(1) This Policy sets out a framework for the delegation of authority, and the principles which apply when exercising a function under a delegation. (2) Delegations are a mechanism by which the University of Canberra (University): (3) The University of Canberra Act 1989 (the Act) establishes the Council as the governing authority of the University. Council has the entire management of the University and is to act in all matters concerning the University in the way it considers will best promote the interests of the University. (4) The exercise of powers reserved to the Council are listed in the Reserved Powers of the Council. These Reserved Powers cannot be delegated. (5) Under section 17 of the Act, Council may delegate its functions (except the power to make Statutes) to: (6) As at the effective date, this document replaces all previous delegations set out by the Council, unless specified under the University Legislation, Statutes or Rules. (7) Through Statutes and Rules, Council has appointed powers to the Vice-Chancellor and the Academic Board, making them the source of authority for these functions. (8) This Policy combines delegations across all functions of the University, including delegations set out in Legislation, Statutes, Rules and Reserved Powers of the Council. (9) This Policy applies to the Council, staff and committees of the University. This Policy outlines the delegations of authority relating to the following matters: (10) A University controlled entity has the right to set their own delegations or follow the University’s delegations as outlined in this Policy - refer to the Controlled And Related Entities Policy. (11) Delegates must exercise delegations in the best interests of the University, in accordance with the Charter of Conduct and Values. (12) Delegations are to be exercised in accordance with relevant law, including but not limited to, the University of Canberra Act 1989, Statutes, Rules, policies and procedures. Where there is a conflict between the delegations in the schedules to this document and a University policy, the delegations in the schedules will apply. (13) Delegations are conferred on a position, not to an individual occupying the position. A delegated authority extends to any person officially appointed to a position on a temporary basis, unless otherwise specified in the appointment to act. (14) If a position is abolished or re-named, the delegation should be taken to be a reference to the principal successor to the functions of that position or committee. (15) No delegate can sub-delegate unless specified in a Statute or Rule. (16) Unless stated otherwise, a delegation to a specific delegation band applies to any officer within or above the delegation band. (17) Authority should be exercised by the lowest level delegate which holds responsibility in the first instance and escalated to a higher-level delegate if the lower level delegate is unavailable (i.e. on leave/away for business), does not hold entire management responsibility for the functions or has an actual or perceived conflict of interest e.g. delegates may not approve with respect to their own appointment, including any form of remuneration of payment, promotion, transfer or secondment, travel, absence or termination pertaining to themselves or to officers with whom they have a close personal relationship or external business relationship. (18) Any delegation must be exercised in accordance with the relevant financial delegation limit, approved budget or source of funds except where stated otherwise. The aggregation of expenditure commitments for any one Capital Expenditure or Major Project must not exceed a delegate's financial limit. (19) The budget owner is responsible for monitoring the exercise of delegations within their area. (20) The exercise of a delegation must be evidenced in writing or exercised electronically within a computerised system (which has secured login access and a unique username) and include the person's name, position and date of decision. This assists in providing an adequate auditable record of the delegates approval of transactions e.g. University staff email account or specified form. (21) Where a power or authority is delegated to a person to exercise a function, that power or authority extends to the execution of the documents necessary to give effect to that exercise of that function e.g. contracts, agreements or deeds. Execution of the document must be in accordance with the University of Canberra (University Seal) Statute 2019 unless a specific delegation states otherwise. (22) All documentation must be stored in accordance with records and contract management requirements, this includes all contracts and agreements being registered in the appropriate contracts management database i.e. OpenWindows, Pure, HPRM (TRIM), the Partnerships Database and the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. (23) Where the delegate for the controlled entity is not specified, the controlled entity’s Board defaults as the delegate for that function. (24) All alleged breaches or misuse (whether accidental or deliberate) of delegation must be reported immediately to the relevant manager, supervisor or senior employee. The relevant manager is required to immediately report a breach notification to their respective Senior Manager – Band 4 (Refer Section 6 – Delegation Bands). The Senior Manager is to determine whether the breach is a notifiable breach of delegations and if so, escalate as per below, so appropriate action can be taken by the University to investigate and remedy the situation: (25) A breach will be investigated in accordance with the applicable procedures, by the relevant area e.g. Finance & Analytics, People & Culture. (26) Where an alleged breach or misuse of delegation constitutes misconduct or serious misconduct, the relevant section of the Enterprise Agreement will apply and may impact the individual’s employment with the University. (27) Should a breach or misuse of delegation be determined under an investigation process, it must be reported immediately to the Chief Operating Officer and Vice-President Operations and to the Audit and Risk Management Committee. (28) Complaints in relation to alleged breaches will be handled in accordance with the Grievance Resolution Procedure contained in the Enterprise Agreement. (29) For further advice and assistance please contact policy@canberra.edu.au. (30) The delegation bands for the University and relevant controlled entities are specified below. (31) Nil. Delegations of Authority Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Source of Authority
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Principles
Exercise of Delegations
Principles Specified for a Controlled Entity (e.g. UCX)
Reporting and Investigation
Delegation Bands
Example Positions
Band 0
Council Sub-CommitteesChancellor
Audit and Risk Management Committee
Finance Committee
Band 1
Chief Operating Officer and Vice-President OperationsVice-Chancellor
Band 2
Executive Management
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Chief Financial Officer
Band 3
Senior Management
Pro Vice-Chancellor
Executive Dean
General Counsel and University Secretary
Associate Vice-President
Chief Financial Officer
Chief Digital OfficerDeputy Vice-Chancellor
Executive Deans
Associate Vice-President, Campus Estate
Chief Financial Officer
Band 4
Senior Managers of Faculties, Business Units and Research Institutes
Deputy Dean
Associate Dean
Director of Business Unit
Director, Research Institute
Heads of School
Faculty General ManagerDean of Students
Associate Dean, Research
Director, Student Connect
Director, UC Health Research Institute
Head of School, Design & the Built Environment
Faculty General Manager, Arts and Design
Director, UCX Commercial Operations and Campus Life
Band 5
Academic and Professional Leadership
Director, Research Centre
Deputy Director*Director, UC Research Institute of Sport and Exercise Science**
Director, STEM Education Research Centre
Deputy Director, Corporate Finance
Band 6
Academic and Professional Management
(with management responsibilities of teams and/or functions)Heads of Discipline
Executive Officer
Associate Director
SpecialistDirector, Risk and Audit
Manager, Student Centre
Policy Specialist
Band 7
(academic or professional staff without management responsibilities)Senior Coordinator
Senior Advisor
Sessional staff
Casual staffGovernance Coordinator
Senior Project Coordinator
Outbound Advisor, International Partnerships & Engagement
All other UCX Staff not identified above
* Note: where a Deputy Director reports directly to a Band 2, the Deputy Director is allocated Band 4.
**Note: Although name includes ‘Research Institute’ this is recognised at the Research Centre levelSection 4 - Responsibilities
The Council approves the Delegations of Authority Policy.
The exercise of powers reserved to the Council are listed in the Reserved Powers of the Council. These Reserved Powers can not be delegated.
Audit and Risk Management Committee
The Committee advises Council on the Delegations of Authority Policy and proposed amendments. The Committee is responsible on the delegated authority of the Council for monitoring the exercise of delegations.
Academic Board
The Academic Board is responsible on the delegated authority of the Council for monitoring the exercise of academic delegations and proposing amendments to the Delegations of Authority to the Council, as necessary.
UCX Board
The Board is responsible on the delegated authority of the Council for monitoring the exercise of delegations within its remit. The UCX Board may delegate any of their powers and functions to a committee, a Director, an employee of UCX Ltd, or any other person.
The Vice-Chancellor may recommend amendments to the Delegations of Authority policy to Council.
Framework where the authority to delegate the functions sits with the Vice-Chancellor, for example changing the delegated authority from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor.
People & Culture
People & Culture is responsible for investigating non-fraud related notifiable breaches in accordance with the University’s Enterprise Agreement and applicable procedures.
Chief Operating Officer and Vice-President Operations
The Legal is responsible for:
All staff have a duty to carry out responsibilities in line with these delegations in respect to the Charter of Conduct and Values and the Enterprise Agreement.
Top of PageSection 5 - Procedures
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