(1) This Policy: (2) This Policy is supported by: (3) This Policy applies to: (4) The University values the contribution of international students to the life of the University through: (5) The University upholds the ESOS Legislative Framework. (6) Admission requirements for the University are outlined in the University of Canberra (Admission) Rules 2022, which are supported by the Admission Policy (Coursework) and the Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Courses Policy. (7) Enrolment requirements for the University are outlined in the Enrolment Policy. (8) All international students must satisfy visa requirements under the Migration Act 1958, as outlined on the Department of Home Affairs website. Changes to international student enrolments may be limited due to visa requirements. (9) In accordance with the University’s Deferring, Suspending or Cancelling an International Student’s Enrolment Procedure, the University may suspend or cancel an international student’s enrolment based on, but not limited to: (10) An international student may submit an application to defer their enrolment in accordance with the requirements set out in the Admission Rules on the basis that they can demonstrate through supporting evidence they are experiencing compassionate or compelling circumstances. (11) The University will administer requests for transfer from international students holding a student visa in a manner consistent with the requirements of the ESOS Act 2000 (Cth) and the National Code 2018. (12) The University will consider and process applications for transfer in accordance with the International Student Transfer Assessment Procedure. (13) Except in circumstances prescribed by the National Code 2018 (and outlined in the University’s International Student Transfer Assessment Procedure), the University will not knowingly admit an international student seeking to transfer from another registered provider prior to the student completing six months of their principal course of study. (14) Applications by students under the age of 18 who wish to transfer to the University prior to completing the first six months of their principal course of study will be considered under the conditions set out in the International Student Transfer Assessment Procedure. (15) For information regarding credit and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and how this impacts student visas, please refer to the University’s Credit Procedure. (16) International students must receive an age- and culturally-appropriate orientation before the commencement of their course to: (17) If an under-18 international student does not have a nominated or approved guardian, the University has responsibility under the National Code 2018 and the Migration Regulations 1994 (Cth) for their accommodation, support and welfare under the following conditions: (18) The University will comply with Commonwealth and Australian Capital Territory legislation and regulatory requirements regarding the welfare and protection of international students under the age of 18. (19) To meet the obligations of the National Code 2018, the University will engage a welfare provider to assist in the oversight and provision of the welfare and support for international students under the age of 18 who are not living with a parent/legal guardian or approved relative. (20) The University may engage a homestay provider to provide suitable accommodation for international students under the age of 18. Responsibility for the student’s welfare remains with the University. (21) The University will select, screen and monitor third parties responsible for welfare and accommodation arrangements. (22) The University does not enter into guardianship arrangements with international students under the age of 18. (23) Critical incidents involving, or disrupting welfare arrangements for, international students under the age of 18 will be managed under the University’s Resilience Management Framework and Business Continuity Plans. (24) The University must maintain up-to-date records of the international student's contact details including the contact details of the student’s parent(s), legal guardian(s) or any adult(s) responsible for the student’s welfare. (25) Refer Welfare Arrangements for Under 18 International Students Procedure for more information. (26) Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is compulsory for international student visa holders and their dependents and is required for the entire length of the student’s visa. (27) International students must select their own OSHC and must do so immediately after receiving their Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE). (28) In accordance with the Admissions Rules, International students must meet minimum English language proficiency requirements for their chosen course. Refer to the University’s Admission Procedure (Coursework) for more information. (29) International students requiring reasonable adjustments will be supported by InclusionUC under University’s Inclusive Access to Education Policy. (30) The University will take all reasonable steps to ensure international students have equitable access to the University’s learning resources and support services. (31) If the University uses third-party well-being and support service providers, including student accommodation, it will ensure such providers are appropriately selected, screened and monitored, particularly for students under 18 years of age. (32) If a critical incident affects an international student, the University will respond in accordance with the Resilience Management Framework and the Business Continuity Plan. (33) International students must not: (34) International students must complete their program within the duration stated on their CoE, unless meeting the conditions outlined in the University’s Completion within the Expected Duration of Enrolment for International Students Procedure. (35) The University will monitor international student enrolments to ensure students are able to complete their course within the duration specified in their CoE. (36) Students who are not meeting, or are at risk of not meeting, the enrolment duration specified in their CoE are at risk of breaching their visa requirements. In such cases, the University will implement an intervention strategy with the student to mitigate the risk to the student’s visa status. (37) An international student may apply to extend the duration of their enrolment via a Leave of Absence if there are compelling or compassionate circumstances that prevent them from completing the program in the time stated on their CoE. Compelling or compassionate circumstances are generally beyond the student’s control and have an impact on the student’s attendance or wellbeing. (38) Refer to Completion within the Expected Duration of Study for International Students Procedure for more information. (39) International students must uphold the University’s standards of academic integrity as outlined in the Academic Integrity Policy. (40) In accordance with Standard 8.8 of the National Code 2018, the University is not required to monitor course attendance for international students for its higher education courses. (41) In accordance with Standard 8.6 of the National Code 2018, the University must monitor course attendance for UCC ELICOS and foundation programs. Refer to Attendance for University of Canberra College ELICOS and Foundation Programs Procedure for more information. (42) International students will be informed before they begin their course about the requirements to achieve satisfactory course progress and attendance requirements during the orientation for ELICOS and for Foundation students. (43) Students in UCC ELICOS and Foundation programs will maintain satisfactory course attendance. (44) The University will maintain ongoing contact with international students during their stay in Australia and monitor their attendance. (45) The University will notify the Commonwealth Government responsible for Immigration when an international student has breached their visa conditions, such as failing to maintain satisfactory course attendance. (46) International student fees and refunds are outlined in the University’s International Student Fee Policy. (47) International students can access the University’s grievance processes as outlined in the Student Grievance Resolution Policy. (48) The University must maintain records for each international student for a minimum of two years in accordance with the ESOS Act 2000 (Cth), ESOS Regulations 2019 (Cth) and the University’s Records and Information Management Policy. (49) The University will regularly (at least every six months) check the accuracy of international student records. (50) Attendance for University of Canberra College ELICOS and Foundation Programs Procedure; (51) Completion within Expected Duration of Study for International Students Procedure; (52) Deferring, Suspending or Cancelling an International Student’s Enrolment Procedure; (53) International Student Transfer Assessment Procedure; and (54) Welfare Arrangements for Under 18 International Students Procedure.International Student Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Scope
Top of PageSection 3 - Principles
Part A - General
Admission and Enrolment
Deferring, Suspending or Cancelling an International Student’s Enrolment
International Student Transfer Assessments
Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Orientation, Safety and Support
Welfare Arrangements for Under 18 International Students
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)
English Language Proficiency
Access and Equity
Third-Party Providers of Support
Critical Incidents
Part B - Academic Requirements
Online Course and Unit Delivery
Course Progress and Completion within Expected Duration
Part C - Attendance
Higher Education Courses
University of Canberra College (UCC) ELICOS and Foundation Programs
Fee and Refunds
Complaints and Appeals
Section 4 - Responsibilities
Top of Page
Director, Student Life
International Students
Manager, International
Student Wellbeing & International Support (SWIS)
Section 5 - Procedure
Section 6 - Definitions
Compelling or Compassionate Circumstances
Compassionate or compelling circumstances are generally those beyond the control of the student and which have an impact upon the student’s course progress or wellbeing. These could include, but are not limited to:
These circumstances must have impacted the student, and such an impact must be supported by police or psychologists’ reports.
Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE)
A document, provided electronically, which is issued by the registered provider to intending overseas students and which must accompany their application for a student visa. It confirms the overseas student’s eligibility to enrol in the particular course of the registered provider.
Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS)
The register prescribed under section 14A of the ESOS Act 2000 (Cth).
English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS)
A course of education or training that is:
ESOS Legislative Framework
Includes requirements set out in the:
International Student
Has the same meaning as overseas student in Section 5 of the ESOS Act 2000 (Cth). That is, a person (whether within or outside Australia) who holds a student visa, but does not include students of a kind prescribed in the Education Services for Overseas Students Regulations 2019 (Cth).
Student visa
Student (Temporary) (Class TU) as prescribed in Section 1222 of the Migration Regulations 1994 (Cth) as updated from time to time.
Third Party Provider
Any entity that provides services on behalf of the University.
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