(1) The purpose of this Policy is to: (2) This Policy is the ‘Investment Plan’ for the purpose of Section 58(1)(d) of the Financial Management Act 1996 and Section 7 of the Financial Management Investment Guidelines 2015. (3) This Policy applies to all investable funds that are held and controlled by the University. This will include any funds managed internally by the University, or externally by an appointed Investment Manager. (4) The University is based in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and is recognised by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) as a tax-free entity and a deductible gift recipient. The Council and management have determined that funds donated or bequeathed to the University and surplus funds, including funds earned from developments on Campus, should be invested in accordance with the Investment Mandate as set out in this Policy with a view to maximising the return (after tax) on the Funds, subject to an acceptable risk profile for the University and other constraints specified in this Policy. (5) The University’s investment philosophy is to maximise return on investments over the medium term, whilst maintaining an acceptable level of risk, without jeopardising the ongoing viability of the Fund. This will be expected to provide a return greater than inflation so that the capital base of the Fund will be enhanced over time in real terms. (6) The University is concerned that it should be seen as a socially responsible institution, and as such it should be a socially responsible investor. (7) The University will avoid investment opportunities considered likely to cause substantial social injury. In implementing the investment strategy, the University acknowledges the limited transparency of some managed investments and the diverse operations of large corporations may result in outcomes that are inconsistent with the broader ethical and sustainability parameters of the University. (8) When evaluating the fund managers that may be included in the portfolio, the Investment Manager will take a best endeavours approach to ensure that there is limited exposure to underlying investments inconsistent with this Policy. (9) Where the Investment Committee concludes an organisation is behaving in a manner inconsistent with this Policy it reserves the right to instruct the Investment Manager to specifically exclude this organisation and all associated holdings from the portfolio. (10) The University understands and accepts that the exclusion of industries and specific stocks has potential to limit the investment universe available to the Investment Manager and as such limit the risk adjusted return generated by the Fund. (11) The investment objective of the Fund is to generate total returns (capital and income), that exceed the outgoings of the Fund, and increase the real capital value of the Fund over time. The Fund aims to achieve a real return of 4.0% p.a. over the medium term (5-7 years) after allowing for inflation and Investment Manager costs. (12) The University recognises that short term risks may arise from the potential of the Fund to experience a shortfall in the income required to meet expected cash outflows. To offset this, the Fund should maintain sufficient liquidity, taking into account the expected cash flows and costs. (13) Prudent asset class diversification should be employed to reduce the likelihood of the Fund generating negative returns in a particular year. Appropriate diversification of fund managers and individual security selection will be undertaken to offset investment risk. The Fund’s investments should be selected with the aim of limiting the chance of a negative return (in any one year) to once every six years. (14) An objective of the Fund’s investment is to generate sufficient income to cover expected outgoings, determined on an annual basis. (15) The Investment Committee may appoint up to two Investment Manager(s) to assist with the investment and management of the Fund. In such an event, the University, subject to the agreement of the Finance Committee, may enter into an agreement with the Investment Manager(s), directing the Investment Manager to manage the Fund according to the Investment Mandate set out in this Policy. (16) An Investment Manager must: (17) If there are two Investment Managers appointed and both present the same investment opportunity to the University, the University will invest with the Investment Manager who first discussed the opportunity with the University, unless there is a compelling reason not to. (18) The performance of an Investment Manager is to be reviewed on an annual basis. In assessing the Investment Manager’s performance, consideration will be given to the following: (19) The University recognises that short-term fluctuations may cause variations in performance and intends to evaluate the Investment Manager’s performance relative to their peers and from a medium-term perspective. (20) Prudence is to be used by the Investment Committee when overseeing the overall portfolio. Investments will be managed with the care, diligence and skill that a prudent person would exercise in managing the affairs of other persons. This includes having in place appropriate reporting requirements that ensure the Fund investments are being reviewed and overseen regularly. (21) The Investment Committee is to oversee the investment portfolio of Fund and ensure that investments are not speculative, but for investment in the spirit of, and in accordance with the Policy. They will consider both the risk and return parameters of the Policy when advising on investment decisions. The Investment Committee will endeavour to ensure that the University avoids any transactions that might harm its reputation. (22) The Finance Committee will ensure that the Investment Committee has the appropriate mix of skills and experience to fulfil its obligations under this prudent person standard. (23) Only investments in the following investment holdings are permitted: (24) The following factors are to be considered when determining the asset allocation for the Fund: (25) The actual allocation to cash may exceed the upper range for short periods of time as new cash inflows into the Fund are processed. (26) The asset allocation parameters are designed to reflect a balanced portfolio. The Investment Manager will provide annually, the proposed target strategic allocation within the range outlined in the table below. Performance against this will be reviewed quarterly. (27) There should be no investment in fixed interest investments where the issuer rating is below Investment Grade BBB (minus) rating. Furthermore, the total exposure to global equities, domestic equities and alternative assets (growth assets) shall not exceed 85% of the portfolio investments of the Fund. (28) The University needs to remain alert to its taxation standing and be prepared to alter investment arrangements should a change occur. (29) The Investment Committee, as an established sub-committee of Finance Committee is an advisory committee to University management. (30) With respect to Investment Financial Delegations, refer to the Delegations of Authority Policy and Schedule, F.9.1 and F.9.2 (effective 13 January 2020). (31) The Investment Manager shall manage the Fund on behalf of the Investment Committee, including sourcing and recommending suitable investments in accordance with the Policy. The Investment Manager is instructed to inform the University’s Chief Financial Officer of any investment recommendations and may only execute the transactions with the approval of the Chief Financial Officer. (32) Investment Committee members shall refrain from personal activities that would conflict with the proper execution and management of the University’s investment portfolio. This Policy requires officers to disclose any conflict of interest to the Chief Financial Officer. Independent advisers are also to declare that they have no actual or perceived conflicts of interest. Independent advisers are also to declare that they have no actual or perceived conflicts of interest. (33) The following guiding principles will apply to voting: (34) Investments carry a number of risks. The risks of investment will be managed by having a balanced portfolio to manage market risk and to allow real growth of the capital base of the Fund over time and an annual review of strategic allocations to manage liquidity risk. (35) The University will generally take an unhedged position with regards to currency risk on international securities as this approach tends to improve diversification. However the Investment Manager is to be alert to market conditions where an exchange rate hedge would be expected to add value. (36) Nil. (37) Due to the nature of the financial markets and the potential for change in the underlying portfolio over time, an annual review of this Policy, including allowable investments will be conducted by the Investment Committee, in conjunction with any Investment Manager. (38) This review process will also address issues such as the desire to alter the University’s investment risk management strategy, alterations to delegated authority, and any additional management information reporting requirements.Investment Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Scope
Investment Philosophy
Section 3 - Principles
Investment Objectives
Cash Flows
Investment Manager
Investment Manager Performance
Investment Guidelines
Prudent Person Standard
Authorised Asset Classes and Investments
Asset Allocation Considerations
Asset Class
0% to 25%
Fixed Interest Domestic
5% to 50%
Fixed Interest Global
5% to 40%
Australian Equities
15% to 50%
International Equities
10% to 50%
Property / Infrastructure
5% to 20%
Alternative Investments
0% to 30%
Investment Restrictions
Operational Guidelines
Delegated Authorities
Conflicts of Interest
Risk Management
Section 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Definitions:
Top of Page
Credit Rating
with regard to investment choices will reference Standard and Poor’s (S&P) ratings.
means The University of Canberra including the UC Foundation which forms part of the University.
means the investment portfolio including the UC Foundation’s trust assets available for investment.
Finance Committee
means the committee of the University Council known as the Finance Committee.
Financial Year
means a one-year period ending 30 June.
means the annualised CPI figure quoted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics at the end of the June quarter.
Investment Manager
means professional and qualified firms or individuals who are engaged by the Investment Committee to provide investment advice and services under contractual terms.
Investment Committee
means the sub-committee of Finance Committee appointed by the University to oversee the Investment of the Fund.
Investment Mandate
means the Fund’s investment objectives and guidelines as provided for in the Policy.
means this document as amended from time to time and reviewed annually in August.
Section 6 - Notes
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Note: some property and infrastructure assets are held in asset classes other than Property/Infrastructure.