(1) This Policy is intended to ensure that the Policies, Procedures, Guidelines and Local Instructions of the University of Canberra (University) are effective. (2) This Policy applies to: (3) Policies and Procedures can set requirements that apply to: (4) Local Instructions can supplement a Rule, Policy or Procedure by setting further requirements that apply to staff and (where relevant) students of a faculty or other division of the University. (5) This Policy is intended to ensure that: (6) Refer to Policy Framework Procedure (7) The Policy Framework Procedure states requirements for developing and reviewing Policies, Procedures and Guidelines, implementing their requirements and monitoring their Effectiveness. (8) The Policy Writing Guideline provides guidance on drafting texts to meet the objectives of this Policy and comply with the requirements of the Policy Framework Procedure. (9) The Delegations Schedule under the Delegations of Authority Policy states delegations of authority to approve different types of Policy and Procedure, and changes to these. (10) The University of Canberra Act 1989 (Part 4) lists the matters in relation to which the Council may make Statutes. (11) A Statute may provide for the Council to make Rules for the matter in relation to which the Statute is made. A Rule is a legally precise statement of: (12) A Rule: (13) A Policy: (14) A Procedure is a statement of University-wide requirements for an activity, which: (15) A Guideline provides guidance for decision-makers in making a decision under a Rule, Policy or Procedure, where extensive guidance such as a set of principles or detailed criteria for decision-making is needed. (16) A Local Instruction: (17) The hierarchy of types of policy framework text that can state requirements is as follows: (18) Guidelines cannot state requirements, and so are not in this hierarchy, although they are part of the policy framework. (19) Texts in the policy framework must be consistent with texts higher in the textual hierarchy in clause 17. Where a text is inconsistent with a higher text, the higher text overrules the lower text. In such cases, the Custodian of the lower text will, as soon as possible, either: (20) All texts in the policy framework must be consistent with the University of Canberra Act 1989 and any other relevant federal or Australian Capital Territory legislation.Policy Framework Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Principles
Top of Page
Section 4 - Responsibilities
Top of Page
The Legislation Committee
Approves changes to the Policy Framework Procedure, which supports this Policy.
Chief Operating Officer and Vice-President Operations
Policy sponsor of this Policy. The Policy Framework Procedure states the responsibilities of the sponsor of a Policy.
Chief Operating Officer and Vice-President Operations
Policy custodian of this Policy. The Policy Framework Procedure states the responsibilities of the custodian of a Policy.
Section 5 - Procedure
Section 6 - Supporting Information
Section 7 - Definitions
Types of text at the University
Hierarchy of University Texts
The staff member responsible for leading development and review of a Policy, Procedure or Local Instruction.
Effective, Effectiveness (of a Policy)
Where the objectives of a Policy are being met and there is a high level of compliance with the requirements stated in that Policy's supporting Procedures.
As defined in clause 15.
Local Instruction
As defined in clause 16.
As defined in clause 13
Policy Suite
The set of all Policies of the University, including their supporting Procedures and Guidelines.
As defined in clause 14.
As defined in the University of Canberra Act 1989.
As defined in the University of Canberra Act 1989.
University of Canberra (ABN 81 633 873 422)
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