(1) This procedure sets out the University of Canberra’s requirements for charging, collecting and refunding international student fees. (2) This procedure applies to all international students undertaking a University of Canberra program of study in Australia. This includes students enrolled in a University program through the University of Canberra College. (3) An international student is a student who: (4) Provisions relating to fees for University students studying at an offshore campus are not part of this policy, although a number of principles underlying the present policy may also be applicable to those students. (5) The University will enter into a written agreement with the international student or intending international student, signed or otherwise accepted by the student, concurrently with or prior to accepting payment of tuition fees or non-tuition fees. (6) This Procedure supports the International Student Fee Policy. (7) The Australian Government requires that all international students on international student visas are covered by medical insurance (OSHC) for the duration of their stay in Australia. With the exception of sponsored students, students must purchase their own OSHC before applying for a student or other relevant visa. (8) For international students on a student visa, it is recommended that OSHC is organised through the University’s preferred OSHC provider to ensure appropriate coverage. (9) Documentation indicating that OSHC has been purchased must be provided prior to commencement in the course. (10) For sponsored students, OSHC can be paid for the full length of the course together with the relevant tuition fee when they accept their offer. These students may authorise the University to arrange OSHC on their behalf by providing payment of the OSHC cost stated in their offer letter. The student’s OSHC will then be scheduled with the University’s preferred OSHC provider and reported in Provider Registration and International Student Management System (PRISMS). (11) It is a student’s responsibility to maintain valid OSHC while in Australia. (12) The University provides many student support services including the provision of food services, sports and recreation, counselling, legal, health, advice on housing and employment, as well as independent student representation structures. (13) Onshore international award course, foundation course and research (including online) students will be required to pay the SSAF during each year of enrolment. The fee is calculated annually and published on the University’s website on the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) web page. (14) Students are required to make fee payments for each teaching period of study. (15) At the time of accepting their offer, commencing students must pay the required fee as stated in their offer letter. If the offer is a package offer with progression conditions, for example a specific English language score from ELICOS study, the student can still accept their offer and the University will accept fee payments. If the student is unable to meet the progression conditions of their offer and elects to withdraw prior to the census date rather than defer commencement, they are eligible for a full refund of any fees associated with their principal course of study. If a student continues in their course beyond the census date, they are not eligible for a refund if they do not meet the progression conditions of their offer. (16) Indicative tuition fees are provided to the student at the time of their offer. International fees are reviewed annually and if a student commences in a subsequent year, they will be required to pay the set fee applicable for that course in the year they commence. In each subsequent year of study, the student is required to pay the relevant fee as determined by Council for that course in that year. (17) Students and/or agents are not permitted to pay any fees prior to an offer being made. (18) Continuing students must pay the required fee for the teaching period by the Friday of Week 1 of each teaching period. Students must download their statement of account via the MyUC student portal prior to the start of each teaching period. The invoice will indicate the payment date or dates by which payment must be made. The amount may vary for each teaching period where there are changes in the load of the units. (19) All fee payments must be made in Australian Dollars. (20) If students do not complete their enrolment or re-enrolment by the specified date, a late enrolment fee may be charged. (21) In exceptional circumstances, special payment arrangements/payment plans may be negotiated for students experiencing difficulties with payment. These arrangements will take account of financial and other exceptional circumstances. Written requests for special payment arrangements together with relevant documentation will be considered by the Director, Student Connect or nominee and must be received prior to the commencement of teaching in the relevant teaching period. (22) Extension of payment will be advised in writing and will not be granted automatically. International students granted a payment plan may be charged an initial fee for the administration of the plan. Any payments not met by the agreed dates may also incur a late payment charge. (23) The University offers special payment arrangements/payment plans under the following conditions: (24) Payment plans will not be granted due to funds being held in a banking institution and not able to be released in a timely manner. Students are expected to be aware of institutional and national banking policies and procedures that may affect movement of their funds and organise finances accordingly. In exceptional circumstances an agreement may be reached with the Director, Student Connect or nominee to make alternative arrangements for payment of fees. (25) Where the University or UCC, as relevant, has identified that an international student has not paid fees by the due date or complied with the terms of special payment arrangements via a payment plan, the University must give the student a written notice (Notice of Intention to Report) as soon as practicable, which at a minimum must: (26) Information provided about the University’s grievance and appeals process will include information about: (27) The University may proceed with the cancellation after the internal complaints handling and appeals process has been completed. (28) Where enrolment is cancelled a student retains their fee liability and will not be permitted to re-enrol in a subsequent teaching period until the debt is paid in full or agreement has been reached between the student and the Director, Student Connect or nominee about the arrangements for repayment. (29) Once any outstanding fees are paid, a student may apply for course reinstatement. A reinstatement fee may apply. (30) The University will reissue a student’s CoE following course reinstatement. (31) The schedule of fees and charges for all courses, including late fees, SSAF fees and other administrative charges can be found on the University’s Fees and Costs web page. (32) If a student changes course after paying the fee for the teaching period concerned, there may be a variation to the student’s fee liability. Any additional fees owed will be included in the student’s subsequent invoice and must be paid by the date indicated on the invoice. For example: (33) Students required to repeat a unit will be charged the annual unit fee as determined by Council applying to the unit at the time the repeat enrolment is undertaken. (34) Research students who have not completed all requirements of their degree by the research census date of their current teaching period will be required to enrol in the next teaching period and pay the full teaching period fee by the due date. A pro rata refund will be issued based on the date of submission. (35) An international student in the process of applying for permanent residency status is still an international student and must pay all required fees by the due date. (36) If a student obtains permanent residency prior to census date, then the student may apply and be considered for admission as a domestic student. Australian Government controls on the number of Commonwealth Supported Places for domestic sub-bachelor and postgraduate students may mean that a suitable place in the same course may not be available, in which case the Australian domestic student fee rate will apply. (37) If a student is granted Australian permanent residency and makes a written application for a refund before the first day of the teaching period, then a full refund of tuition fees will be paid. If a student is granted Australian permanent residency after the census date, the student will remain liable for payment of the relevant international student fee for that teaching period. (38) Commencing and continuing international students are entitled to receive a full or partial refund of their fees under certain conditions. (39) Any amount owed to the student, including from overpayment of fees, will be credited towards the student’s next fee payment or may be refunded to the student upon request. (40) A student must apply for a refund using the Application for Refund of Tuition Fees. (41) A student who applies for a release letter to enable them to transfer to another education provider in accordance with the International Student Transfer Assessment Procedure must have their release application finalised prior to applying for a refund. (42) A student is not eligible for a refund until they have withdrawn from future units of study, either through self-enrolment or discontinuation. (43) Tuition Fee Refunds are detailed in Table 2: (44) The retention of an administrative charge is in recognition of the costs associated with the processing the admission and enrolment of international students, as well as associated support services. (45) Applications claiming a refund must be made in writing and sent together with complete documentation to the Director, Student Connect or nominee before the end of the teaching period for which the refund is being claimed. Claims made beyond this time will be considered only in exceptional circumstances. Refund arrangements do not remove the right of students to take further action under Australia’s consumer protection laws. (46) A student may apply for a 100% tuition fee refund if they can demonstrate that exceptional circumstances apply. In granting a 100% refund, the University must be satisfied that ALL of the following apply: (47) Where an application for a tuition fee refund is declined the Director, Student Connect or nominee must provide the student with an explanation of the decision in writing and details of the associated appeals process. (48) Students who have paid the SSAF and decide to withdraw from their course before the census date will be entitled to a full refund of the SSAF except: (49) Refunds will normally be paid within two weeks from the date of receipt of a written request for a refund from the student. (50) Refunds will be paid only in Australian Dollars. Refunds are normally made in the form of a bank draft or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) direct to the student, or to the person or sponsoring body paying fees on the student’s behalf. Refunds will be paid only following full payment of any outstanding debts owed to the University, such as library fines, late fees or student loans. (51) An international student who is concerned about the administration or application of this policy may appeal against the decision using the Student Grievance Resolution Policy. (52) Under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000, an international student has the right to take further action under Australia’s consumer protection laws and other legal remedies if they are not satisfied with the implementation of this policy.International Student Fee Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Policy
Section 4 - Procedure
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) payment
Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)
Payment of fees
Payment options
Commencing students
Continuing students
Late enrolment fees
Difficulties with payment
Medical conditions – a new or changed medical condition or diagnosis that impacts the student’s ability to engage in their study as per their study plan.
Example – A new medical condition occurs after the student has commenced study. Medical bills that are not covered by OSHC require using money originally intended for paying fees.
Supporting evidence includes:
Family conditions – member(s) of the student’s family died or were impacted by a serious medical or personal condition.
Example – After commencing study, a close relative is impacted by a serious medical condition or passes away and the student needs to return home for a while
Supporting evidence includes:
Unexpected, or unpredicted changes in personal situation – factors beyond the student’s control have impacted their ability to pay their fees.
Example – The student has been impacted by unexpected incidents, including but not limited to, sudden job loss, natural disasters, conflict, political changes, family changes, or displacement.
Supporting evidence includes:
Additional personal factors – this may include military service in student’s home country, cultural responsibilities, Misadventure (for example, victim of crime, car accident).
Examples – Student is impacted directly as a victim of crime, or indirectly as a witness to crime, or a family member of a victim of crime.
Supporting evidence includes:
Non-payment of fees
Schedule of fees and charges
Fee variations
Repeated units
Research degree students
Permanent residency status
Fee refunds
Tuition fees
Visa refusal
100% tuition fee refund
International student applying from offshore who arrives in Australia and withdraws before the first day of teaching
Full tuition fee less administrative charge of 20%
Onshore international student, or offshore international student who has not arrived in Australia withdrawal before the first day of teaching
Full tuition fee less administrative charge of 10%
Student withdrawal after 1st day of teaching and before census date (without exceptional circumstances)
50% of full tuition fee
Student withdrawal after census date (without exceptional circumstances)
No refund
Student withdrawal before or after census date but prior to completion of teaching under exceptional circumstances
100% tuition fee refund
University withdraws offer of place (except where the offer is withdrawn because the information or documentation provided by the student is fraudulent or incorrect – the University reserves the right to retain the full amount of the tuition fee and any overseas representative fee payable by the University)
100% tuition fee refund
University does not allow the student to continue their course due to poor academic progress
100% of the tuition fee will be refunded for any future teaching period paid in advance
University ceases delivery of a course, or delivery of a course at a specific location after a student starts but before they have completed
100% tuition fee refund
Tuition fee refund – exceptional circumstances
Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)
Payment of refunds
Section 5 - Responsibilities
Top of Page
Director, Student Connect
Student Connect
Student Life (Student Wellbeing & International Support Team)
Section 6 - Definitions
Cancellation of Enrolment
Termination of an international student’s enrolment in a course. Can be initiated by the student or the University.
Census Date
The last day before a student can withdraw from a unit and not incur a financial or academic penalty in respect of that unit.
Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE)
A document, provided electronically, which is issued by the University to intending international students and which must accompany their application for a student visa. The document must be produced using the Commonwealth Government’s PRISMS system. It confirms the international student’s eligibility to enrol in the particular course at the University or University of Canberra College.
Notice of Intent to Report (NOIR)
A letter sent to international students to inform them that the University intends to report them to the Department responsible for Immigration.
Principal course of study
The main course of study to be undertaken by an overseas student where a student visa has been issued for multiple courses of study. The principal course of study would normally be the final course of study where the overseas student arrives in Australia with a student visa that covers multiple courses. (Definition from the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018.)
Provider Registration and International Student Management System (PRISMS)
The system used to process information given to the Secretary of the Department of Education by registered providers.
Program of Study
A series of units that must be undertaken to complete a course and/or associated award.
Packaged offer
A Packaged Offer of Admission may be granted when an applicant does not meet entry requirements and generally will include an offer to study a relevant pathways course/s to meet academic or English language requirements. Students will need to complete the relevant pathways course before they can progress into the University of Canberra course.
Register of Courses (Digital Handbook)
A list of courses and associated awards approved for offering by Academic Board.
A person undertaking a course work or high degree by research course as defined in the University Register of Courses.
Student Services Amenities Fee (SSAF)
Helps to pay for campus services and amenities of a non-academic nature. Some of the services funded by SSAF include sporting and financial activities, financial advice, child care and food services.
Student Visa
An authorisation permitting people who are not Australian citizens or permanent residents to come to Australia for the primary purpose of studying in Australia as defined by the Migration Act 1958. (Definition from the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018.)
Teaching Period
A semester, term or other period undertaken by research and/or coursework students that corresponds to the way a unit or course is offered and includes final feedback (including the final grade of the unit). A teaching period may also include a final assessment period.
A unit of study entered in the University Register of Courses (Digital Handbook).
Written Agreement
The Letter of Offer issued by the University for a Program of Study.
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Table 1: Examples of exceptional circumstances
A pre-existing medical condition flares up or is exacerbated after the student commenced study, meaning they are unable to work and have to divert funding to payment of medical bills.OR
Military service in the student’s home country.A student commences in a Bachelor of Science at a rate of $35,000 per annum. The following year, the student changes course to a Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science). The student will now be charged the rate of $36,500 to reflect the change of course.
Table 2: Tuition fee refunds