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Course Procedure - Courses and Course Components (Development, Revision, Suspension and Closure)

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Procedure sets out the University of Canberra (University) processes and requirements governing the development, revision, suspension and closure of courses and course components.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) This Procedure applies to:

  1. award courses Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) levels 5 to 10;
  2. course components (majors, minors and units); and
  3. non-award courses that correspond to a unit of an award course.

(3) Associated procedures include:

  1. Course Procedure - Courses and Course Components;
  2. Course Procedure - Combined Teaching;
  3. Course Procedure - Monitoring, Review and Improvement (MRI);
  4. Course Delivery by Third Party Providers (TPP) Policy and Course Delivery by TPP Procedure; and
  5. Assessment Policy and Assessment Procedures.

(4) Higher Degree by Research (HDR) policies and procedures are also applicable to HDR courses.

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Section 3 - Policy

(5) This Procedure supports the Course Policy.

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Section 4 - Procedure

Part A - General

(6) Approved University course and unit templates must be used for course  development, revision, suspension, closure and risk assessments.

(7) A course risk assessment must be undertaken in accordance with the Resilience Management Framework and Risk Management Plan.

(8) Schedule 1 - Major, Minor and Administrative Unit and Course Revisions provides the distinctions between major, minor and administrative unit and course revisions and the associated rationale.

(9) The course proponent or nominee develops and reviews courses and course components  in collaboration with the:

  1. Faculty Course Team;
  2. Course Feasibility Working Group;
  3. Course Assurance Working Group; and
  4. Course Quality Assurance (CQA) team.

(10) Members of the Course Feasibility Working Group develop the strategic case and course concept, the business case and course risk assessment for new course proposals.

(11) Members of the Faculty Course Team and Course Assurance Working Group:

  1. develop or revise the academic requirements and course risk assessment of new or revised courses and course components;
  2. develop or revise the academic case; and
  3. undertake or review a research capability assessment for HDR courses and bachelor honours degrees.

(12) As part of course development, revision, suspension and closure, members nominated to the Faculty Course Team and Course Assurance Working Group must consult with:

  1. nominated members from business units, as required such as  Student Recruitment, Marketing & Media; Library & Learner Experience; Study Skills; InclusionUC; Careers UC; and Education Partnerships;
  2. other faculties as required; and
  3. Institutional Quality Assurance, the International Office, and other key stakeholders when a course involves international students.

(13) A course may be revised or closed in response to activities including:

  1. interim monitoring course report (IMCR);
  2. comprehensive review report (CRR);
  3. those undertaken in the monitoring review and improvement of courses, such as course viability or demand; or
  4. a course component revision.

(14) If a non-award course corresponds to a unit in an award course, they must be reviewed together. The delegated authority for the approval of the creation and subsequent revisions of a non-award course that corresponds to a unit in an award course is Curriculum Committee, following endorsement by the faculty Dean.

(15) Academic requirements must meet the requirements of the Course Policy.

(16) Education Partnerships will ensure contracts and agreements are developed, reviewed and approved in accordance with the Course Delivery by TPP Policy and Course Delivery by TPP Procedure.

(17) Course and unit development and revision templates, and the course risk assessment must be reviewed for accuracy by the course proponent or nominee in consultation with the Associate Dean, Education (ADE) or equivalent prior to required quality assurance reviews and academic governance.

(18) Courses can be approved/accredited and reaccredited for a period not exceeding seven years. Academic Board may extend the accreditation end date of a course with appropriate rationale.

(19) With the exception of editorial/typographical corrections, errors in course and unit data  identified after approval/accreditation and reaccreditation require reapproval by the delegated authority in accordance with Schedule 1 to ensure a record of correction. This requires provision of a corrected version of the Course Assurance Pack or Course Assurance Summary (whichever contains the error(s)) and a covering memo.


(20) Course development and major course or course component revisions require a workplan, taking into account:

  1. expected workload requirements;
  2. initial briefings, workshops and meetings including governance meeting dates;
  3. Go to Market Process including associated due dates for curriculum configuration and recruitment activities; and
  4. course implementation requirements such as Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) registration, when required.

(21) Approval for new and revised courses and course components are recommended to follow the best practice timelines specified below. In extenuating circumstances revised timelines may be negotiated with the relevant stakeholders.

  1. Courses with semester 1 and 2 delivery commencement by July and October respectively, of the previous academic year; 
  2. Courses with winter term delivery by September of the previous academic year; 
  3. Study block 1 to 6 delivery a minimum of four months prior to the commencing month; and 
  4. New or revised units no later than September of the previous academic year.

Part B - Course development and revision

New course proposals

(22) A course that has not previously been approved or accredited by Academic Board is referred to as a new course.

(23) Specific changes to academic requirements of a course may require an existing course to be approved or accredited as a new course, refer to Schedule 1.

(24) Circumstances that may require accreditation as a new award course are described in the TEQSA Guidance Note: Changes in a Course of Study That May Lead to Accreditation as a New Course.

(25) A new course proposal must have an initial briefing to discuss process, determine working group members and raise and resolve potential issues. Participants in the initial briefing will include at a minimum the course proponent or nominee and a member of Course Quality Assurance.

(26) An academic case is required for a new course proposal, which must include the monitoring, review and improvement (MRI) schedule in accordance with the Course Procedure - Monitoring, Review and Improvement.

Determining course feasibility

(27) A new course proposal requires a strategic case and course concept, business case, course risk assessment, and a due diligence assessment of a Third Party Provider (TPP) when a new TPP is involved.

(28) When a new course proposal involves a major research component, consultation with the Dean, Graduate Research School is required to review the strategic case and course concept.

(29) The strategic case and course concept must include any associated course and course component closures.

(30) A business case requires:

  1. a market analysis, including sector research and a summary of the projected size and demand of the market;
  2. forecast load;
  3. proposed fees;
  4. proposed expenses;
  5. work integrated learning requirements, such as availability of placement hosts;
  6. a financial analysis; and
  7. a due diligence assessment when the new course proposal is to be delivered by a new TPP (a due diligence assessment may be conducted prior to development of a business case).

(31) The faculty Dean has delegated authority to endorse a new course proposal strategic case or course concept to the Course Proposal Viability Panel 1 and the business case to the Course Proposal Viability Panel 2.

(32) The Course Proposal Viability Panel 1 has delegated authority to approve a new course proposal strategic case or course concept.

(33) Course Proposal Viability Panel 2 has delegated authority to approve a business case. The Panel may endorse the suspension of an award course or closure of an existing course (either immediately or following teachout).

Research capability assessment

(34) A new course proposal must have a research capability assessment when the course is:

  1. Bachelor Honours degree; or
  2. a HDR course, including Masters by Research, Professional Doctorate, or Doctor of Philosophy.

(35) A research capability assessment requires:

  1. alignment with University research priorities and activities;
  2. identifying overlap or duplication of research;
  3. availability of suitably qualified and experienced supervisory staff;
  4. availability of facilities within the faculty or research centres, or through other arrangements such as collaborative arrangements within the University or with external institutions and organisations;
  5. discussion on the integration of students into the research activities;
  6. advice provided by the Course Advisory Group and relationship to coursework courses;
  7. relationship of the research to the aims and/or objectives of professional bodies, where required; and
  8. rationale for a new specialisation or field of study, where relevant.

Course revisions

(36) Revisions to a course may be major, minor or administrative. Refer to Schedule 1.

(37) A major revision to a course may require an initial briefing depending on the revision and the impact on the course. Participants in the initial briefing will include at a minimum the course proponent or nominee and member of Course Quality Assurance.

(38) A revised academic case must be provided with all major course revisions.

(39) Schedule 1 provides the delegations of approval for course revisions.

(40) Unless specifically approved otherwise by Academic Board, revisions to a course will only apply to new students commencing from a specified teaching period. If course revisions are to be applied to existing students the proposal must specify transition arrangements for existing students to minimise detrimental impact on students. Transitional arrangements are managed at the faculty level.

Course suspension and closure

(41) An award course may be suspended to new admissions (suspended).

(42) A course may be closed to new admissions and closed (either immediately or following teachout) (closed). Course closure may be determined on projected student completion dates using factors such as student status (domestic or international), study load (full time or part time) and academic progression to date.

(43) Courses will remain in ‘teachout’ no longer than 1 year after the last admission of students are expected to complete the course.

(44) Any proposal for award course suspension or course closure including immediate closure of an award course must consider impacts on applications and offers already made, and any applicable teachout or transition arrangements for existing students to ensure existing students are not disadvantaged.

(45) Any proposal for award course suspension or course closure including immediate closure  of award courses which are CRICOS-registered and open to admission for international students on student visas must consider obligations under the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000, and be undertaken in consultation with Institutional Quality Assurance, the International Office and the Global Admissions team.

(46) A faculty Dean may approve a temporary pause of up to six weeks on applications and offers for new admissions in accordance with the University of Canberra Courses and Awards (Courses of Study) Rules.

(47) The Dean, Graduate Research School must be consulted when an award course with a major research component is recommended for suspension or closure.

(48) Education Partnerships must be consulted when a course delivered by a TPP is to be suspended (award courses) or closed.

(49) The status of any relevant non-award courses must be considered when any associated award course is to be suspended or closed.

(50) When an award course is suspended admissions remain open from the end date of the suspension period until the course is reopened after two years or course closure is approved.

(51) Academic Board has delegated authority to suspend an award course to new admissions.

(52) Council has delegated authority to close an award course.

(53) Ongoing interim monitoring and reaccreditation of award courses is required for courses that have been suspended or closed that still have students enrolled, including retention of external professional accreditation. Refer to the Course Procedure - Monitoring, Review and Improvement.

(54) The Faculty is responsible for monitoring student enrolment in an award course that is suspended or in teachout including their academic progress and course progression. Variation of Course Requirements (VCR) may be applied in accordance with the Variation of Course Requirements Policy and Variation of Course Requirements Procedure.

(55) Students in teach out courses will be advised they must complete their course no more than 1 year after the minimum course duration. Students who are likely to exceed this duration will be supported to transfer to other courses or enroll in equivalent units at UC or via cross institutional study.

(56) When the University no longer offers an award course, applicants who have accepted an offer will be managed in accordance with the Admission (Coursework) Policy and Admission (Coursework) Procedure.

(57) The Business Support and Innovation (BSI) team are responsible for providing a report on award courses that have been suspended or are in teachout at each Academic Board meeting.

(58) The faculty Dean is responsible for notifying the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor as soon as possible of any intention of suspending or closing a course or course component (unit sets including majors and minors, but excluding units), so that the DVC can notify the Government as required.

Part C - Development and revision of course components including units

(59) Schedule 1 outlines:

  1. requirements for when a new component (major, minor or unit) is required;
  2. requirements for major, minor and administrative unit revisions;
  3. delegations of approval for new and revised course components.

(60) The ADE or equivalent has delegated authority to approve co-taught unit offerings.

(61) A revision to work integrated learning (WIL) that impacts placements, internships and industry projects must be in consultation with Careers UC.

(62) If a new unit is developed or closed which is part of a required unit set (major or minor) of a course the unit set must also be revised.

(63) Unless specifically approved otherwise, approved revisions of majors, minors and units will only apply from a future specified teaching period.

Part D - Quality assurance

(64) The Course Quality Assurance (CQA) team will be responsible for undertaking quality assurance reviews to advise on and support academic quality, educational integrity and student experience of new course proposals and course and course component revisions. 

(65) The Course Advisory Panel will consider and apply academic review to new course proposals, comprehensive reviews of courses for reaccreditation, and major course revisions in accordance with Schedule 1 and the Course Advisory Panel Terms of Reference.

(66) Quality assurance reviews ensure courses meet the requirements, where relevant, of:

  1. Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF);
  2. Higher Education Support Act 2003;
  3. Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021;
  4. Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000;
  5. National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018;
  6. academic requirements as stated in the University of Canberra Courses and Awards (Courses of Study) Rules 2023;
  7. University policies and procedures;
  8. professional accreditation standards and professional registration requirements (where relevant); and
  9. any other policy or legislation requirements.

(67) The course proponent or nominee will monitor implementation of recommendations provided by quality assurance reviewers and provide rationale where a recommendation is not implemented.

Part E - Academic governance and approval processes

(68) Schedule 1 provides the delegations of authority of the:

  1. Academic Board;
  2. Curriculum Committee;
  3. University Research Committee;
  4. Faculty Board; and
  5. ADE or nominee such as Head of School/Head of Discipline or equivalent.

(69) Curriculum Committee has delegated authority to approve new non award course proposals, revisions and closure.

(70) Faculty Board has delegated authority to endorse new non-award course proposals, revisions and closures to Curriculum Committee.

(71) Faculty Board may request a one-year extension to a suspended award course. Academic Board is the delegated authority to approve a one-year extension to a suspended award course.

(72) The faculty Dean has delegated authority to endorse to Faculty Board:

  1. new courses;
  2. new course components (majors, minors and units);
  3. course and unit revisions in accordance with Schedule 1;
  4. suspension of an existing award course to new admissions;
  5. closure of an existing award course to new admissions and course closure (immediately or following teachout);
  6. closure of course components;
  7. reaccreditation of an existing award course; and
  8. a one-year extension to a suspended award course.

(73) Delegations to approve changes to course fees and charges is in accordance with the University of Canberra (Fees) Rules 2022.

Part F - After approval

(74) Academic Governance and the Faculty Board secretariat will provide the resolutions and unconfirmed minutes of academic governance committees and Faculty Board decisions respectively to relevant faculties and business units.

(75) The Records Officer will ensure the academic requirements are entered in the Register of Courses, and:

  1. register new award courses open to enrolment to international students on CRICOS;
  2. open new courses to admission;
  3. open courses and course components to enrolment; and
  4. suspend award courses and close course components.

(76) The Associate Director, Institutional Quality Assurance is responsible for:

  1. registering and requesting removal of award courses on CRICOS; and
  2. providing advice to the Department of Education when an existing course registered on CRICOS has been closed or where course revisions impact international students for example a new course location is approved.

(77) Global Admissions publish approved new courses and revisions to courses in the University Admission Centre Guide, Universities Admission Centre online course search, and other domestic publications.

Student communications

(78) Student communications are managed by the faculty. The ADE is responsible for monitoring implementation of student communications.

(79) Existing students must be advised as soon as possible of course suspension and closures using student communication templates for course suspensions/closures. Students enrolled in award courses must be given:

  1. the proposed new award course(s);
  2. proposed award course(s) commencement dates;
  3. their options, including remaining in the existing award course or transferring to the new award course;
  4. a revised study plan as required;
  5. the time in which the award course must be completed; and
  6. information outlining any consequences of not completing the award course within the timeframe specified in Clause 72(e).

(80) Students enrolled in a non-award course that has not yet commenced must be advised as soon as possible of the course closure.

Records management

(81) Records of course development, revision, suspension and closure must be maintained in accordance with the DITM and Records Management Policy Manual and the Records and Information Management Policy, and the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021.

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Section 5 - Roles and responsibilities

Academic Board
Academic Governance
  • Liaise with Course Quality Assurance (CQA) regarding templates and course and unit timeline approvals.
  • Provide Student Connect and Student Recruitment, Marketing & Media with academic governance resolutions and draft minutes of course development, revision, suspension and closures.
Associate Dean, Education (ADE) or equivalent
  • Quality assure strategic case and course concepts, business case and course risk assessments for new course proposals and revised courses, new and revised course components prior to quality assurance reviews and academic governance.
  • Refer to Schedule 1 for delegations of authority.
  • Approve co-taught units.
  • Monitor the implementation of student communications for award course suspensions and course closures. Participate in Course Advisory Panel in accordance with the Course Advisory Panel Terms of Reference.
Associate Director, Institutional Quality Assurance
Careers UC
  • Liaise with the Faculty Course Team and Course Assurance Working Group when required.
Course Advisory Panel
Course Assurance Working Group
  • Develop and revise academic requirements, academic cases and course risk assessments for new and revised courses and majors, minors and units, and research capability assessments where required for new course proposals.
Course Feasibility Working Group
  • Develop the strategic case/course concept, business case and course risk assessment for new course proposals.
Course proponent or nominee
  • Request and attend initial briefings for new courses, and course revisions when required.
  • Monitor the development and revision of courses and course components.
  • Develop and maintain course development and review workplans.
  • Quality assure strategic case and course concepts, business case and course risk assessments for new course proposals and revised courses, new and revised course components prior to quality assurance reviews and academic governance.
  • Monitor implementation of recommendations from quality assurance reviewers.
Course Proposal Viability Panel 1
  • Delegated authority to approve a course strategic case and course concept of a new course proposal.
Course Proposal Viability Panel 2
  • Delegated authority to approve a business case of a new course proposal.
Course Quality Assurance (CQA)
  • Scheduling of Course Proposal Viability Panel meetings, initial briefings, Course Assurance Working Group workshops/meetings and Course Advisory Panel meetings.
  • Attend initial briefings.
  • Provide course development and revision processes and respond to faculty queries at initial briefings or on request.
  • Quality assurance review of new course proposals and revised courses and course components (see Schedule 1).
  • Management of course documentation including templates.
Curriculum Committee
Dean, Graduate Research School
  • Provide advice to Course Feasibility Working Group, Faculty Course Team and the Course Assurance Working Group on courses that have a major research component.
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor
  • Provide Government information regarding award course suspensions and/or closures of courses, majors and minors.
Data Analytics
  • Develop market analysis as part of course feasibility.
Education Partnerships
  • Manage communications with students following final approval.
Faculty Board
Faculty Course Team
  • Develop the strategic case and course concept of a new course proposal and course risk assessment.
  • Develop and/or revise the academic requirements of a course or course components (major, minor or unit) in consultation with business units.
  • Develop and/or revise the academic case for new course proposals and revised courses.
  • Implement and respond to recommendations from quality assurance reviewers in consultation with the course proponent or nominee, providing rationale where a quality assurance reviewer recommendation is not implemented.
Faculty Dean
  • Delegated authority to:
    • endorse a strategic case and course concept and business cases to the Course Proposal Viability Panels 1 and 2, respectively; and
    • endorse changes to units delivered by other faculties.
  • Provide DVCA Office the courses intended for award course suspension and/or course or course component closures (unit sets including majors and minors, but excluding units).
  • Delegated authority to endorse to Faculty Board:
    • new courses;
    • new course components (majors, minors and units);
    • course and unit revisions in accordance with Schedule 1;
    • suspension of an existing award course to new admissions;
    • closure of an existing award course to new admissions and course closure (immediately or following teachout);
    • closure of course components;
    • reaccreditation of an existing award course; and
    • a one year extension to a suspended award course. 
  • Publish approved and accredited new courses in the Universities Admission Centre Guide, Universities Admission Centre online course search, and other domestic publications.  
  • Nominee to liaise with the Faculty Course Team and Assurance Working Group when required.
Head of School/Head of Discipline (or equivalent)
  • Delegated authority to approve revisions to course level academic roles.
Library & Learner Experience
  • Nominated member to liaise with the Faculty Course Team, Course Feasibility Working Group and Course Assurance Working Group when required.
Manager, Inclusion UC
  • Liaise with the Faculty Course Team and Course Assurance Working Group with reference to inherent requirements.
Manager, International
  • Liaise with the Faculty Course Team and Course Assurance Working Group when required.
Student Recruitment
  • Liaise with Faculty Course Team, Course Assurance Working Group and Quality Assurance when a course is opened or closed to international students when required.
Institutional Quality Assurance (IQA)
  • Nominated member to liaise with Faculty Course Team and Course Assurance Working Group when required.
  • Consult with the International Office when required and other key stakeholders when a course involves international students.
  • Participate in Course Advisory Panel in accordance with the Course Advisory Panel Terms of Reference.
Student Connect
  • Nominate a member to liaise with the Faculty Course Team and Course Assurance Working Group when required.
  • Respond to academic governance resolutions.
  • Enter the academic requirements in the Register of Courses (this responsibility is delegated from the Records Officer).
  • Open new courses to admission.
  • Open courses and course components to enrolment.
  • Suspend award courses and/or close courses and course components in the Register of Courses.
University Council
  • Delegated authority to close an award course.
University Research Committee
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Section 6 - Definitions

Academic Board
As defined in section 19 of the University of Canberra Act 1989.
Academic case
Alignment of the academic requirements of a course with the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021.
Academic requirements
Administrative revision
A unit or course revision that is a management revision or an academic revision that has an administrative impact e.g., change in program director/course convener. Refer to Schedule 1 for administrative course and unit revisions.
Has the same meaning as defined in the University of Canberra (Conferring of Awards) Rules 2022.
Award course
A course of study at the University of Canberra leading to an award.
Course closure
The formal closure of a course, subject to any teachout required for existing students within the course. No new admissions are permitted and the course cannot be reopened with the existing course code. Council approves course closures.
Course component
Course requirements
Are the course components and their associated credit points that must be completed to achieve the associated award and may include:
  • required units;
  • restricted choice units;
  • elective units;
  • majors; or
  • minors.
Coursework is a method of teaching and learning that leads to the acquisition of skills and knowledge that does not include a major research component.
Coursework course
One of the following Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications that has been approved by the University’s Academic Board:
  • diploma;
  • advanced diploma;
  • associate degree;
  • undergraduate certificate;
  • bachelor degree;
  • bachelor honours degree;
  • graduate certificate;
  • graduate diploma;
  • masters degree (coursework); and
  • masters degree (extended).
A lower level qualification where a student may choose to exit from a higher level course if they do not wish to continue in the higher level course into which they were admitted or an alternate exit point within the same AQF qualification level.
Graduate attributes
Has the same meaning as in the Graduate Attributes Policy.
Higher degree by research (HDR) course
A structured sequence of learning that includes a major research component and is one of the following Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications that has been approved by the University’s Academic Board:
  • masters degree (research);
  • doctoral degree (professional); or
  • doctoral degree (research).
Honours component
This is the set of units and/or unit learning outcomes for an embedded honours in an undergraduate course. The honours component must meet the academic requirements for bachelor honours degree as specified in the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
Inherent requirements
Initial briefing
A discussion on process, type of course changes, working group membership, business unit consultation requirements and identification of any issues prior to course development. An initial briefing may be required for a course revision.
Interim monitoring
Regular interim monitoring is a term used in the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 (see Standard 5.3). It describes a range of activities a university is expected to undertake to inform and support comprehensive review of a course. The requirements for interim monitoring, for the purposes of this procedure, incorporates UC-specific activities and data. 
Major revision
A course or unit revision where the revision(s) require academic scrutiny and/or may have consequential impacts on teaching and learning, research, service delivery, legal and compliance, health and safety, ethics and reputation and financial that are of a major or higher risk according to the Resilience Management Framework and Risk Management Plan. Refer to Schedule 1 for the distinction between major, minor and administrative course and unit revisions.
Minor revision
A course or unit revision where the revision(s) may have consequential impacts on teaching and learning, research, service delivery, legal and compliance, health and safety, ethics and reputation and financial that are of a minor to moderate risk according to the Resilience Management Framework and Risk Management Plan. Refer to Schedule 1 for the distinction between major, minor and administrative course and unit revisions.
Non-award course
A course of study that does not lead to an award of the University, such as a short course. A non-award course is not recognised as a qualification in the Australian Qualifications Framework.
Register of Courses
Has the same meaning as in the University of Canberra Courses and Awards (Courses of Study) Rules 2023.  Also referred to as the Digital Handbook.
Study pattern
The typical sequencing of units across successive teaching periods to enable students to complete their course within the standard duration. A study pattern may be for full time or part time study or may support accelerated completion.
Suspended to new admissions (suspended)
When Academic Board approves the suspension of new admissions to a course (or course offering) for a specific calendar year or teaching period(s), in accordance with Rule 6(2) of the University of Canberra Courses and Awards (Courses of Study) Rules 2023. In this situation, the course will continue to accept applications for commencement after the suspension period end, unless it is subsequently approved for closure.
Teaching period
The period of time between when a course is closed to new admissions to when there are no enrolled students.
Work Integrated Learning (WIL)
A form of learning where theoretical knowledge and disciplinary skills are integrated with authentic work experiences and practices within relevant professional contexts.