be awarded an NX grade. This may be appropriate where professional competence or accreditation is required.
Grade Descriptors
(204) Grades are described in terms of letters (e.g. P, DI) or numerically(e.g. 54%, 77%). Numerical grades are used:
- to provide greater differentiation of student performance than that possible through the use of letter grades, for example, to distinguish between a low and high pass; and/or
- to provide a means of aggregating grades awarded to different assessment items; and/or
- to provide more detailed information on student performance where required for external institutions (for example, for admission to universities in other countries).
Designated grade |
Verbal description |
High Distinction (HD) |
Work of outstanding quality on the learning outcomes of the unit, which may be demonstrated in areas such as criticism, logical argument, and interpretation of materials or use of methodology. This grade may also be given to recognise particular originality or creativity. |
Distinction (DI) |
Work of superior quality on the learning outcomes of the unit, demonstrating a sound grasp of content, together with efficient organisation and selectivity. |
Credit (CR) |
Work of good quality showing more than satisfactory achievement on the learning outcomes of the unit, or work of superior quality on a majority of the learning outcomes of the unit. |
Pass (P) |
Work showing a satisfactory achievement of the learning outcomes of the unit. |
Ungraded pass (UP) |
Work showing achievement of the learning outcomes of the unit to a satisfactory level or better. |
Fail (NW, NX, NC or NN)* |
Work showing an unsatisfactory achievement of one or more learning outcomes of the unit, and not qualifying for the grade of pass. |
*NW – Fail result based on written notification of withdrawal from a unit after the due date
NX – Fail result based on failure to reach pass grade in a unit having completed all the unit
assessment requirements
NC – Fail result based on failure to complete one or more of the assessment requirements for a unit
NN – Fail result based on non-participation in a unit.
(205) The generalised grade related descriptors above apply across all units. At the same time, the descriptors need to be interpreted in the context of specific disciplines or professional fields. What constitutes ‘superior quality’ or ‘satisfactory achievement’ in the case of nursing or accounting, for example, depends on the professional judgment of teaching staff in those disciplines. These judgments reflect a wide range of factors including:
- the level of the unit (such as 1st year or 2nd year)
- the nature of the unit (core or elective)
- the performance standards of the secondary education sector
- the standards established by professional associations
- accepted national and international standards
- the expectations of employers.
(206) An ungraded pass is a pass grade for assessment items or units assessed on a pass/fail basis only.
(207) Raw marks for assessment items will be converted to a final grade and a final mark in order to make clear the level of performance achieved, except for units assessed on a pass/fail basis.
Relationship Between Letter Grades and Numerical Grades
(208) The following table represents the relationship between letter and numerical grades at the University for both individual assessment items and the final result for the unit:*
Grade |
Letter grade |
Numerical grade |
High Distinction |
HD |
85% – 100% |
Distinction |
DI |
75% – 84% |
Credit |
CR |
65% – 74% |
Pass |
P |
50% – 64% |
Fail |
N |
0% – 49% |
Ungraded pass |
UP |
50% – 100% |
(209) *Note: The translation of grades for the series of individual assessment items into the final grade for the unit is defined by the conditions specified in the unit outline.
(210) Interim grades are given until the issuing of a final result in the following circumstances:
Interim Grade |
Letter Grade |
Application |
Withheld Result Standard |
WH |
Circumstances such as extensions to submission of assessment items. Also used in cases where results are not available in time for standard release of results. |
Withheld Result Extended |
Exceptional circumstances leading to an extension of a WH grade. Only one extension is permitted. |
Withheld Result WIL |
Withheld result due to internship/placement availability. |
Withheld Result Conduct |
Withheld due to Student Conduct investigation, including Summary Inquiries. |
(211) Information on grades of honours, including descriptors and definitions of performance levels in honours programs, is set out in the Honours Courses Procedure.
Grade Conversion
(212) Grade conversion is a temporary process that is implemented to ensure students are not disadvantaged due to the impact of a business interruption event (BIE). Initiation of the strategy is dependent upon the learning and teaching resources and associated services impacted, and requires Academic Board approval.
(213) This process enables designated grades to be converted to administrative grades (refer to below table). The administrative grades are not a component of the grade point average (GPA) and weighted average mark (WAM) formulas, therefore have not bearing on the cumulative GPA and WAM.
Administrative grade |
Acronym |
% mark range |
Description |
Pass, ungraded |
PU |
N/A |
An administrative grade assigned to a previously approved designated passing grade e.g. HD, DI, CR and P. |
Fail, ungraded |
NU |
N/A |
An administrative grade assigned to a previously approved designated fail grade e.g. NW, NX, NC and NN. |
Competency-based Assessment
(214) Criteria for assessment of competence, and the relative weighting of each criterion, must be clearly described in the unit outline.
(215) The percentage of the final grade allocated to competency-based assessment should be limited to 25% or less in a graded unit.
(216) For courses with graduate outcomes dependent upon competency-based assessment, the requirement to pass this assessment at a minimally prescribed level in order to pass the unit should be clearly stated in the unit outline.
(217) The awarding of pass/fail grades applies to competency-based assessment based on, for example:
- a group activity where the contribution of individual students cannot be distinguished (for example, participation in compulsory field tours); or
- specific skill-acquisition activities such as the use of medical equipment.
(218) Faculties are required to report on grade distributions and comment on any related academic standards at unit level.
(219) Discussion should occur at Faculty Boards with subsequent reporting to University Education Committee following each teaching period. Teaching period reports should give information at unit level.
(220) Annual reporting is also required through the Annual Course Reports; faculties must submit an annual summary of grade distributions as part of the report.
(221) Qualitative and/or quantitative feedback are provided to students to support student learning, which may include self-review and/or peer review feedback opportunities that build a student’s capacity to make judgements about their own work, within 15 working days of the completion of an examination or deferred examination or an assignment's due date.
(222) Students will be given the opportunity to discuss their performance and the feedback they have received with an appropriate member of the academic staff.
(223) Feedback should refer to the marking criteria.
Forms of Feedback
(224) Feedback will be quantified in the form of marks or grades for assessment items and/or in qualitative form such as comments, model answers and suggestions for reading.
(225) Feedback is provided in a variety of ways, including:
- model answers to questions
- verbal comments from teaching staff, both individually and to the class
- emails and online comments from teaching staff, both individually and to the class
- verbal comments on presentations and participation in class discussions
- preliminary assessment task advice
- face-to-face assessment task discussion, individually, and in groups
- written feedback comments regarding drafts and assessment tasks
- written comments on feedback forms
- via the University’s learning management system (LMS).
(226) Marks for assessment items during teaching periods will be accompanied by online qualitative feedback on student work where applicable. Students may also seek feedback on their final grade in a unit.
Timing of Feedback
(227) Other than in final exams and assignments, the timing of feedback on all assessment items in a unit will allow students to use the information on their performance and progress to improve their final result.
(228) If applicable, assignments submitted by students will be returned to the student either before, or at the same time as feedback is provided.
(229) Feedback to students on assessment items that contribute towards the final grade must be given promptly after submission of the assignment.
(230) Where possible, students will receive feedback on earlier, intermediate assessment items before submitting their next assignment.
(231) The turnaround time for assessment items should be 15 working days or less in a standard teaching period. Assessment tasks for non-standard teaching periods should be designed to allow prompt feedback and turnaround times for assessment items. As far as is practicable, staff should advise students at the beginning of the teaching period of the turnaround time for marking and feedback on individual assessment items.
(232) Unit Conveners must be on campus and available on the next working day following the release of results for any students wishing to review their final results. If the Unit Convener is unavailable, he or she must ensure a staff member relevant to the unit is present.
Student Support
(233) Students identified in the feedback process as lacking particular background knowledge, for example, academic literacy, will be referred to sources of support.
(234) The assessment of student progress is a public activity and its processes are open to public scrutiny within the constraints provided by the Privacy Act 1988.
(235) Student records will demonstrate consistency, fairness and transparency in marking throughout the assessment process.
Record Retention
(236) Records must be kept by faculty to:
- keep track of the multiple assessment items required for good practice in assessment. It is from such records that an overall judgment will be made about what progress a student has made;
- judge the reliability and validity of assessment items;
- provide a basis for teachers to reflect on assessment practice, especially where records refer to the processes and contexts of assessment (e.g., performance, 3D models);
- provide a legal basis for judgments made about student performance; and
- provide evidence (such as samples of examination script books) of the quality of courses or of compliance with professional accreditation requirements.
(237) Faculties will maintain a database of assessment not managed by central servers such as LMS. The database should include a record of:
- each assessment item regardless of the form of the assessment item;
- the receipt of an assessment item from a student;
- the marks (and grades) for each assessment item; and
- any special consideration given to a student’s submission of assessment items (such as applications for extensions).
(238) This information needs to be retained for twelve months longer than the duration of the student’s course.
(239) Where electronic versions of unit outlines and assessments are not maintained on university supported services, faculty record-keeping also will include:
- information provided in the section on assessment in the unit outline;
- the retention, for the purpose of external audits and benchmarking, of samples of assessment items awarded different grades; and
- the retention for at least one year of completed examination script books from centrally timetabled examinations.
(240) Records of assessment will be sufficient to enable an adjudicator within or outside the institution to make a credible and independent judgment on a student’s progress or result. This applies, in particular, to the review of a result under grievance procedures.
Top of PageSection 4 - Roles and Responsibilities
(241) The following responsibilities apply to final exams that Student Connect schedules and manages during the University examination period.
Who |
Responsibility |
Students |
It is the student’s responsibility to ascertain the correct timetable for their examinations.
A maximum of three consecutive exams with no more than two on any single day is permitted (for example, two on one day, and one the following morning). A student with either three exams in one day or four consecutive exams is responsible for immediately contacting Student Connect to have one exam rescheduled. |
Student Connect
Student Connect is responsible for administering final, supplementary and deferred exams during the University’s formal examination periods. This includes, but is not limited to:
- scheduling and managing final, deferred and supplementary exams
- providing preliminary and final timetables for exams
- arranging the printing of exam papers which are received within five working days of the exam date
- organising exams, arranging their supervision, invigilation and overseeing conduct in the examination room
- reporting alleged breaches of examination rules to associate deans (education)
- securely holding exam question papers and script books prior to collection by authorised examiners
- releasing exam question papers to the Library.
Student Connect will monitor the use of supplementary assessment, including supplementary examinations.
The Director, Student Connect will provide the University Education Committee (UEC) with an annual report which will identify the units that have conducted supplementary assessment, number of students involved, outcomes (such as the number of pass and fail grades) and any issues or recommendations. This report, together with any recommendations from the UEC, will be referred to Academic Board.
provide grade distribution summaries to faculties for consideration by Faculty Assessment Boards.
Student Connect will maintain a register of deferred examination applications to monitor the frequency and number of applications students. |
Releasing exam question papers to interested students after the conclusion of deferred exams.
Providing students with supervised access to their own completed exam answer sheets.
Retaining completed exam answer sheets for one year.
Ensure moderation of units, including those delivered offshore, as well as the documenting and communicating of the moderation procedures in units.
Provide grade distribution reports to UEC. |
Unit Conveners |
For final examinations, Unit Conveners are responsible for:
- writing exam papers, using plain English wherever possible;
- arranging certification of the exam paper by the Head of Discipline;
- including information on materials permitted in exams in unit outlines;
- notifying Student Connect of exam requirements, including permitted materials;
- arranging delivery of exam papers to Student Connect by the set date;
- arranging the printing, security and delivery of exam papers not received by Student Connect by the set date;
- (or a nominee) being at the examination room 10 minutes prior to the exam and for the first 15 minutes of the exam;
- being available by telephone during an exam to answer queries;
- collecting examination question papers, script books and other related examination material within 48 hours of the examination concluding. After this time the appropriate ADE will be informed that papers are waiting to be collected;
- determining whether an exam question paper for a unit should be released;
- ensuring that students receive timely and constructive feedback on all assessment items;
- notifying Student Connect of exam question papers to be released to the Library; and
- ensuring that the information on permitted materials and exam duration outlined on the preliminary timetable complies with their instructions.
For intra-semester and intra-term exams, Unit Conveners are responsible for:
- the printing, security and delivery of exam papers
- providing instructions to examination invigilators
- managing examinations for online units, addressing issues of security, verification of student identity and provision of technical support for students
- complying with this policy’s requirements in regard to exams in the final two weeks of semester
- marking and grading assessment items to reach a final grade for a unit according to University requirements;
- setting out in the unit outline information on the grading of assessment items, such as the weighting of prior summative assessments towards the final grade and the criteria to achieve a pass in the unit;
- electronically submitting final marks and grades to the University’s Student Management System (Callista) in accordance with the set timeframe.
Unit Conveners are responsible for all assessment in a unit as set out in this section, including:
- designing assessment tasks;
- preparing students for different modes of assessment;
- ensuring equivalency in multiple offerings of units;
- accommodating the specific requirements of particular forms of assessment, such as assessment of group work, online assessment and work integrated learning;
- producing marking criteria for assessment tasks;
- approving extensions to the due date for submission of assessment items; and
- ensuring the safe keeping and return of assessment items.
When sessional staff, external staff or other faculty colleagues assist the Unit Convener in assessing a unit, the Unit Convener is responsible for:
- ensuring that any individual conducting assessment is appropriately qualified and approved;
- providing guidelines for marking each assessment item;
- providing support and training to other assessors where necessary to ensure that marking is consistent across a unit;
- taking overall responsibility for the final grade for each student; and
- ensuring that adequate moderation procedures are followed.
Unit Conveners are encouraged to liaise with other Unit Conveners in the same course to share information on assessment items and coordinate such matters as the spread of assignment submission dates.
- being available on the next working day following the release of results for students wishing to review their final results (or if the Unit Convener is unavailable, he or she must ensure a staff member relevant to the unit is present);
- referring students to the appropriate services if identified as needing support as a result of the feedback process.
- marking and grading assessment items to reach a final grade for a unit according to University requirements;
- setting out in the unit outline information on the grading of assessment items, such as the weighting of prior summative assessments towards the final grade and the criteria to achieve a pass in the unit;
- electronically submitting final marks and grades to the University’s Student Management System (Callista) in accordance with the set timeframe.
The Unit Convener is responsible for coordinating the moderation procedures in the unit, including:
- documenting the moderation processes that are used in the unit;
- ensuring that all staff involved in assessment in the unit are fully informed of moderation standards, procedures and outcomes; and
- storing examples of student work and the related assessment items in the unit and passing these to the next Unit Convener.
Unit Conveners will ensure that full records of assessment are kept for units including marks given by part-time tutors. |
Course Conveners |
Are encouraged to provide advice and feedback to Unit Conveners and, in particular, new lecturers on assessment items.
Where practicable, Course Conveners are responsible for monitoring the number and type of assessment items in units across the course to ensure a manageable workload for staff and students.
Ensure moderation of courses, including those delivered offshore, as well as the documenting and communicating of the moderation procedures in courses. |
Program Director |
Heads of Discipline are responsible for ensuring that periodic moderation takes place between different offerings of the same unit, and the University of Canberra unit and similar units taught in other universities.
Heads of Discipline are responsible for certifying exam papers. |
Associate Deans, Education |
In consultation with Unit Conveners, must ensure:
- the appropriate moderation of the marking or grading of assessment items and the award of results in units across the faculty;
- periodic benchmarking of assessment standards against similar courses at other institutions; and
- ensuring assessment is conducted in accordance with all information presented in this document.
May approve the late withdrawal of a student who can provide evidence of exceptional circumstances leading to them not attending a requested deferred examination.
May approve a second deferred exam for intra-semester examinations, on receipt of approved and evidenced extenuating circumstances. |
Executive Deans of faculty |
Ensuring that secure records of assessment are kept if not stored through the LMS;
Ensuring that individual members of academic staff retain records of student grades and records of assessment as above (maintained and submitted in electronic form) for storage on a central server such as LMS (or other system as appropriate);
Ensuring that staff members (including sessional staff) leaving the University (including for extended periods of leave), hand over all records to another appropriate member of academic staff or the faculty office. |
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Academic (DVCA) |
The DVCA will resolve student appeals regarding an ADE's decision to fail a student who has not provided sufficient evidence of exceptional circumstances leading to that student not attending a requested deferred examination. |
Faculty Assessment Board |
Membership of the Faculty Assessment Board will comprise the associate dean (education) as chair, the Executive Dean of faculty, Heads of Discipline, Course Conveners of coursework courses, Unit Conveners of units in coursework courses, and one staff member of Student Connect.
The purview of Faculty Assessment Boards is all coursework units and courses, regardless of mode or method of delivery and location.
Papers provided to the Faculty Assessment Board are confidential. The names of students will be omitted from Faculty Assessment Board reports unless required.
Faculty Assessment Boards may seek explanations through Heads of Discipline for anomalies in individual results or performance at the unit or course level.
Faculty Assessment Boards provide a publicly accountable quality assurance process for assessment in undergraduate and postgraduate coursework courses. Faculty Assessment Boards report to both Faculty Boards and the University Education Committee.
A Faculty Assessment Board is required in each faculty by Academic Board. The Faculty Assessment Board reports to both the Faculty Board and the University Education Committee. This dual reporting pathway ensures detailed moderation of grades at unit and course level and University-wide overview of assessment and distribution of grades.
Ensure assessment, moderation at the unit and course level, grade allocation and release of grades are undertaken in a timely fashion, including:
- student progression and achievement;
- performance at the unit and course level;
- reviewing the effectiveness of assessment practice within the faculty;
Approve final grades and authorise the release of final grades.
Provide quality assurance reports to the University Education Committee on grade distribution summaries prepared by Student Connect.
Meet at least at the end of each semester to consider business related to the release of grades.
Schedule additional meetings as required to consider quality assurance matters in relation to assessment practices in the faculty.
Advise on matters referred to it by the Faculty Board or the University Education Committee.
Establish relevant sub-committees or working groups that facilitate the work of the Faculty Assessment Board. |
Faculty Board |
Consider reports from Faculty Assessment Boards and monitor their activities.
Monitor academic standards and student outcomes in learning and teaching within the faculty, including the activities of Faculty Assessment Boards. Faculty Boards report to Academic Board. |
University Education Committee |
Consider quality assurance reports on grade distributions from Faculty Assessment Boards. At a broad level the Committee maintains oversight of assessment policy and practice across the University including implementation of this document. The Committee approves the assessment procedures and considers changes to the procedures.
Advises Academic Board on policies and procedures relating to learning and teaching, including assessment. Specific responsibilities include monitoring grade distributions and academic standards across the University and reviewing the learning and teaching activities of faculties. |
Academic Board |
Consider advice and recommendations from the University Education Committee on all aspects of learning and teaching, including assessment. The Academic Board approves these Procedures and any changes to them .
Academic Board is responsible to Council for all academic matters and quality assurance in relation to academic matters. The assessment and examination of students enrolled in courses or parts of courses is a particular responsibility under University legislation. |
Top of PageSection 5 - Policies
(242) Refer to the Assessment Policy.
Top of PageSection 6 - Definitions
Terms |
Definitions |
Final examination |
A final examination is an invigilated examination based on, for example, a test, quiz or essay paper set for students to complete in the official examination period at the end of each teaching period. |
Marking Guides (also known as Marking Criteria or Grading Schema/Descriptor) |
Refers to the general aspects against which work is assessed and gives the generic indicators of a level of achievement such as HD, D, C, P etc.; or A, B, C etc. |
Marking Rubric |
A rubric is an evaluation tool or set of guidelines used to promote the consistent application of learning outcomes and expectations, and to measure their attainment against a consistent set of criteria. Rubrics clearly define academic expectations for students and help to ensure consistency in the evaluation of academic work from student to student, and assessment task to assessment task. Rubrics are also used as scoring instruments to determine grades or the degree to which learning standards have been demonstrated or attained by students. |
Record-keeping (assessment) |
In the context of assessment, record-keeping refers to the documentation of all aspects of the assessment process. This includes records of individual student performance and progress, summary statistical data relating to each unit and evidence of assessment standards. |