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Joint and Dual Award Courses Policy

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Policy outlines the University's principles and requirements for the management and development of joint and dual award courses, and the production of testamurs and graduate statements for joint and dual award courses.

(2) This Policy should be read in conjunction with the:

  1. University of Canberra Courses and Awards (Courses of Study) Rules 2023;
  2. Course Policy;
  3. Course Procedure - Courses and Course Components;
  4. Course Procedure - Courses and Course Components (Development, Revision, Suspension and Closure);
  5. Course Procedure - Monitoring, Review and Improvement (MRI);
  6. Course Procedure - Combined Teaching;
  7. Assessment Policy and Assessment Procedures;
  8. Course Delivery by Third Party Providers Policy and Course Delivery by Third Party Providers Procedure; and
  9. Academic Staff Qualifications and Professional or Industry Experience Equivalence Policy and Academic Staff Qualifications and Professional or Industry Experience Equivalence Procedure.
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Section 2 - Scope

(3) This Policy applies to all staff at the University of Canberra (the University) who develop, deliver and manage joint and dual award courses.

(4) This Policy applies to:

  1. joint award courses offered at Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) levels 5–10 leading to the award of a single qualification that is jointly conferred by the University and one or more third-party providers (TPP), either nationally or internationally; and
  2. dual award courses offered at AQF levels 5–10 leading to the award of two separate qualifications (either at the same AQF level or at sequential AQF levels) conferred by the University and a third-party provider, either nationally or internationally.
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Section 3 - Principles

(5) Joint and dual award courses are typically developed with higher education providers that are themselves an award-issuing institution (for qualifications at AQF level 5 or above, or international equivalent) and are recognised as such by the appropriate national government.

(6) Similarities and differences between joint and dual award courses are summarised in Table 1.

 Table 1: Comparison between joint award courses versus dual award courses.
  • Single qualification (joint award) with one testamur conferred by the University of Canberra and one or more Australian or international third-party providers.
  • A joint course is a collaborative arrangement where one or more institutions develop and/or deliver a course. Joint courses do not necessarily lead to joint awards.
  • Two qualifications conferred separately by the University of Canberra and an Australian or international third-party provider, each with its own testamur.
  • The dual qualifications can either be at the same AQF level (such as two Bachelor degrees) or sequential levels (such as one Bachelor degree and one Masters degree).
AQF Level
  • AQF 5–10
  • AQF 5–10
Course of Study
  • A course of study that is developed and/or delivered jointly by the University and a TPP. There is close collaboration in course and curriculum design, course delivery, and award requirements.
  • Two separate courses of study with varying academic or administrative interdependence.
  • Students may be enrolled at either one or both institutions.
  • Students must be enrolled at both institutions.
Course Duration
  • Usual course duration of the relevant AQF level.
  • Students may be able to complete two awards in a shorter timeframe than if completed separately.
Mode of Study
  • Can be delivered and completed fully on campus, online, or with a mix of delivery modes.
  • Can be delivered and completed fully on campus, online, or with a mix of delivery modes.
  • Requires an agreement between two or more providers.
  • Requires an agreement between the two providers.

(7) Joint and dual courses and awards must be consistent with the Australian Qualifications Framework.

(8) Future students must meet the minimum requirements for study at the University set out in the:

  1. University of Canberra (Admission) Rules 2022;
  2. Admission (Coursework) Policy and Admission (Coursework) Procedure;
  3. Enrolment Policy and Enrolment Procedure, and
  4. Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Policy and Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Procedure (where relevant).

(9) The University is responsible for the academic integrity of a joint or dual award course through effective policies and measures. Processes to ensure academic integrity and protect the University’s interests must be explicitly addressed in the agreement.

(10) Provision of joint and dual award courses should clearly protect and enhance the University’s academic reputation, position and brand name.

(11) Agreements must be developed in collaboration with the Legal Office and in accordance with the Course Delivery by Third Party Providers Policy and Course Delivery by Third Party Providers Procedure.

(12) Dual award course testamurs, Australian Higher Education Graduate Statements (AHEGS) and any other documentation confirming a student’s completion of a dual award course must reference all relevant (sub)national legal frameworks under which the degree was awarded in accordance with the:

  1. University of Canberra (Conferring of Awards) Rules 2022; and
  2. Academic Certification Policy and Academic Certification Procedure.

(13) Joint award course testamurs, academic transcripts and AHESGS template requirements are provided in the Joint and Dual Award Courses Procedure.

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Section 4 - Responsibilities

UC staff with the delegated authority to sign agreements
  • Ensuring that an agreement is signed regarding proportionality for the joint award course, and that arrangements for total credits to be completed at the University follow this Policy and its accompanying Procedure and other related policies as specified.
  • Agreeing to (before commencement of the course) all arrangements regarding fees, management of learning content, delivery arrangements and location, contractual and legal requirements, agreement on the testamurs, transcripts and Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS), confirmation of who is to be the host institution and who will consequently arrange the conferrals for the joint courses.
Associate Dean, Education (ADE) (and Associate Deans, International, where required) or Deputy Dean
Course Convener/Program Director (or equivalent)
  • Working collaboratively with the partner institution(s) Course Conveners (or equivalent) to ensure effective courses are delivered in accordance with the Course Assurance Summary.
Student Connect
  • Producing testamurs, transcripts and Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) documents which adhere to University and government policy.
  • Arranging conferrals for students completing a joint award and dual award, where the University of Canberra is the host institution.
Student Wellbeing & International Support (SWIS)
  • Monitoring University compliance and related management processes where the joint or dual award course is offered to international student visa holders, including those offshore.
Graduate Research School
  • Ensuring that specific arrangements required for HDR students are supported, documented and monitored.
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Section 5 - Procedures

(14) This Policy is supported by the Joint and Dual Award Courses Procedure.


A supplementary statement to qualification certification documentation that provides information to enhance understanding of the qualification by students, employers, industry, professional associations and internationally. The Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement is issued only on award of a qualification (AQF Glossary of Terminology).
The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is the national policy for regulated qualifications in Australian education and training.
Dual Award
Two separate qualifications at either the same AQF level or sequential AQF levels, conferred by the University of Canberra and one third-party provider, either nationally or internationally.
Joint Award
A joint award is an award granted and conferred on the basis of completion of a joint course under a formal agreement between two or more institutions.
Joint Course
A collaborative arrangement where one or more institutions develop and/or deliver a course. Joint courses do not necessarily lead to joint awards.
A testamur is an official certification document that confirms that a qualification has been awarded to an individual. (AQF Glossary of Terminology).