(1) The purpose of this Policy, together with the Finance Governance Policy, is to provide a framework and policy guideline within which the University Group manages its treasury function and risks to financial market variables. (2) The University Group is exposed to treasury-related risks arising from debt raising, foreign exchange, the investment of surplus funds and associated cash management activities. The safeguarding of the University’s financial resources must be achieved with respect to the principles of public accountability and compliance with relevant legislation, including those established under the University of Canberra Act 1989. (3) The core objectives of the University’s treasury function are to: (4) This Policy is intended to evolve as the University’s business and structures change. A formal review process will be undertaken every two years, but a provision is made for alterations to the Policy to be implemented by specific approval by Council. (5) The University Group may borrow for two purposes: (6) In either case, the University will borrow only if the resulting working expenditure or investment contributes materially to achievement of the University’s strategic objectives. (7) In accordance with the Financial Management Act 1996, the University must obtain approval in writing from the ACT Treasurer prior to entering into any borrowings. The University must ensure all legislated requirements are met, including compliance with any terms and conditions of the borrowings specified by the ACT Treasurer. (8) The main objective of liquidity risk management is to ensure that the University has enough funds available to meet its financial obligations in a timely manner. It should also cater for unforeseen events which may reduce operating cash flows and cause pressure on the University’s liquidity. (9) Funding risk is the risk that the University is unable to renew borrowing facilities, or to receive a favourable outcome, due to market conditions at the time it seeks to refinance. The Chief Financial Officer must renegotiate and try to obtain a formal offer of a replacement facility(ies), at the latest, three months ahead of an existing facility maturity. (10) Interest rate risk management has the objective of controlling the University’s exposure to movements in interest rates to: (11) The University will manage its exposure to interest rate risk on ongoing borrowings by identifying a core level of debt, applying the risk control limits explained in the following paragraph and considering the use of interest rate hedging structures. Core Debt is defined as the part of total debt that is unlikely to fluctuate as a result of seasonal fluctuations in business activities. It excludes specific project debt, as this may be structured on a case-by-case basis to best meet individual project requirements. (12) University management will determine, and recommend to the Finance Committee for approval, an appropriate positioning between fixed rate and floating rate debt to manage the University’s exposure to adverse movements in interest rates. Once the University’s borrowing profile is established, it is expected that floating rate debt will not exceed 50% of the University’s core debt for an extended period, unless otherwise agreed by the Finance Committee. This control will apply where the level of core debt exceeds $50 million, and will be reviewed periodically in line with University borrowing requirements. (13) Where floating rate debt exceeds 50% of core debt (or whatever proportion is deemed appropriate by the Finance Committee), the University may consider reducing its level of interest rate risk by hedging a portion of its floating rate borrowings. (14) The Finance Committee must be advised prior to entering into hedging instruments such as interest rate swaps or options (including caps, floors and collars). (15) Foreign exchange risk is the risk that the University will suffer financial loss due to adverse movements in foreign exchange rates thereby decreasing the value of assets or increasing the value of liabilities and payments. (16) Wherever commercially practicable, the University conducts its business and seeks to have contracts denominated in Australian Dollars. (17) Foreign currency risks are to be managed by the Chief Financial Officer in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Treasury Procedures. (18) Where considered necessary by the Chief Financial Officer, the treasury function is permitted to undertake transactions with approved counterparties using only the following physical and derivative financial instruments to meet the policies set out in this document: (19) Recommendations to Council for the approval of new instruments are to be supported by the agreement of the Finance Committee. (20) The responsibility for the management and control of the University Group’s treasury function and treasury risks belongs to the following: (21) Refer to the Treasury Procedure.Treasury Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Principles
Borrowing policy
Liquidity risk management
Funding risk management
Interest rate risk management
Interest rate hedging
Foreign exchange policy
Authorised foreign exchange instruments
Section 3 - Responsibilities
Finance Committee
Chief Operating Officer and Vice-President Operations (COO)
Chief Financial Officer
Management of Boards of entities wholly owned by the University
Top of PageSection 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Definitions
Core Debt
The part of total debt that is unlikely to fluctuate as a result of seasonal fluctuations in business activities. It excludes specific project debt, as this may be structured on a case by case basis to best meet individual project requirements
University Act
University of Canberra Act 1989.
University Group
The University of Canberra and all entities wholly owned by the University.
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