(1) This Guideline sets out the approach to facilitating a Learning Validation Conversation (LVC) for a summative assessment (assessment) between an academic staff member and a student. (2) The purpose of an LVC is to: (3) This Guideline applies to works submitted for assessment in a coursework unit in any University of Canberra (the University) and University of Canberra College (UCC) course. (4) This guideline DOES NOT apply to progression towards the submission of a research thesis for work-in-progress review, or final submission, in a higher degree by research course. (5) This Guideline supports the Assessment Policy. (6) The University is committed to ensuring that its students graduate with the skills and knowledge required for them to be successful in the workplace and as lifelong learners. (7) A Learning Validation Conversation (LVC) is a means to ascertain if a student has met the learning outcomes linked to a summative assessment. (8) The purpose of LVCs must be explained to students as part of the introduction to all coursework units and information about LVCs is included in unit teaching sites. (9) An LVC may be required when the authenticity of a submitted assessment is in doubt and will be used to: (10) An LVC should occur only after an assessment has been marked, moderated, and received a passing grade but prior to the grade and any feedback being released to the student. (11) An LVC will be held no later than 15 working days after the submission deadline. (12) If an LVC will result in a delay to the return of marks to the student beyond that stipulated in the Assessment Policy and Assessment Procedures, the student should be notified of this delay before feedback and grades are due to be released. This should not result in a delay in the release of marks and feedback to other students. (13) The result of a LVC is binary. It will be either: (14) An LVC cannot result in a change to the agreed and moderated mark for an assessment unless a student refuses to participate in an LVC. (15) If a student refuses to participate in the LVC process, the matter is referred to a Prescribed Authority for further investigation in accordance with the Academic Integrity Policy and Academic Integrity Procedure. (16) An LVC does not constitute an alternative or supplementary assessment. (17) A student may request adjustments to the format of an LVC in line with their Reasonable Adjustment Plan and/or due to approved special circumstances. (18) Students: (19) It is recommended that students: (20) LVCs will: (21) Academic staff member facilitating an LVC will: (22) Unit Convener will report on LVCs and their outcomes as part of the grades review process for Faculty Assessment Board. (23) A Learning Validation Conversation (LVC) involves a member of academic staff discussing a student’s assessment with them. It is used to assure that a student can demonstrate the learning outcomes linked to a specific summative assessment. (24) An academic staff member may have a concern that an assessment is not a reflection of a student’s own learning when they note: (25) An LVC IS NOT intended to be an alternative to a preliminary informal inquiry conducted by a Prescribed Authority (see Rule 10(2) of the University of Canberra (Student Conduct) Rules 2023). Whenever there is sufficient grounds and evidence to support an allegation of academic misconduct, the correct response is to report the matter to a Prescribed Authority, not to hold an LVC. (26) An LVC IS NOT an examination, or re-examination, of the student’s work. You should not repeat the whole assessment task, but rather validate the student’s performance against the learning outcomes. (27) An LVC IS NOT to be used as an additional assessment and is not to be used to change the mark awarded to an assessment. (28) An LVC should occur if there are reasonable grounds to suspect work submitted for a summative assessment is not the product of a student’s own learning. When this is the case, the assessment should be marked and moderated as normal, and an LVC arranged to occur prior to the release of grades and feedback to the student. (29) An LVC should only occur if the submitted assessment has, after moderation, attained a passing grade or above. (30) An LVC should be arranged as soon as practical and no later than 15 working days after the submission date of an assessment. If this results in a delay to the release of marks, the student should be notified prior to the release date. Memory decays rapidly, so holding an LVC too long after the completion of an assessment could be unreliable. (31) An LVC should last between 10 and 15 minutes (no more than 15 minutes) and focus on the process the student completed in preparing for and completing the assessment. It can be held face-to-face or virtually, as agreed between the student and academic staff member. A detailed record of the LVC should be kept and, if both parties agree, it is recommended that an LVC is recorded. (32) An LVC should only include questions relevant to the assessment criteria for the assessment, the learning outcome(s) for that assessment, and the learning process taken by the student in developing their assessment. Ideally the questions focus on the application of the concepts, skills and knowledge, as relevant to the assessment, aligned to the rubric. The questions must not be deeper, harder, or more complex than the original assessment. (33) The questions should seek information about the student’s research and development process for preparation of their assessment. The questions below provide an idea of how to structure an LVC, and can be modified as appropriate to the discipline, topic, and task. Remember, these are not designed to replicate the original assessment. (34) The results of an LVC are binary (demonstrated/not demonstrated). Either a student: (35) A student may be referred to academic services for additional support to enhance their understanding and practice of academic integrity. (36) Normally, no. Exceptionally, a student may request the LVC be completed in a different format (for example, in line with a Reasonable Adjustment Plan). A student may delay an LVC if there are approved special circumstances. (37) You may withhold the student’s grade until they have completed an LVC. If a student declines to participate in an LVC without good cause, the matter is referred to a Prescribed Authority for further investigation in accordance with the Academic Integrity Policy and Academic Integrity Procedure. (38) The Faculty Assessment Board will provide an annual report to Faculty Boardon the outcomes from LVCs facilitated.Guideline for Learning Validation Conversations
Section 1 - Scope
Section 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Guidance
Overview of learning validation conversations
Guidance for students
Guidance for academic staff
Frequently asked questions
What is an LVC, and what is it not?
When should an LVC occur?
What format should an LVC take?
Understanding the topic
Approach to the task
Research approach
Application of learning
Reflection on learning
Use of GenAI
What are the possible outcomes of an LVC?
Can a student opt out of an LVC?
What happens if a student refuses to participate in an LVC?
Section 4 - Roles and responsibilities
Top of Page
Section 5 - Implementation and reporting
Section 6 - Definitions
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Academic staff (including Unit Conveners)
Ensure students are aware that they may be requested to participate in an LVC.
Encourage students to maintain a learning portfolio or equivalent records of their learning process in the development of a work for assessment.
Manage the LVC process with a student.
Provide the student with this Guideline when scheduling an LVC.
Negotiate a time with the student for an LVC.
Negotiate recording an LVC with a student.
Facilitate the LVC with a student.
Record the outcome of an LVC in the teaching site gradebook.
Associate Dean, Education (ADE)
Ensure LVCs and their outcomes are documented as part of the grades review process for Faculty Assessment Board.
Ensure the LVC process is in place.
Faculty Assessment Board
Report annually to Faculty Board on LVCs and their outcomes.
Unit Convener
Ensure information about LVCs is included in the unit teaching site.
Ensure LVCs and their outcomes are recorded in the unit teaching sites’ gradebooks.
Report on LVCs and their outcomes to Faculty Assessment Board meeting as part of the grades review process for the unit.
Maintain a learning portfolio or equivalent records of their learning process in the development of a work for assessment.
Participate in an LVC when requested by an academic staff member.
Academic staff
Has the same meaning set out in the Enterprise Agreement and may include a person who is a Senior Manager.
Has the same meaning given in the University of Canberra (Student Conduct) Statute 2015 and includes Bachelor Honours Degree types as described in the Course Procedure - Courses and Course Components.
Assessment instructions
Instructions on how to prepare for and complete an assessment.
Learning outcomes
Has the same meaning given in the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). Learning Outcomes apply within a Unit (Unit Learning Outcomes) and across a Course (Course Learning Outcomes).
Has the same meaning given in the Course Policy.
Coursework course
Has the same meaning given in the Course Policy.
Coursework student
Has the same meaning given in the University of Canberra (Academic Progress) Rules 2022.
Mark, Marks
The numeric value awarded to a summative assessment.
Has the same meaning given in the University of Canberra (Academic Progress) Rules 2022.
Summative assessment
An assessment that evaluates a student’s knowledge and skills and application of knowledge and skills provided in the learning outcomes, including the relevant graduate attributes, and contributes to the final mark and the final grade of a unit.