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Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Procedure

This document is not in force yet. It will take effect from 01/01/2026. To view the current version, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Procedure sets out the processes for implementing the Work Integrated Learning Policy in the context of internships, placements and industry projects at the University of Canberra (the University).

(2) This Procedure supports Standards 1.4, 2, 3.1, 3.2, 5, and 7.3.3 of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021.

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Section 2 - Scope

(3) This Procedure applies to all of the University’s courses determined under the University of Canberra Courses and Awards (Courses of Study) Rules 2023.

(4) This Procedure applies to Industry Projects and work-based WIL activities (Placements and Internships) that are embedded in curriculum.

(5) This Procedure applies to all WIL activities undertaken with the University’s approval on or off campus that are delivered in person, online or mixed mode, in Australia or overseas.

(6) This Procedure applies to all new or renewed Host Organisation WIL Agreements (HOWA) which need to be signed for Placements and Internships. The Procedure also applies to  Project Agreement to Participate document which need to be signed for Industry Projects. These Procedures will apply to  WIL activities commencing from 1 January 2026.

(7) This Procedure does not apply to experiential WIL. Refer to Course Procedure - Courses and Course Components for more information.

(8) This Procedure does not apply to extra-curricular non-academic activities undertaken by students that are outside of activities in curriculum.

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Section 3 -  Policy

(9) This Procedure supports the Work Integrated Learning Policy.

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Section 4 - Procedure

Foundations for successful WIL

(10) For WIL to be successful, faculty staff and Careers UC will work collaboratively and be supported by other areas of the University, including Student Life, Student Connect, Risk & Safety, and Safety & Wellbeing. The quality assurance of WIL will be supported by curriculum design and resources and assessed by any internal and external reviews and audits.

Faculty staff

(11) The Executive Dean must ensure that staff working on WIL units have the skills and knowledge to do their work effectively and are provided with the necessary training.

(12) At all times, the Associate Dean, Education (ADE) or Associate Dean, WIL (ADWIL):

  1. must ensure the quality assurance of WIL activities in their faculty;
  2. must ensure compliance with the relevant legislation, standards and University policies and procedures; and
  3. must referred to the correct areas of the University for support, including but not limited to Careers UC, Legal, Risk & Safety, Safety & Wellbeing, and relevant areas of Student Life.

(13) The Unit Conveners of WIL units are responsible for ensuring, as far as is reasonably possible, a safe and effective learning environment for students enrolled in the WIL unit.

(14) Unit Conveners of WIL units are responsible for ensuring WIL units are compliant with the WIL Policy, the Course Policy (and its associated procedures), and Assessment Policy and Assessment Procedures.

(15) Unit Conveners of WIL units must exercise due diligence to ensure the physical and psychological safety of students throughout the WIL unit by advising them of available support services, including Student Life, academic support, incident reporting and grievance and complaint processes. This advice can be provided via classes, Canvas and referring students to WIL Ready.

(16) If a Unit Convener of a WIL unit delegates some tasks to other academics or professional staff members, the Unit Convener of a WIL unit needs to ensure the academics or professional staff members know what other areas of the University can provide support; however, the Executive Dean must ensure appropriate delegation  of responsibility.

(17) Enrolments in WIL units must be managed according to the Enrolment Procedure. Where a WIL unit is open to self-enrolment, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they meet the requirements under the WIL Procedure and that the WIL activity will proceed. The inability to secure an Internship, or complete an Industry Project or Placement, will not be considered as grounds for late withdrawal, except under Clauses 52–59 of this Procedure.

Careers UC

(18) Careers UC is the central point of coordination and administration for Internships and Placements. Unit Conveners of WIL units must meet with Careers UC to discuss how they can work together to achieve positive outcomes for all parties.

(19) Careers UC coordinates and facilitates the WIL Group Community of Practice (CoP), which acts as an opportunity for sharing best practice and driving process improvement in placements and internships across all faculties. The WIL CoP will meet once per semester at a minimum.

(20) Careers UC works with faculties to advertise internship opportunities to students in an equitable and transparent manner, using central University platforms such as CareerHub and UCLearn.

Quality Assurance

(21) The University adheres to the following quality framework when designing and implementing WIL activities:

University of Canberra Employability Framework
One of the University’s strategies to enable students to be job ready, career ready and lifelong learners.
Promotes and supports the employability of graduates.
WIL activities in workplaces which are either in-person or online.
Students demonstrate and apply their knowledge and skills, both in their discipline and the work context in which they are learning.
Integrated with curriculum
WIL is integrated within a course, and links theory with practice.
Discipline-specific learning outcomes aligned with scaffolded development of graduate attributes.
Assessment is authentic, focused on integration of theory with practice, and aligns with learning outcomes.
Students demonstrate knowledge and skills.
Inclusive practice
All students have equitable access to full participation in WIL activities.
Scholarships and bursaries, reasonable adjustments, and culturally appropriate service provision and experiences.
Student preparation
Students have completed the necessary training appropriate for their WIL.
The student understands their role and responsibilities and have the skills to complete the WIL.
Student participation
Students are encouraged to actively and professionally engage with WIL activities.
Students demonstrate and apply their knowledge and skills.
Supervisor preparation
Academic supervisors are informed  about what their role involves  and are aware of what other areas of the University can provide support.
Supervisors clearly understand their role and responsibilities.
Supervisor participation
Qualified academic and industry supervisors actively engage in supervision.
Application of supervisory knowledge and skills, such as monitoring student progress, provision of feedback, debriefing and assessing performance.
Unit Conveners of WIL units, students and industry partners are empowered to actively evaluate WIL.
Feedback from evaluation improves WIL.

(22) The ADE/ADWIL and the Unit Convener of a WIL Unit will ensure that WIL experiences and supervisory arrangements for WIL experiences are quality assured through the WIL curriculum design, WIL management, and WIL reporting and evaluation as outlined in this Procedure.

WIL curriculum design

(23) The University, via WIL curriculum design and implementation, ensures WIL engages students in quality, authentic, purposeful, partnered, supervised and assessed WIL experiences as part of a course of study. These experiences will provide an opportunity for the student to apply knowledge, skills and personal attributes developed through learning activities delivered primarily by the University to learning activities in the workplace.

(24) WIL is an important strategic component of the University’s degrees and is designed and delivered through mutually beneficial partnerships and close coordination between academics, faculty staff, Careers UC, and other internal and external stakeholders, including industry and students.

(25) Units that include WIL must be categorised in Callista and include the type of WIL, the referenced course(s) and the mode of delivery as described in the Scheduling Guidelines. This information must be entered into Callista by the Business Support and Innovation (BSI) team in Student Connect following the academic governance approval process. Identification and tracking of WIL via this system is essential to enable accurate reporting and evaluation of WIL across the University.

(26) Curriculum design must consider:

  1. appropriate student preparation, quality supervision, assessment, monitoring and feedback before, during and after the WIL activities;
  2. scaffolding the Employability Framework into the WIL unit in consultation with Careers UC;
  3. a student-centred and inclusive approach, which removes or minimises barriers to participation, particularly from equity groups;
  4. the workplace environment and how relevant health and safety legislation and University policies and procedures are followed to reduce potential risks and safety hazards;
  5. ensuring a process is followed to declare any conflict of interest, and address queries around intellectual property rights, confidentiality, privacy, data security and insurance; and
  6. the overall ability to safeguard the quality of the student experience.

(27) WIL curriculum design will ensure methods of assessment are authentic and clearly linked to the supervised work the students undertake in their WIL activities. Assessments should articulate performance standards that are appropriate for the level and nature of learning outcomes and align with the Assessment Policy and Assessment Procedures.

(28) The Unit Convener of a WIL Unit is responsible for ensuring the quality features for WIL are embedded into guidelines and resources for students and supervisors. This includes:

  1. information that meets the requirements of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021;
  2. coordinating with Learning & Teaching (L&T);
  3. coordinating with Careers UC to embed the Employability Framework; and
  4. student pre-placement requirements to prepare students for their WIL activity.


(29) Resources including Student WIL Guidelines and Incident Reporting Portal must be included as part of course materials in the Learning Management System.

(30) Internal University of Canberra Stakeholders involved in WIL will work collaboratively to develop and update guidelines and resources for students and supervisors. Supporting documents and templates must be stored in the collaborative WIL Guidelines and Templates SharePoint site.

Managing WIL activities

Student Placement Acknowledgement

(31) Before a student undertakes any WIL activities, the University must enter into a faculty specific Student Placement Acknowledgement with that student. The Acknowledgement:

  1. sets out the responsibilities of the University and the student during the WIL activity;
  2. remains in place for the duration of the student’s program of study covering all placements undertaken during this time;
  3. includes provisions for the student to observe the University’s Intellectual Property Policy and that of their host organisation; and
  4. instructs the student to refer to the University’s Conflict of Interest Resource and to declare any conflicts of interest.

Host Organisation WIL Agreement (HOWA)

(32) The University must enter into a Host Organisation WIL Agreement (HOWA) for WIL Placements and Internships. For WIL Industry Projects, there should be a Project Agreement to Participate (refer to ‘Industry project’ section below).

(33)  The HOWA:

  1. sets out the responsibilities of the University and the host organisation;
  2. has a term of no less than 3 years but can be left dormant if there are no students taking an Internship with the Host;
  3. includes provisions that make the corresponding agreement subject to this Policy and its supporting Procedure; and
  4. once executed, is held in the Partnerships database.

(34) HOWAs must be initiated and negotiated (but not signed) by the Unit Convener of WIL units with support from Legal and Careers UC. Students must not be involved in the initiation or negotiation of the University’s agreement with the Host Organisation.

(35) HOWAs must be signed by the:

  1. Head of School (Delegation Band 4) on the standard University of Canberra template; or
  2. Executive Dean (Delegation Band 3) if there have been changes to the standard University of Canberra template.

(36) The University must not enter into more than one HOWA with a Host Organisation. If a new HOWA is entered into with a Host Organisation, any pre-existing HOWA with that Host Organisation is rendered obsolete.

(37) To ensure that the University is not entering into multiple HOWAs with a Host Organisation, the Unit Convener of WIL units, with support from Careers UC, will take the following steps:

Before deciding whether to enter into a new HOWA with a Host Organisation, the Unit Convener of a WIL unit will check the Partnerships Database or reach out directly to Careers UC to determine whether the University has an existing HOWA with the Host Organisation.
If there is no existing HOWA with the Host Organisation, the Unit Convener of a WIL unit, with support from Careers UC, may begin the negotiation for the new HOWA with the Host Organisation, preferably using the University’s standard HOWA template.
If there is an existing HOWA with the Host Organisation the Unit Convener of a WIL unit who is managing the negotiations must:
  • advise the Host Organisation that there is an existing HOWA with the University; and
  • provide the Host Organisation with a copy of the existing HOWA to ensure the Host Organisation understands the terms on which the WIL will proceed.

(38) Before the  Executive Dean/Delegate can execute a HOWA, the Unit Convener of a WIL unit must:

  1. Conduct a due diligence investigation, and if required, risk assessment on the Host Organisation to determine if the University should engage with them for potential WIL opportunities. The level of investigation will be determined by faculty local instruction.  
  2. When the above investigation identifies risk outside of the University’s risk appetite, the Unit Convener of a WIL unit must seek guidance from the ADE and/or the University’s Risk & Safety Team.
  3. The development of local instructions for WIL units will be done in consultation with relevant University service areas including Risk & Safety, Safety & Wellbeing, Legal, Student Life and Careers UC.

(39) A signed HOWA does not guarantee that the University will engage in WIL activities.

Industry projects

(40) Industry partners are part of the University’s extensive industry network; therefore, Unit Conveners of WIL units must liaise with the University’s Legal team and the Industry Partner to create a Project Agreement to Participate that is tailored to the specific industry project unit.

(41) A Project Agreement to Participate must be signed by the:

  1. Head of School (Delegation Band 4) if on the standard University of Canberra template; or
  2. Executive Dean (Delegation Band 3) if there have been changes to the standard University of Canberra template.

(42) The industry partner, together with the Unit Convener of a WIL unit, defines the requirements for the project and the team required, ensuring students are exposed to relevant appropriate learning opportunities throughout the duration of the experience. The Unit Convener of a WIL unit must ensure the project reflects the Employability Framework and the University’s Graduate Attributes Policy.

(43) Industry projects must be designed and facilitated to be accessible and inclusive to enable participation, particularly from students from diverse backgrounds and be available via flexible modes of delivery where feasible.

(44) Industry projects will take place during a set teaching period and students will meet regularly with the relevant stakeholders, including their project team, if working in a group, the Unit Convener of their WIL unit to receive direction and support, and the industry supervisor that is assigned to their industry project. These meetings need to be delivered in flexible ways to accommodate different unit modes of delivery.

(45) The student project team will not be located at or engaged at the industry partner site but may conduct project meetings either onsite, offsite or virtually.

(46) Students and industry partners will be able to provide feedback throughout the project. Any issues or concerns that a student or industry partner may have while undertaking the industry project should be discussed with the Unit Convener of the WIL unit.

(47) Industry projects must be tracked and evaluated by the Unit Convener of a WIL unit for reporting purposes.

Risk assessments for WIL activities

(48) WIL activities support the University’s Employability Framework and deliver its academic programs and student experiences. They are also subject to a number of legislation, standards and internal policies. Therefore, the University must assess risks arising from the partnerships and the WIL activities in areas such as, but not limited to: WHS, academic program and compliance. Faculties must consider their unique requirements and develop local instructions to implement the WIL Policy and Procedure in accordance with the University’s risk appetite, as outlined in the University’s Risk Management Framework Risk Register.

(49) Faculty WIL staff will complete due diligence and risk assessment related to health, safety and wellbeing of students when engaging Host Organisations to ensure risks are adequately managed within the University’s risk appetite. Due diligence and risk assessment documents will be developed under faculty local instruction and with the support of Careers UC and other relevant services across the University.

(50) Typically, a formal risk assessment will be conducted:

  1. where there is a travel requirement to a remote area or outside of Australia; or  
  2. where the WIL activity is based at a private residence; or
  3. where the student to be placed to a WIL activity has a physical and/or mental health condition that may expose them to a higher level of risk during the WIL activity; or
  4. where there are confirmed incidents associated with the working environment of the Host Organisation, the conduct of the Host Organisation and the conduct of the student, which may increase the level of risk for future WIL activities.  

(51) The University’s Work Health and Safety Policy must be followed. All incidents must be reported  via the University’s Incident Reporting Portal. The Associate Director, Safety and Wellbeing is responsible for communicating any WHS incident to the faculty ADE/ADWIL and Manager, WIL.

Student obligations

(52) While undertaking WIL activities, students must:

  1. observe their obligations under the Student Placement Acknowledgement, the University of Canberra (Student Conduct) Rules 2023, and all relevant University policies and procedures, including the Student Charter;
  2. comply with workplace standards of professional behaviour and the Host Organisation’s policies and procedures;
  3. maintain satisfactory attendance and/or participation;
  4. complete all components of WIL activities as specified in the unit outline;
  5. provide feedback; and
  6. report any incident or instance of non-compliance to the University as soon as practicable.

Issues arising during WIL

Suspension or termination of WIL activities

(53) A student’s involvement in WIL activities may be suspended or terminated if there are:

Student Issues
  • The student breaches their obligations.
  • Conduct issues.
  • Safety concerns relating to the student’s conduct during WIL.
  • Conflicts of interest.
  • Scope of practice concerns or performance concerns.
Host Organisation Issues
  • Safety concerns.
  • Supervision concerns.
  • Conduct issues.
  • Scope of practice concerns or performance concerns.
  • Emergencies or critical incidents.
  • Breach of the HOWA.

(54) If a serious issue arises regarding personal safety of a student, the Unit Convener of a WIL unit, once becoming aware of the issue, will immediately withdraw the student from the WIL activity.

Student issues

(55) If a student issue (other than a serious personal safety issue) arises during WIL, the Unit Convener of a WIL unit, once notified, will:

  1. promptly investigate the issue;
  2. make reasonable attempts to resolve the issue with the student and/or the Host Organisation as appropriate;
  3. suspend the student’s involvement if appropriate; and
  4. notify the Host Organisation in writing of the investigation outcome.

(56) If the issue cannot be resolved, the student will be withdrawn from the WIL activity.

(57) If a student’s involvement in WIL activities ends due to a student issue, the Unit Convener of a WIL unit, must investigate the issue per the unit outline and/or the University of Canberra (Student Conduct) Rules 2023 to determine the outcome for the student. When a payment or fee is involved regarding the WIL activity, the Unit Convener of a WIL unit, must seek advice from the relevant business units on the eligibility and continuity of the payment.

Host Organisation issues

(58) If a student’s involvement in a WIL activity ends due to a Host Organisation issue, the Unit Convener of a WIL unit will:

  1. advise the student in writing, noting whether and to what extent the completed WIL so far satisfies the unit and/or course requirements; and
  2. make every reasonable effort to assist the student in engaging with any further WIL if required, to ensure the student is not disadvantaged.

(59) If appropriate, following consultation with the Legal team and the ADE/ADWIL, the Unit Convener of a WIL unit, will notify the Host Organisation of the termination of the HOWA in writing. The notification must include the reason for the termination, such as:

  1. the inability to resolve an issue;
  2. physical or psychological safety concerns;
  3. WIL activity not meeting learning outcomes; or
  4. breach of the HOWA by the Host Organisation.

(60) The Unit Convener of a WIL unit will consult with the ADE/ADWIL/Head of School, to consider whether the University should avoid any future WIL activities with the Host Organisation when WIL is terminated due to issues arising from the Host Organisation. This must be recorded in the central database for reference by other faculties.

Reporting and evaluation


(61) The Unit Convener of a WIL unit will regularly gather feedback from the student and supervisor/placement and internship sites on their experiences. The format and structure of the feedback will be guided by local instruction

(62) Student and supervisor feedback will be collated by the Unit Convener of a WIL unit, and reported to the ADE/ADWIL with recommendations for actions if required.

(63) The feedback and reports to the ADE/ADWIL must be stored by the faculty where possible.


(64) WIL evaluation and reporting should highlight any areas of risk, concerns and suggestions to ensure:

  1. the University is compliant with legislative and other legal requirements; and
  2. the continuous improvement of the learning experiences and environment offered by WIL partners.

Other WIL considerations

Paid and unpaid WIL, insurance and conflict of interest

(65) A HOWA must be in place regardless of whether WIL opportunities are paid or unpaid. For guidance on paid versus unpaid WIL activities, refer to the Internal Guidance Note – Paid versus Unpaid Internships/Placement document

(66) For unpaid WIL activities, the student will be covered by the University’s insurance policies including professional indemnity, personal accident, travel and public liability. The Unit Convener of a WIL unit, can liaise with the Risk & Safety team and University Insurance team regarding insurance and claim matters.

(67) For paid WIL activities, the student will be covered by the Host organisation’s insurance policy.

(68) The University’s Charter of Conduct and Values and the University of Canberra (Student Conduct) Rules 2023 provide requirements for conduct related matters.

(69) The Conflict of Interest Resource provides guidance if a student is employed with a potential Host organisation for WIL activities.

International WIL

(70) International WIL is subject to the University’s relevant policies and procedures as well as any travel advice or restrictions.

(71) Careers UC will act as a central point of coordination for international WIL. To ensure the WIL activity is compliant and fit for purpose, Careers UC will:

  1. provide guidance to students or academics who want to arrange an independent international internship or placement following the Independent International Internship Process; and
  2. advise on third party providers (including the completion of Third-Party Providers – Preferred Provider Application), benchmarking and risk assessment, Overseas Experience Provider Agreement and mandatory pre-departure information.

Grievances and issues

(72) For informal and formal grievance resolution, in the first instance, students should contact the Unit Convener of their WIL unit for an informal resolution.

(73) Students must notify the University of any incident or instances of non-compliance  through the University’s Incident Reporting Portal.

(74) Students can refer to the Student Grievance Resolution Policy for advice on grievances and complaints related to WIL activities.

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Section 5 - Responsibilities

(75) WIL is a learning opportunity available to students studying at the University, therefore all faculties are responsible for encouraging and enabling students to undertake WIL as a part of their degree.

(76) All University staff should take a role in developing industry and community networks that lead to the identification and development of appropriate WIL opportunities for students.

Associate Dean, Education (ADE)/Associate Dean, WIL (ADWIL)
  • Ensuring faculty staff who support WIL have the appropriate skills or are provided with the necessary training  to manage WIL.
  • Ensuring the quality assurance of WIL activities in their faculty and compliance with the relevant legislation, standards and University policies and procedures.
Associate Director, Safety and Wellbeing
  • Communicating any workplace health and safety incident to the faculty ADE/ADWIL and Manager, WIL.
Careers UC
  • Coordinating and facilitating the WIL Group Community of Practice (CoP).
  • Advertising internship opportunities to students.
  • Collaborating with faculties on the development of WIL guidelines and resources for students and supervisors.
  • Managing resources and SharePoint locations related to WIL
  • Acting as a central point of coordination for international WIL.
  • Managing InPlace and coordinating WIL compliance requirements
  • Assisting with the reviewing and processing of HOWA’s, including liaising with Legal, supporting Host Organisations when required and the storage.
  • Supporting Unit Conveners with allocating students on placements for Education and Clinical Health units
Executive Dean
  • Ensuring that staff working on WIL units have the skills and knowledge to do their work effectively and are provided with the necessary training.
  • Signing a HOWA or Project Agreement to Participate if there have been changes to the standard template.
Head of School
  • Ensuring the quality assurance of the WIL unit and student experience within the unit.
  • Signing a HOWA or Project Agreement to Participate if on the standard template.
  • Liaising with Unit Conveners of WIL units and Careers UC when developing Agreements (HOWA or Project Agreement to Participate)
Risk & Safety; Safety & Wellbeing; and People & Culture
  • Providing subject matter advice when required.
Student Connect
  • Entering WIL details into Callista and include the type of WIL, the referenced course(s) and the mode of delivery as described in the Scheduling Guide.
  • Meeting regularly with their project team during Industry Projects.
  • Observing their obligations under the Student Placement Acknowledgement, the University of Canberra (Courses and Awards (Courses of Study)) Rules 2023, and all relevant University policies and procedures, including the Student Charter.
  • Complying with workplace standards of professional behaviour and the Host Organisation’s policies and procedures.
  • Maintaining satisfactory attendance and/or participation.
  • Complete all components of WIL activities as specified in the unit outline .
  • Contacting the Unit Convener of their WIL unit first for an informal resolution of grievances.
  • Provides a copy of Placement Support Letter to the Unit Convener if required.
  • Discussing reasonable adjustments that may be required to support a placement or internship with InclusionUC.
  • Providing a copy of the adjustments requested via a Placement Support Letter to the Unit Convener prior to the placement or internship unit commencing.
Unit Convener of WIL units/ Faculty WIL Support staff
  • Ensuring that WIL is compliant with this Policy and other relevant University of Canberra policies and procedures.
  • Designing and implementing WIL to ensure WIL engages students in authentic, purposeful, partnered, supervised, and assessed WIL experiences as part of a program of study.
  • Ensuring, as far as is reasonably possible, a safe and effective learning environment for students enrolled in the WIL unit.
  • Ensuring WIL is accessible and students registered with InclusionUC are adequately supported to engage in WIL.
  • Advising students about available support services, academic support, incident reporting and grievance and complaint processes.
  • Meeting with Careers UC to discuss how to achieve positive outcomes for all parties engaged in WIL activities.
  • For Industry Projects, liaising with the Legal team and the Industry Partner to create a tailored Project Agreement to Participate.
  • Ensuring Industry Projects reflect the University’s Employability Framework and Graduate Attributes Policy.
  • Providing support and guidance to Industry Project teams.
  • Tracking and evaluating Industry Projects for reporting purposes.
  • Gathering student and supervisor experiences and feedback after WIL activities are completed.
  • Entering into a faculty specific Student Placement Acknowledgement with each student.
  • Before entering HOWAs, completing due diligence and (if required) risk assessment related to health, safety and wellbeing of students.
  • Investigating, resolving and (if appropriate) suspending WIL activities if student issues and Host Organisation issues arise during WIL activities.
  • Immediately withdrawing students from WIL activities if a serious personal safety issue arises.
  • Liaising with the Risk & Safety team regarding insurance matters.
  • (Unit Convener of WIL units) Delegating task to appropriate Faculty WIL Support staff as required.
WIL Industry Partner/Host Organisation and Providers
  • Meeting preparation obligations for the WIL educational activities in accordance with University’s requirements.
  • Providing a safe workplace with appropriate supervision and feedback to support the student’s learning, including providing a culturally safe environment for students from diverse backgrounds.
  • Communicating with and providing feedback to the University and the student(s) as required.
  • Appropriately inducting students to the workplace as part of the WIL activities.
  • Contacting the University promptly if an issue or incident occurs during WIL activities.
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Section 6 - Definitions

Experiential Work Integrated Learning
Educational activities designed to replicate work-related tasks, problems, and scenarios that are an example of real-world industry, employer, and professional practices.
Host organisation/industry partner
An industry partner that is hosting a student on a work integrated learning activity.
Industry projects
Refers to the projects provided by approved University industry partners as part of a unit. Industry projects (maybe a requirement of external accreditation for professional practice and involve limited or no engagement onsite at the Industry partner.
Work experience under the supervision of the faculty and the workplace supervisor. Refers to work experience where a student is enrolled in an identified University unit which includes a professional work-based experience.
Local Instruction
Work experience under the supervision of the faculty and the workplace supervisor. Refers to a learning experience where a health or education student is enrolled in an identified University unit that is designed to meet the requirements of external accreditation for professional practice.
This includes:
  • faculty staff, such as the Head of School and academics and relevant Faculty Professional staff.
  • professional staff, such as Careers UC staff and other relevant internal stakeholders
  • external stakeholders, such as industry partners and third-party providers
Third-party provider
A separate legal entity to the University (though the entity may be a controlled or related entity of the University) that the University enters into a provider agreement with for the purposes of delivering University accredited units and courses to students. In the context of WIL it may also be an unaffiliated person/company/entity that supports the University’s WIL activities domestically and internationally.
Work Integrated Learning (WIL)
A form of learning where theoretical knowledge and disciplinary skills are integrated with authentic work experiences and practices within relevant professional contexts.