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International Delegation Procedure

This is the current version of this document. You can provide feedback on this policy to the document author - refer to the Status and Details on the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) International delegations provide opportunities for the University of Canberra (University) to cultivate strategic relationships with overseas stakeholders, offer a rich source of ’market intelligence’ and help the University to develop international knowledge and connections. However, they impose direct and indirect costs on the University. For these reasons, it is important that:

  1. there is a system in place to prioritise, cost, and if necessary, decline delegations; and
  2. where visits do proceed:
    1. they are handled in a highly professional way;
    2. both the delegation and the University get the best possible value from the visits; and
    3. they enhance the University’s image with international stakeholders.
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Section 2 - Scope

(2) This Procedure covers visits by international delegations to the University that involves Future Student Services portfolio. These include situations where:

  1. a Vice-Chancellor or President, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Vice-President of an overseas university proposes to visit;
  2. proposed discussions involve more than one organisational unit;
  3. the proposed discussions involve possible agreements that are likely to have a significant impact on University’s operations, student load or finances; or
  4. the attendance of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor is required.

(3) Delegations may be organised by the international entity, by other organisations (including government departments) or by the University itself. Delegations may be individuals or groups, and may involve visits to other sites, for example, federal politicians, government departments or the Australian National University.

(4) The Procedure does not cover international visitors coming to a meeting with individual organisational units (such as faculties and research institutes) and those that do not require the attendance of a senior executive or resources of the Future Student Services portfolio. However, organisational units are encouraged to advise the Manager, International of forthcoming visits so that International Office can decide whether its assistance or the participation of Senior Managers would be desirable.

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Section 3 - Policy

(5) Nil. 

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Section 4 - Procedure:

Request form

(6) To enable the decision to be made to accept a delegation, and to ensure the visit is effectively organised, the International Visit Request Form must be completed. The completion of this form will:

  1. inform decisions about how best to deal with the request;
  2. help International Office to coordinate the involvement of senior staff;
  3. enable briefings to be prepared for senior staff; and
  4. ensure arrangements run smoothly.

(7) The International Visit Request Form must be sent to at least four weeks before the proposed visit.

Accepting or declining delegations

(8) Faculties and research institutes interact with international partners on a regular basis and this Procedure is not intended to decrease the level of their international activities. However, as the delegations covered by this Procedure have broader implications for the University as a whole, it cannot be assumed that a delegation will be accepted. If approached directly, faculties and research institutes should avoid creating an expectation that the delegation will necessarily proceed.

(9) The decision to accept a delegation will be made by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor taking into account:

  1. costs, benefits, opportunities and risks to the University of proceeding; and
  2. the availability of the personnel to support the delegation.

(10) International Office will discuss the request with the relevant University area to narrow down their interests and, if appropriate, ask the delegation to modify its request accordingly.

(11) Where a proposed delegation includes a Vice-Chancellor/President, Deputy Vice-Chancellor/Vice-President of an overseas university, or an overseas head of state, International Office will liaise with the Office of the Vice-Chancellor on how best to manage the request.

(12) If a decision is made to decline a delegation the University will communicate that decision in a way that minimises any potential damage to stakeholder relationships.


(13) To enable visits to run smoothly and professionally, the University will allocate a specific staff member from International Office to act as the coordinator for the delegation. The coordinator will:

  1. review the International Visit Request Form and, if needed, liaise with the delegation contact person to obtain further information; and
  2. forward the completed form to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for consideration.

(14) If the delegation is accepted the coordinator will then:

  1. arrange for appropriate acceptance or invitation letters to be sent;
  2. organise itinerary, in consultation with relevant University staff and, where required, other organisations which the delegation is visiting;
  3. manage logistics, including transport, interpreters, venues, photographers;
  4. organise in line with the Hospitality Policy and the Visitor and Hospitality Protocols;
  5. liaise with Media & Communications to establish whether coverage is needed or not, depending on the profile of the delegation and whether it’s of interest to the University as a whole;
  6. prepare briefings for meetings of senior management and others being visited; and
  7. accompany (or arrange for others to accompany) the delegation.

Cost allocation

(15) Direct costs associated with delegations may include transport, hospitality, interpreting services, photography, venue hire, interpreting services and specific staff. These costs will generally will be attributed to the:

  1. organisational unit that has sought the visit (in which case the cost will be charged to the organisational unit’s cost centre), or
  2. the international entity, where it has requested the visit (they will be invoiced by the coordinator).

(16) Cost allocation is further outlined in the Visitor and Hospitality Protocols.

Briefing pro forma

(17) If a decision is made to accept the delegation the coordinator from the International Office will complete a briefing pro forma for senior staff and organisational units being visited.

(18) Completion of the pro forma will enable those at the University involved in meeting members of the delegation to:

  1. understand the purpose of the visit;
  2. be aware of any sensitivities;
  3. prepare appropriately for the meetings;
  4. understand arrangements for gifts; and
  5. develop an agenda for the visit.
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Section 5 - Roles and Responsibilities

Who Responsibilities
Deputy Vice-Chancellor The owner of this Procedure.
Manager, International The contact for this Procedure.
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Section 6 - Definitions

Terms Definitions
Organisational units Includes all faculties and research centres of the University, business and service units, and controlled entities. (Controlled entities usually have their own governing board and may have policies specific to the entity, which may be in addition or instead of a University policy. University policies, unless specified otherwise, would normally apply to such entities.)