(1) This Policy sets out the principles and requirements for a Course Advisory Group of the University of Canberra (University). (2) The objectives of a Course Advisory Group are to: (3) This Policy is intended to ensure courses and course components are informed by internal and external stakeholder expertise as required by the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021. (4) This Policy applies to: (5) This Policy applies to: (6) All award courses will be informed by advice provided by a Course Advisory Group. (7) A non-award course will be informed by advice provided by: (8) A Course Advisory Group will include a balanced representation of gender, skills and experience, and diversity, wherever possible. (9) A member appointed to a Course Advisory Group will represent the interests of the University. (10) The advice made by a Course Advisory Group member will be: (11) The effectiveness of a Course Advisory Group will be monitored and assessed with an evidence based approach. (12) The processes and governance requirements for a Course Advisory Group will be transparent. (13) Faculty Board is responsible for maintaining a schedule of Course Advisory Groups and monitoring the effectiveness of Course Advisory Groups as part of the course monitoring, review and improvement process. (14) Where a grievance for the purposes of the Student Grievance Resolution Policy arises from a decision or action taken by the University as part of the Course Advisory Group processes, a student may refer to the Student Grievance Resolution Policy for resolution of the grievance. (15) Records of a Course Advisory Group must be maintained in accordance with the DITM and Records Management Policy Manual and the Records and Information Management Policy. (16) Refer to the Course Advisory Groups Procedure. Course Advisory Groups Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Scope
Top of PageSection 3 - Principles
Course Advisory Group Effectiveness
Student Grievances
Records Management
Section 4 - Responsibilities
Top of Page
Business Manager or equivalent
Chair of Course Advisory Group
Course Convener
Course Proponent or nominee
Dean, Graduate Research School
Associate Director, Learning & Teaching
Course Advisory Group members
Faculty Board
Faculty Manager or equivalent
Head of School or equivalent
Program Director
Section 5 - Procedure
Section 6 - Definitions
Includes Educational Partner teaching staff, clinical title holders, adjunct, and honorary appointees, consultants and contractors to the University, holders of offices in University entities, members of boards of University foundations, members of University committees, and any other persons appointed or engaged by the University to perform duties or functions on its behalf.
Award course
Is a coursework course or a higher degree by research course equivalent to Australian Qualifications Framework level 5 to 10 as specified in the Register of Courses kept under the University of Canberra (Courses and Awards) Statute 2010.
A written instrument that sets out the authority, purpose, terms of reference, membership and reporting requirements of a group of a committee or group of people.
Is an award course and non-award course.
Course Advisory Group Resource Pack
A set of information and templates to support the establishment and implementation of a Course Advisory Group.
Coursework course
Has the same meaning given by the University of Canberra (Admission) Rules 2022.
Course Proponent or nominee
An academic staff member of a faculty who has oversight of a course, and manages the administrative requirements for a new course, and an existing course as specified in the Register of Courses kept under the University of Canberra (Courses and Awards) Statute 2010.
A branch of academic knowledge relevant to a course.
Higher degree by research
Has the same meaning as graduate course in the University of Canberra (Admission) Rules 2022.
Inherent requirements
The essential cognitive, behavioural, physical, and sensory requirements a student will need to have in order to achieve the learning outcomes and graduate attributes of a course.
Major research component
The research component in a bachelor honours degree and a masters degree (coursework).
New course
Non-award course
A course that does not lead to an Australian Qualifications Framework qualification e.g., micro-unit, English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS), short course.
A program consists of one or more courses that share the same core major, designed as a coherent student learning journey e.g., the Program for the Bachelor of Arts.
Register of Courses
Means the database containing the courses of study of the University, kept under the University of Canberra (Courses and Awards) Statute 2010.
Has the same meaning given by the University of Canberra (Statutes Interpretation) Statute 2010.
University of Canberra ABN 81633873422.
Work integrated learning
A form of experiential learning where theoretical knowledge and disciplinary skills are demonstrated through authentic work experiences and practices within relevant professional contexts.
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Associate Dean, Education or equivalent
Associate Dean, Research or equivalent
Faculty Dean
Means a course that is: